So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1710: Unlucky Fan Jinzhe

The first thousand seven hundred and ten chapters of the unlucky Fan Jinzhe

However, if the body is not ill, it does not mean that the grievances will not take their own lives from other aspects. Fan Jinzhe still dare not take it lightly. He asked the relationship to find a way, and finally contacted a Master of Wutai Mountain, the Master of the Three Rings.

The masters of the three precepts are said to have a strong mana. They have lived more than 150 years old. They have passed through the heavens and passed through the underworld. They can talk to the gods in the sky and talk to the evil spirits of the sin.

The masters of the three precepts also have deep knowledge in demon slayers. I heard that a big boss named Lai Changyi was riddled with foxes and was hacked by the three masters.

Otherwise, Lai Changyi will die. The major hospitals have said that they have not saved. The three masters have found the root cause.

Fan Jinzhe heard that the Master of the Three Rings was so powerful, so he quickly found the relationship and took the heavy money to the Master of the Three Rings.

"Master..." Fan Jinzhe stuffed a red envelope into the hands of the Master of the Three Rings.

"Money is a thing outside of the body. If you really need me to take it, you will naturally want you to have some incense money afterwards, but I will not collect the money before I shot it." The three masters said indifferently.

Supreme! High! Fan Jinzhe saw the appearance of the three masters of the sacred wind, and could not help but secretly nod and praised himself. He did not find a character like these immortals before, but which one is not the first lion, he has to pay a large sum of money. At the beginning of the pretense, I drove my own ghosts and drove them for a long time. I was invited to go to Laojun and please come to Guanyin. Please come and go. At the end, I didn’t feel any change. I said that I have already The grievances drove away.

Fan Jinzhe thinks how to feel unreliable! In particular, the forefoot was driven over here, and the hind foot went to another immortal teacher. After listening to his narrative, the immortal teacher said that the grievances are back! The former Master's mana did not work, and he needed to re-apply.

When Fan Jinzhe had a hot head, he believed it, and spent a lot of money, gave the immortal teacher, and let the immortal teacher help to remove the grievances. As a result, the immortal teacher was also asking God and asking for ghosts. The chaos said that he had helped him to break the grievance into the eighteenth floor of hell.

Fan Jinzhe thought that since the first immortal deceived himself, then isn’t he spending money? Then the imposing look of the go back, the result of the immortal teacher heard his intentions, shouting that Fan Jinzhe was fooled!

Fan Jinzhe is embarrassed, how can he be fooled? So the first immortal teacher explained that he had already practiced to drive away the grievances of Fan Jinzhe. As a result, Fan Jinzhe found another two-five-and-a-half-small sorcerer, and the rituals were done, and the grievances were given. Back to Fan Jinzhe's body!

It stands to reason that Fan Jinzhe is a very intelligent person, and will not be fooled by anyone, but it makes Yang Ming scared, and some patients are in a hurry to go to the doctor. Fan Jinzhe is stupid, and he believes that this first immortal teacher said if.

Fan Jinzhe hurriedly asked this first immortal teacher. What can I do if this grievance comes back? That immortal teacher said, forget it, I am a good man to do the end, send the Buddha to the west, you give me a fragrant fire money, I fight the danger of losing mana, must send away the grievances of your body.

Therefore, Fan Jinzhe believed again, once again spent a large amount of incense money, gave the first fairy teacher.

The first immortal was a practice, and then said to Fan Jinzhe, yes, the grievance finally left.

When Fan Jinzhe breathed a sigh of relief, his heart was not stunned, and the second sorcerer got the grievances back to himself. He had to spend a lot of money in vain, so Fan Jinzhe went to the second sage. Let me talk back.

As a result, this can be done well. After Fan Jinzhe went to the second immortal, the second immortal watched Fan Jinzhe back. When Fan Jinzhe spoke, he pointed to Fan Jinzhe: "Wait! Don't talk, I know why you are coming!"

Fan Jinzhe, my heart, do you know why I am coming? Do you know that your mana is not working, and I am looking for you in the east window? However, Fan Jinzhe still asked: "So, why did you come to me?"

"Are you going back to the first immortal?" The second immortal asked Fan Jinzhe.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Fan Jinzhe is even more strange. Did this second fairy school have a similar experience before? Someone came back from the first immortal to find him to settle accounts?

"Nature is calculated." The second fairy teacher looked at Fan Jinzhe with a mysterious look. He shook his head in a pity: "Unfortunately, unfortunately! Finished, finished, a good person is finished."

Fan Jinzhe listened to the words of the second immortal teacher, and heard the clouds in the fog, frowning: "What do you say about it? What a pity is over? Can you explain the white point? Who? How is it that one person is finished?"

"It's natural to say you." The second immortal shook his head. "According to my calculations, after you left me, I went to the immortal teacher before, isn't it?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Fan Jinzhe was even more puzzled this time, and could not attend the trouble of finding this second fairy teacher.

"How?" The second sorcerer shook his head: "Unfortunately, unfortunately, did you find another statute for him?"

" do you know?" Fan Jinzhe was even more surprised. Is this second immortal teacher so powerful? Can you count it? Then how can his mana still not work?

"Oh, the grievances on your back are back! I have seen it! You said how I know!" The second immortal teacher pointed to Fan Jinzhe: "I have spent so much effort to put your grievances on you." The spirit has driven away, and you have got it back!"

"Ah?!" Fan Jinzhe opened his mouth and was completely dumbfounded. Hey, I don't know how to be good! He was originally coming back to ask the teacher to ask for sin, but the second sentence said that the sentence was accurate, so that Fan Jinzhe had to believe that he was really a mana, and even he went to the first immortal. come out!

Yes, it must be the first Xianshi pit to lie to yourself, next to the spicy, it must be like this! The guy wants to pay more for himself, and the mana is not enough, and the resentment is brought back!

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe was shocked and scared. He even said: "Master, then what do you say I should do now?"

"What to do? How can I do it?" The second immortal shook his head. "I can't help you. If you want to find someone, go find it."

Fan Jinzhe heard the second master did not say anything, you give me some incense money, I am trying to drive away the danger of mana loss, and Fan Jinzhe thinks that the first immortal is a liar.

If the second fairy teacher wants to lie to you, how good is it to say this directly? Why do you still can't help?

Fan Jinzhe's "Yu Tong" slammed on the ground: "I am a good teacher, you can help me, I am... I beg you, how much does not matter!"

"It’s not a question of not having money. It’s because I’ve been expelling you from the grievances today. I’ve lost a lot of mana.” The second sage said: “You give me more money, and I don’t want to lose more mana. It is."

As soon as the second immortal teacher said this, Fan Jinzhe heard that there was a door in it, but the second immortal teacher was not willing to lose mana, but it was not impossible!

So Fan Jinzhe said: "Master, save a person and win a seven-level float. You see, you are also a person who has become a fairy. You should know that helping his talent is the greatest merit?"

After listening to Fan Jinzhe's words, the second immortal hesitated for a long time, then nodded and said: "Well, then I will help you again, but help back, incense money is indispensable."

"This is natural!" Fan Jinzhe quickly nodded and said yes.

Therefore, the second immortal practiced again to help Fan Jinzhe drive the wraith out.

After Fan Jinzhe paid the incense money, he had to blow up. This first fairy teacher is not too bad! I almost killed myself, and I must not let him go! Be sure to give him some color to see!

After Fan Jinzhe came out from the second immortal, he was mad at the first immortal! This time, he must poke the first immortal, and then return to the money he had paid before.

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