So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1486: Positive against the enemy

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-six chapters are facing the enemy

Yang Ming’s heart was amazed at the keen sense of Jetson! He is a killer. Although his footsteps are not as good as Wang Xiaoying’s family, he is also a superb butterfly, but it is also superb. Yang Ming can not disturb a bird’s passing through the grass, but it is inspired by Jetson. Arrived!

This made Yang Ming feel a little pity for a slight sigh. I wanted to try to attack this Jetterson, but now it seems impossible. This Jetson can't be underestimated!

"I won't let you wait." Now that he has been discovered by the other party, Yang Ming is naturally not ready to hide. He walked out from the bushes covered by the side: "You are Jetson? Kwetan's watch." brother?"

"Hey, your news is well-informed," Jetterson did not admit, but did not deny it. He snorted and seemed to disdain to talk to Yang Ming.

"Talk about your background, look at your skills, not like a nameless generation," Yang Ming said faintly: "Do you really want to be in the Lancer family?"

"My background, naturally there is no need to tell you." Jetson smiled coldly: "Tonight, you will become a victim, and will not leave here alive, so it is meaningless to say this to you."

"Oh, since you are so sure that I will become a dead person, it is no harm to talk about it. I want to die if I die?" Yang Ming smiled faintly, and seemed to not put his life and death at heart.

"Kids, don't have to talk nonsense, don't think about something unrealistic, want to explore my bottom?" Jetson looked at Yang Ming with a blank expression: "However, telling you is no problem."

It’s not a secret thing that Jetson comes from the center, so there is no need for Jetterson to hide. Since Yang Ming wants to know, it’s fine to talk about it. In the eyes of Jatson, Yang Ming has become a It’s dead, and it’s not bad to let him die.

Yang Ming slightly slammed the dagger and signaled that Jessson said that he could find out the details of some enemies. Yang Ming would not deny it. However, Yang Ming is also wary that Jetson will suddenly attack!

After all, the two sides are in a state of hostility. What is the degree of trust in speaking? If Jetson suddenly made a mistake at the moment when Yang Ming was caught off guard, it would be impossible. However, Jatson does not seem to have this meaning at all. He is too arrogant. He is not afraid of Yang Ming running away or suddenly shooting. Or is he a righteous gentleman, have one to say one?

"Kid, listen, I am from the center, a mysterious place you can't imagine. You are dead, no one will avenge you. Of course, no one dares to avenge you, offend the center, 哼哼..." Jetson said the word "center", and suddenly he showed a revered look.

center? Yang Ming has a slight glimpse. He has never heard of this place. He does not know what this place is doing. Is it an organization or institution? It sounds like it is.

"The center? Is it very powerful?" Yang Ming asked not salty.

"I don't know," Jetson shook his head. It seemed that he didn't bother to explain to Yang Ming: "Because you die, if you don't come here, you can't arbitrarily go to the ordinary." People shot, but since you sent it to the door, hehe..."

Yang Ming’s heart glimpsed and suddenly pointed his attention to the apex. Jitterson was going to attack. Yang Ming couldn’t prevent it, but from Jetson’s words, Yang Ming heard a message, that is The people in the center seem to be unable to take the initiative to deal with people, which makes Yang Ming feel relieved!

Although Yang Ming doesn't know where the center is, but since it is an organization, there must be a lot of people. If you really want to kill this Jetson today, just run out of the center. When Tson came, he could hardly cope with it. Not only that, but after that, the butterfly family and the Buffon family were so enemies, it was endless trouble.

But since Jetson said so, Yang Ming is taking a reassurance.

A flying pin was stuck in the palm of the hand. This is the means of assassination that Yang Ming tried and tried. Even if it is facing the enemy positively, Yang Ming is sure to let the enemy eat a dark loss!

After all, the world is not ancient, how can there be so many hidden weapons? The most important thing to watch out for in the current fight is the guns, which are against the smashing guns of the other side, and no one will think that there are people in the world who will use flying needles to hurt people!

This is also one of Yang Ming's cards. The reason why I dare to come here to face Jetson is because the flying needle is in hand. Yang Ming has 100% confidence to hit Jetson. As for Jetson, can it be hit? Deadly, Yang Ming can't guarantee it, but it shouldn't be better.

Therefore, when Jetson’s figure suddenly moved and stood up from the seat of the pavilion, Yang Ming had already calculated the position of Jetson’s neck to move next, and a flying needle came out. Directly directed to Jetson.

"Oh..." The flying needle shot on Jessson's neck, but it didn't shoot into the skin, but was left by Jetson and left on the ground: "What stuff, mosquito?"

Jetson, actually, nothing? The flying needle hit Jetson, and Yang Ming saw it clearly, and he was proud of it. Without any effort, he hit it, but the result was beyond his expectation. The flying needle did not hurt Jatesen. Minutes, even the skin is not scratched, is there any precautionary measures on the neck of this person?

However, Yang Ming had no time to think about it, and Jetson had already got up and bullied Yang Ming, and a pair of giant hands slammed into Yang Ming!

Yang Ming’s eyes crossed a confusing look. Isn’t Jetterson a master of martial arts? How could this be? Although Jateson's speed and strength are very fierce, but it is so rushing, there is no trick at all, and there are flaws everywhere, so that a person can actually eat Wang Qishan? This makes Yang Ming feel incredible.


Although Yang Ming felt incredible, he slammed into the small abdomen of Jetson. This is one of the weak points on the human body. No matter men or women, once this position is hit hard, it will not be better! Therefore, Yang Ming believes that Jetson can't avoid dodging, and under the dodge, Yang Ming has already thought about it!

"Hey--" Yang Ming's foot hits Jetteson's little belly, but Yang Ming's mouth is a painful embarrassment. What does Jetterson's abdomen wear? How could it be so hard? Yang Ming is like a kick on a large stone, almost kicking his ankle kick!

However, this is not enough to make Yang Ming unexpected, and even more outside is still behind, Jessson does not seem to feel the general, his hands still catching Yang Ming! And his expression, in addition to a hint of ridicule, there is no painful expression after being hit!

This accident made Yang Ming suddenly shocked, because Jetson did not go back to the small abdomen, and did not have any painful reaction after being hit, but still maintained the original speed and rushed over! This made Yang Ming's subsequent moves completely lost, and could not be used at all!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming’s upper body was bent to the back, and the whole person became an arch! However, even so, still can not completely escape Jetson's blow!


Yang Ming’s shirt was caught by Jetson, and he smashed it. Yang Ming’s head was sweating coldly. If it was caught on his shoulder, wouldn’t he tear off his own meat? Or, even the shoulder blade is broken, maybe!

How is this person's strength so big? When Yang Ming thought about this, he used both hands to support the ground, and both feet left the ground at the same time, and slammed it over to Jetson. At the moment, Jetson leaned over the upper body and kept the trend toward Yang Ming. Yang Ming’s feet are directly on the face of Jetson’s face!

This foot, almost used all the power of Yang Ming's whole person, Yang Ming is self-confident, even if it is a powerful person, it will be injured at this moment, it is very likely that the head will be kicked off or maybe!

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