So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1514: I don't know, I know

The first thousand five hundred and fourteen chapters I don't know, I know

"Nothing! Nothing to say to you, if there is no major event, don't bother me!" There was a man's impatient and blunt voice in the room. It was obviously Locksky, but what made Yang Ming unexpected was He actually speaks Chinese, although he is somewhat blunt, but he is so fluent!

This time, it has saved a lot of things for Yang Ming. Since there is no difficulty in communicating, Yang Ming does not deliberately use the ability to see through ideas.

However, if you want to come, some of you will definitely not speak Russian. Let them learn to speak Russian. It is not as simple as the learning of Chinese in Lokovsky. Moreover, they are now developing forces in China, and it is more convenient to learn to speak Chinese.

Yang Ming saw that Lokovsky didn't open the door, and he didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with him. He lifted his leg and kicked the door and kicked it. He flew straight down the room and squatted in a beautiful woman. At the neck, the glamorous woman is leaning over the squat of Lokovsky. She still didn’t understand what was going on, she was killed by a door, and before the death, due to conditioned reflexes, her teeth were bitten. Lockersky was tragedy, and the scream of "嗷" became an international eunuch.

The other beautiful girl saw such a shock, suddenly stupid, subconsciously screamed, but before she continued to call her, Yang Mingyi raised her hand, a flying knife fell into Her throat was straight and fell on Lokowski.

"Who! Who are you!! @#¥%..." Rockowski also took care of the pain in the lower body at the moment, jumping from the bed, and there was a few words in the speech that Yang Ming could not understand. The Russian vocabulary is clearly a subconscious reaction in a crisis.

"You are looking for a pistol?" Yang Ming saw Rockowski's rushing back and forth, and shook his head helplessly. This person is too young. He can also be a deputy lord of this quality. The men are much better than him. At the very least, the brother can pull out the gun in time, and the Lokovsky can't find the gun anywhere.

However, it is no wonder that this guy is full of arrogance and extravagance. There are a group of people under the guards who watch the door. He naturally has nothing to worry about, and he was finally sent to China to become a group of gangsters. He naturally wants to enjoy it. Otherwise, I will go back to the headquarters one day and I can't enjoy it. So every day, eating, drinking, and having fun has forgotten what he is vigilant.

Even, even the self-defense pistol could not find any place in the moment. Yang Ming looked at him and groped around, and found no more than three places. The result was not found yet, and even the shadow of the gun was not seen.

" do you know?" When he heard Yang Ming say his purpose, Lockersky’s action suddenly became stagnant, and he stopped there, watching Yang Ming in amazement.

Yang Ming is really speechless. Can he be a deputy helper with this kind of security awareness? Originally, Yang Ming thought that after going upstairs, he had to spend some time to control this Lokovsky, but now it seems that this guy has to deal with him and he is insulting his own skills.

"Your gun is in the gap between your bedside table and the bed. I don't know if you deliberately hide there, and then forget it, or you accidentally fell in. You don't even know..." Yang Ming shrugged, right. Locksky reminded.

"Ah!" Rocksky was shocked and suddenly remembered. It was true that when he played with a few young girls for a while, he used a pistol to make props. After he finished, he didn't know where the pistol went. I didn't care at the time, but I gradually forgot it. Now that Yang Ming was so reminded, I realized that it was accidentally falling into the crack of the bed.

However, how did Yang Ming know? Lokovsky extended to the bedside consciousness and stopped again. Since Yang Ming was able to tell him the position of the gun, and he had no scruples, so he was so fearless that he couldn’t dare to think of Rockefsky. Go get the gun.

"Who are you? How do you know?" Lockesky looked at Yang Ming in horror. At this time, he was awake. The other party was able to kill two people while raising their hands. Then they went to take the gun. I haven't waited for the gun before I got the gun. I am afraid I have already been killed by the other party.

"You still haven't stupid enough to come home. If you continue to find a gun, I am afraid that your arm will be separated from your body." Yang Ming smiled and walked forward, reaching out from the gap between the bed and the bedside table. The gun was taken out, but the smell of the unique woman's body fluid on the gun made Yang Ming suddenly nausea, and immediately thought of the purpose of the gun. The disgusting one almost didn't spit, this is the kind of Lokovsky. The perverted anger was so violent that he inserted the pistol into the mouth of Lokovsky, and inserted a few times back and forth in his mouth to solve the hatred of his heart, and then threw the pistol behind him.

Yang Ming is not afraid of leaving fingerprints or anything. Originally, this time, he also told Chen Fei and others that Yang Ming’s special status is not to be afraid of anything, follow-up work, how to coordinate with the police, naturally It’s falling on Xia Bing’s body. It’s easy to come to him to deal with this kind of thing, and I don’t have to worry about it.

Insulted by Yang Ming, Lokovsky did not dare to speak. Although the lower body was painful, he did not dare to call out loud. He was afraid that Yang Ming was in a hurry and he had no life.

"Who are you? Why come here?" Rockowski is going crazy, Yang Ming has not said a word about his coming here, I don't know the purpose of Yang Minglai, in the heart of Lokovsky. Seven up and down, it is impossible to calm down.

"Chen Mengxi, where is the man now?" Yang Ming found a bag of wet wipes from the table, took out a wipe and rubbed his hand, then asked.

"Chen Mengxi!!" Rocksky first glimpsed, then immediately remembered this Chen Mengxi is who is also! However, it is no wonder that he will sneak a sneak peek. After all, the names of the Chinese and the Russians are different, and the difference is very big. However, Lokowski should not pay too much attention to the name of Chen Mengxi, only know that this girl is used to exchange Nicholas Sevich, so After reacting for a long while, I realized the taste: "I know, you are a Songjiang policeman! How can you be so cruel? Even if you suspect that I am a suspect, I can’t do this to me. I have to complain to your superior. you!"

Lockesky is subconsciously like the oldest brother, and thinks that Yang Ming is a police person! I don't blame him. Chen Mengyu is the daughter of the Songjiang police chief. This incident was caused by the police's viciousness. Therefore, Lokovsky took it for granted that the person who came here to find Chen Mengyu must be a police person.

At the thought of this, Lokovsky has enough strength. Since you are a police person, how can you treat the suspect like this? Are you afraid of causing international disputes?

"Sorry, I am not a Songjiang policeman. I am Chen Mengyu's boyfriend!" Yang Ming's cold words directly smothered Lokovsky's fantasy.

" are the girl's boyfriend?" Rockowski's eyes showed an incredible look: "I don't believe, how is this possible?"

"Believe or not, you have nothing to do with me," Yang Ming snorted. "What I want to know now is, where is Chen Mengyu now, I hope you can think clearly and answer!"

"I - I don't know!" Rocksky hesitated, but said an answer that made Yang Ming somewhat unexpected.

Yang Ming did not expect this Lokovsky to be hard-pressed, actually said no! Yang Ming looked at Lokovsky carefully. I am afraid, this is the only strength of this guy, compared to the previous brother.

"You should know what kind of person I am, don't think that I don't dare to kill you," Yang Ming said coldly. "Before I killed two people in front of you, I don't mind if you have one more!"

"I... I know!" Rocksky said quickly.

Yang Ming is dumb, and he scares him, he actually knows? Is this guy too awkward?

This is somewhat unexpected from Yang Ming. Originally, Yang Ming also intended to use some means.

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