So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2189: How do you know her?

"At the beginning, I came here. In fact, together with Mo Kongwen, it was to protect the small leaves, but inexplicably, there was a place called the center and a Dr. Benjamin directed against me..." Sun Sikong tells His strange experience...

"When the father of the leaves left, he also moved his technology group to the outer planet. There is almost nothing left here, so there can be no residual enemies, but this Dr. Benjamin is really Inexplicably appeared, and after he appeared, he started to target me..."

"I was pretending to be a scavenger in Songjiang City. I had a good relationship with a little girl. For my sake, the little girl was implicated and I didn't know how she was..." Sun Sikong sighed and said. : "I think it's a little embarrassing!"

"Don't you know her news?" Yang Ming suddenly groaned, and asked strangely: "Does she also have a pair of glasses? Can't you receive information on glasses?"

"Although she also has glasses, but her eyes are the first generation of immature products, there is no function of the information launch, and your glasses are the second generation of mature products, so there is such a function..." Sun Si Kong said: "I was originally prepared to give this glasses to the people around the small leaves, so that it can also protect the small leaves, but at that time, Kong Kongwen chose you... Could it be, you really thought, I am fine. Going to your school gate and going to the stall?"

"Hey...does it..." Yang Ming heard this, and suddenly he was shocked to see it in the ink, and the ink-and-air article was a god. He knew it. It was already in the inkfield that he had already figured it out. Liu Ye’s side is not his friend?

"Nothing wrong, I have already calculated the cause and effect of today!" Mo Kongwen smiled and nodded to Yang Ming: "So, this pair of glasses will appear on you!"

Yang Ming listened to the dialogue between the two people and suddenly realized that it was like this. It is no wonder that he was strange before. Since Sun Sikong is a Ph.D. in science, such a powerful flying saucer can be invented, and what kind of booth is there?

But now it seems that his approach is fruitful. If he can become a teammate of Liu Ye, he can appear in the side of Liu Ye in several dangerous tasks, then this glasses may not be handed over to Yourself!

"It turned out!" Yang Ming nodded.

"But... I am a little strange, Yang Ming, how do you know that the little girl also has a pair of glasses? Could you know her, and you will share the secrets of each other?" Sun Sikong said strangely: "Is it not?" Are you not afraid of leaking secrets to each other?"

"Sun Grandpa, the girl you said, is Suya?" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "At first, I thought that you gave me the glasses because of Suya's relationship... but now It seems that it is not as simple as I thought."

"Because of the relationship between Suya?" Sun Sikong frowned. "Why do you say that?"

"Because... Suya is my girlfriend..." Yang Ming sweated: "She is my first love..."

"Isn't it so clever?" Sun Sikong was also surprised: "So, I am wrong, I actually gave these two glasses to a couple?"

"Ha ha ha ha, there are reasons for fruit, this is the so-called cause and effect!" Ink said, but he laughed: "I didn't think so carefully, but in the middle, Yang clearly is the most suitable to get. The person in glasses is not only because he will become a friend of the small master, but he also attached other conditions, but those are not important to my original intention at the time, so I did not continue to calculate!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Sun Sikong said with a smile: "Suya, is it okay now?"

"Of course.... Her current identity is the big star Shuya..." Yang Ming did not have to hide it for Sun Sikong, and said truthfully.

"What? Big star Shuya?" Sun Sikong did not speak, Xia Xuexian jumped excitedly: "Yang Ming, are you talking about it really? Shuya is actually Suya? No, I am at the seaside. I have seen Suya, she and the big star Shuya, are two people?"

"Her glasses, can be easy to contain..." Yang Ming said, and he demonstrated it himself. Immediately, Yang Ming's face turned into a look of Liu Ye, and he was shocked by Xia Xue!

"Yeah, is this glasses so powerful?" Xia Xue looked incredulously at the "Yang Ming" in front of him and exclaimed: "Not only can you see through, but also be easy?"

"Oh, yeah, so, the big star Shuya, is the Suya after the easy-to-ler!" Yang Ming nodded and restored his original appearance.

"This is the case... I knew that you can change your capacity, let you disguise yourself as a right elder, and kill him so much, why bother?" Xia Xue complained with some sighs.

"I think too, but before, when I didn't play, who knows that he is so difficult?" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "Really handed over, he was cheated once, and it is too late to use other tricks." ......"

"I said, everything has its own consequences, so don't regret it..." Ink Kongwen interjected and smiled: "If you directly deal with the right elders, can you still see us?"

"This is true!" Yang Ming nodded and agreed.

"If you directly deal with the right elder, can the small master meet Yiyi? Can you meet Mr. Liu Tianqi? Mr. Yang Kong continues."

"Yes! You are not wrong, there must be fruit!" Although Yang Ming did not understand the words of the ink, but he had to admit that his words are still very reasonable.

"The original Shuya is Suya, then why don't you tell me early? I was in charge of her signature!" Xia Xue said with some regrets.

"You are her fan?" Yang Ming looked at Xia Xue strangely.

"Yeah, I like her very much!" Xia Xue nodded and said: "When I was in school, I liked her very much!"

"After that, you can see her every day, want to sign or take a group photo, or you are her child's mother or she is your child's aunt, you like it..." Yang Ming said.

"Well?" Xia Xue gave a slight glimpse, and immediately turned red, and understood the meaning of Yang Ming!

When the mission is over, they are out of the valley together. Then she is not going to follow Yang Ming’s seclusion on the island? At that time, Suya must have gone with him. Can you really meet every day? (To be continued)

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