So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2239: ended

Blue Grandma, Lan Ling, Zuo Elder, and all the people of Lan Miao Village witnessed the whole process of confrontation between the right elder and Yang Ming, and also understood the dialogue between them. Everyone's face has a weird expression!

This right elder is really killed by forgetfulness. It is estimated that this last big killer card was thought out in the case of his forgetfulness. He was full of loopholes, but he did not know it. The result was not only not able to be dealt with. Yang Ming, how about Yang Ming, but let Yang Ming smash a big bargain!

Therefore, after he knew the truth, he directly vomited blood to the ground and fainted in the past...

Of course, if Yang Ming did not take the full version of Vajra, then he had to admit that the right elders’ abacus was really good! As long as Yang Ming does not want to die, he must regularly use his blood to sing his own poison, so that Yang Ming will become a dangerous person, and will be wiped out by the mysterious investigation bureau. Yang Ming cannot be harmed by others!

The right elders can not be said to be insidious and sinister, and Yang Ming has been hit into a land of eternal annihilation!

However, he did not take into account the special circumstances of Yang Ming. Yang Ming was not threatened not because of his incomplete vajrapana, but because of this incomplete King Kong, he did not break the body of Yang Ming King Kong!

You must know that Yang Ming is now a lot more powerful than those who are big men of the Golden Bell. It is a monster that can’t be invaded by fire and water. Even if it is impossible to die by the stone, it will break the meteorite!

Although there is no strong attack power, I want to rely on the strong slash of the body to crush the rocks and steel. That is a breeze. Even if you jump from a high altitude, you won't fall to death. It's a monster-like person!

After the moment when the right elder's incomplete King Kong and Yang Ming's body were merged, Yang Ming also deeply realized his strength!

No wonder the former elders are so difficult to deal with. It’s just that they can’t catch and fight, and they can’t fight, because no matter what kind of tools you use to lock him up, he can rely on his body’s tyranny to smash and flee, even with missiles. He can't kill him!

In other words. Any weapon or tool is ineffective to him, although he may not be able to help you, but you can't help him!

Even the high-tech of Sun Sikong. Still no effect on the right elders, even if it is a high-tech laser cannon, it is estimated that it can cause any harm to the right elders, and now Yang Ming is such a feeling!

This is a kind of sudden and strong self-confidence, confidence in your physical tyranny! It seems that the right elders are so confident that it makes sense!

Now Yang Ming, there is a strong feeling, even if it is facing the unknown flying saucer of Sun Sikong, Yang Ming also has the ability to use the body to crash it into scrap iron! I don’t know if this strength is that the incomplete version of King Kong and King Kong has become stronger after the integration, but Yang Ming has no way of knowing...

It is estimated that when the right elder wakes up again, it will become a person who does not remember anything. Without the reminder of those papers, the right elders will not remember Yang Ming and others...

The right elder now, obviously, has not forgotten some common sense, the logic of words, and the words, but just forgot some people and things, but I am afraid that over time, these abilities will be forgotten one by one, until he is nothing. When I remember, there was no difference between it and the idiot.

Looking at the right elder who used to be incomparable, now lying on the ground, Yang Ming is full of emotion!

have to say. The right elder is a personal talent, actually the King Kong is so powerful, but it is such a person, and ultimately lost!

This is estimated to be the biggest opponent Yang Ming encountered in his life, at least so far. The most powerful opponent!

Better than him, Yang Ming can only say that it is a fluke!

Good times and people. Indispensable.

Of course, after inheriting the ability of the right elder, Yang Ming has a feeling of invincibility. Even if he is facing the center again, facing Dr. Benjamin, Yang Ming has a confidence to win!

Maybe, I can't tell you how, but you can't take me anymore!

It is a relatively easy thing to negotiate with the center with such strength and let Dong Jun restore freedom.

However, the most regrettable thing for Yang Ming is that the right elder is so finished. He can't force the incomplete version of his body in the body, and give Lin Dongfang and Liu Ye, so that these two people will also Become invincible.

Although Yang Ming’s body also has this incomplete version of King Kong, but Yang Ming is not a right elder, not the secret of the right elder, and it is impossible to force the body’s viciousness to infect others, so Only Yang Ming can have this super strong body...

"Do you still fight?" The left elders saw that Kun and He Gaolian had given up their resistance, so they stood there so silly and overwhelmed.

"I...we surrendered..." Kun inch and Hei Gao looked at each other and raised their hands. The general trend has gone. The fools know that they are not opponents of the left elders, let alone standing next to the blue lady and blue. Ling!

The small think tank also sighed and said: "The right elders are already like this. The right Miaozhai natural name is dead, no longer exists, we are willing to rely on Blue Miao Village..."

"Take a blue Miaozhai is not the mouth, and the three of you, after returning, are no longer the commander, but a lower-level prisoner than the ordinary Miaozhai people, will limit your freedom of movement, but in In the blue Miao Village, you will not bully you. As long as you have completed your daily work, you are still the same as everyone else. Is there any objection?" asked the elder left.

Regarding how to deal with the problem of the right Miao Village, Lan Miao Village has already met and studied before. As long as these small leaders are limited, there will be no problem. Others are simply scattered sand, and some have no strength. Ordinary people, it is impossible to pull out the storm!

"Yes!" Black high and Kun inch nodded. In the eyes of both of them, it would be good not to die. Captives will be captured, at least better than slaves? Life-saving is the most important thing.

However, the small think tank is saying: "I am a person, there is no strength, let me do hard work, I guess it is not good, there is no civilian work, what is the plan, even if it limits my freedom, shut me up, I really can't do it!"

"Small think tank, as for your question, look back at your performance after you go back! You are the most loyal to the right elders, don't think we don't know!" Blue grandmother snorted. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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