So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2187: Know them

Chapter 2,187, know them

"This..." Yang Ming’s heart is very contradictory at this moment. After listening to Fang Tian’s words, he feels a little sad! Yang Ming is an old man. If it is not a last resort, Yang Ming will not do anything to hurt his friends.

Even if these friends betrayed him, if they can repent, Yang Ming will choose to forgive them!

Tian Donghua, Tian Long and Wang Xue are all the same. Guo Jianchao is also the case, including Zhou Jiajia and Jing Xiaoyu who used to have a little misunderstanding with themselves. At the moment, they have also become women of Yang Ming, including Ge Xinyao and Yang Ming who once bullied Lin Yuyun. Also chose to forgive.

Therefore, if Dong Jun really repented, Yang Ming would not give him a chance to change.

"Why, are you hesitating?" Fang Tian asked.

"Yes, I do have some hesitation..." Yang Ming said: "Master, this thing, Dong Jun brother knows? Are you showing up with him?"

"How? Is this very heavy?" Fang Tian asked.

"It's very important!" Yang Ming solemnly said: "I want to know his attitude. If he has remorse, he is willing to admit the mistakes he made before, and he has changed himself since then. I think, we may not be able to give him a chance... ..."

"Hey, Yang Ming, you are still too soft!" Fang Tian sighed and said: "You are not a successful killer, but it is a successful apprentice, younger brother!"

"Oh, is there a difference? The killer doesn't have to be cold-blooded?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Sometimes, forgiveness is also a correct approach... After all, he is my brother, if I inherit the king of the killer Position, then he is my younger brother. Isn’t it more tolerant to the younger brother? However, what I want to know is why he has to target me, for reasons and reasons? If there is a reason to explain, then Master, I want to give him a chance..."

"Well, if that is the case, then I will give you the ins and outs of this matter, all of which will be told to you!" Fang Tian nodded and said: "Then, after you listen, let's make a final conclusion. You think it's time to forgive him. Forgive me, you don't feel forgiven, just talk to me just fine! You have grown up, this matter will be handed over to you!"

"Well, you said!" Yang Ming nodded and said. (To be continued 89 free novels read "")

"Things are like this..." Fang Tian said, and he will tell the story of Yang Ming. The reason why he said in detail is that he wants Yang Ming to understand the whole process of Dong Jun’s handling of Yang Ming. It can make Yang Ming more clearly and objectively judge whether Dong Jun has any mistakes, how many mistakes, and how much responsibility he has to bear.

Yang Ming quietly listened to Fang Tian's explanation. At the beginning, I heard that Dong Jun was because of his own appearance, so that he could not inherit the name of the king of the killer before he started to attack himself. This made Yang Ming very angry! Since you don't want me to join, what else do you invite yourself to do?

However, Yang Ming later understood that his own appearance, Dong Jun could not reverse, Fang Tian fancy himself. In order not to show his feet, he could only let himself go under the door of Fang Tian. Of course, wait for Yang Ming. I heard about the center. When I heard about Dr. Benjamin, Yang Ming’s eyes widened and opened his mouth!

“Center? Dr. Benjamin?” Yang Ming’s two names are still fresh! When I was in Europe, Yang Ming had a conflict with the Douglas family in order to save Wang Qishan, so that he played against a man named Jetson. Later, he and Liu Ye together in Las Vegas, once again met. A person named Kevin, like Jetterson, has a diamond body that is invulnerable. From their mouths, they have two names, one is the "center" and the other is "Dr. Benjamin"!

It can be said that even if there is no Dong Jun, Yang Ming and the center have already formed hatred. Of course, if the center does not continue to find Yang Ming’s trouble, Yang Ming is too lazy to take care of them. After all, the Yang Ming Center’s stronghold is not in the mysterious investigation bureau. The jurisdiction, but also has nothing to do with his own island, Yang Minggan, so many hearts, to pay attention to the center and Dr. Benjamin's things?

However, when Fang Tian said Dong Jun and the center's grace and resentment, and said the purpose of Dr. Benjamin, Yang Ming's heart suddenly burst into a burst of anger! Dr. Benjamin actually wants to find Dr. Suya and Dr. Sun Sikong?

Looking for Dr. Sun Sikong, Sun Sikong is a scientist whose technology is not under him. If he wants to be found, he will not suffer, but Suya... In this case, Yang Ming cannot be ignored!

Moreover, Dong Jun also explained his mind and purpose. Yang Ming did not have so much hatred for him before. After all, Dong Jun is also a poor person. If Yang Ming is in his point of view, perhaps Will also make some irrational things...

And Alice is actually his sister? This made Yang Ming laugh and laugh. Although Yang Ming had long felt that Alice had problems, she did not contact Dong Jun. However, it turned out that they were actually a family!

Moreover, Dong Jun actually pleaded in front of Fang Tian, ​​even if he could not spare him, let him protect his sister. In this sentence alone, Yang Ming was softened... Yes, who did not want to protect?

For the freedom of his sister, Dong Jun is willing to die. At this moment, Yang Ming also forgave Dong Jun’s previous actions! If it is oneself, in order to cherish them, perhaps it will also do something that hurts others. This is human nature.

"Why, is there any problem?" Fang Tian also heard the strangeness in Yang Ming's tone, so he asked.

"There is a problem... Is there a problem?" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "For the center and Dr. Benjamin, I didn't hear it for the first time. Not only that, but I also played with the masters from the center!"

"Oh? Master from the center?" Fang Tian asked, slightly.

“Not bad!” Yang Ming said: “Dr. Benjamin is a very powerful person. He can turn ordinary people into steel people and become invulnerable. You remember that when I was in Europe, I saved Wang Qishan. What about the father-in-law?"

"Oh? It was that time, did you fight with Dr. Benjamin?" Fang Tian asked.

"Yes, that is the time!" Yang Ming said, and he said the situation at the time and Fang Tian carefully, because I was afraid that Wang Xiaoying and others would be worried after listening to it, and at that time the Lanser family was completely Yang Ming was ruined, so Yang Ming did not say much.

But now, for Fang Tian, ​​Yang Ming is one of the 15th and 10th to say things out.

(To be continued 89 free novels read "")

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