So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2265: One more villa

After chatting for a while, I set off to go to Yang Ming’s villa. When I was about to leave, Yang Ming received a call from Chen Mengyu!

"Dream? What happened?" Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"The food in the house is ready, and your women are back!" Chen Mengxi smiled and said: "However, Xiao Qing sister did not come back, is she with you?"

"You are still a god, she is by my side!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Is everyone else back?"

"Well, except for Sue Sister, everyone else is back, and Liu Thrush is coming..." Chen Mengxi said.

"Ah? She is coming too? Today, she came, not very good?" Yang Ming smiled.

"It's not good enough. When you look at it yourself, anyway, I agree. I don't care." Chen Mengyu said.

"Well, let's go back soon!" Yang Ming smiled and hung up the phone.

Yang Ming's villa, whether it is Yang Dahai and Yang Mu, or Liu Weishan and Chu Huifang, are the first to go. After all, everyone is very busy, Yang Ming is not at home, Yang Dahai is not good to take the initiative to go to Chen Mengyu. Where the girl lives!

Moreover, most of them are usually accompanied by Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia to visit them at home, and there is almost no time when they take the initiative to contact Chen Mengxi.

"Da Ming, you villa is quite big!" The car stopped at the door of Yang Ming Villa, Yang Dahai said with a deep sigh.

In the past, he had never been here, just listening to Yang Ming saying how comfortable the villa is, but it is somewhat reluctant to the old neighbors of the old neighborhood, and there is a kind of attachment and disappointment to the old house, but now, see Yang Ming This villa is a bit new and tired!

After all, when I first became the chairman of the board, Yang Dahai didn't feel anything. The neighborhood was old neighbors of the old neighborhood. He felt that everyone had a long-standing relationship with each other. Living together and taking care of each other is very good!

However, for a long time, Yang Dahai also found that it was not the case. The old neighbors in the old neighborhoods in the community saw some people in the company as the small leaders of the department, and they began to envy and felt that they had been using them for many years. The relationship with Yang Dahai, walking around and moving can also be a small leader, even if it is not a manager level, is it a small person in charge?

So, these people began to invite Yang Dahai to eat and give Yang Dahai some gifts. At the beginning, Yang Dahai was obstructed by the old neighbors in the old neighborhood, but he also helped them arrange some positions in the company, but after all, this company Although it is his Yang family, but it is Yang Ming, Yang Dahai can not be a crony?

Moreover, some relatives who have relatives and children in their homes, and neighbors who have no work, have asked for a job with a company that wants to come to Yang Dahai, and started to arrange a few people. Yang Dahai also helped. After all, people have opened their mouths and asked you to eat. You can't help if you don't help!

But these people are more, and Yang Dahai is also embarrassed! The company has a company's recruitment system and conditions, always have a relationship, and the impact is not good. Although he is the chairman of the board, the company said that, but Yang Dahai also saw it, so it will not work!

Next, the banquet of those who did not go, the things that others brought during the holiday season, also took it back!

However, in this way, the relationship between Yang Dahai and neighbors can no longer be the same as before. At this time, people in the community also understand that Yang Dahai is no longer the former Yang Dahai, and the people are directors. Long, it is impossible to mix up with your old neighbors in the old neighborhood, and it is impossible to change the company's personnel system because of one sentence.

In order not to ask for trouble, Yang Dahai usually goes to work and slaps his face. He no longer greets others and treats his subordinates with a slight nod...

In this way, Yang Dahai feels that there is no meaning. In the position of the chairman of the board, it is impossible to maintain the friendship with the neighbors of the old neighborhood. Those people are all connected with Yang Hai with awe and purpose, and Yang Dahai can only avoid it...

Therefore, over time, Yang Dahai did not want to live in the former community. He had already wanted to move away. However, his son was not at home and went to perform his duties. Without safe return, Yang Dahai did not have any moving mind. But when I got here, I saw Yang Ming’s villa, but I also gave birth to some thoughts!

"Dad, would you and Mom also move over? The villa next to it is awkward. She moved to live with me now, and the villa is empty!" Yang Ming saw his father's heart, with his fingers. Said the villa on the side said.

“Hey?” Yang Haiwei glimpsed, not knowing who Yang Ming said, but the name of the girl is, and moved to live with Yang Ming? What does it mean? Yang Hai subconsciously understood what, looked at the villa next to Yang Ming, and looked at Yang Ming: "You haven't even let the neighbors pass? The neighbor's girl, you are also you...".

"No...", Yang Ming suddenly sweated and realized that he said that he had missed his mouth, but he had to explain: "No, I was not a neighbor when I met her, but because of some chances, they were together. ...and, I and she, in fact, are officially married, her family is in the Butterfly Fortress in Europe, we have already held a ceremonial ceremony...".

"Ah? Marriage contract? Why don't I know?" Yang Hai looked at Yang Ming inexplicably. He didn't know what he was saying: "What are you getting engaged with? I am your father, I don't know?"

"This...this is a long story!" Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "The reason why I am so powerful is that there is a master, and my master, and this girl’s family, have a marriage contract, just let him The disciples marry this".

Yang Dahai and Yang Mu heard the fog: "That is, you have another girlfriend?"

"Thinking...the nightmare also knows!" Yang Ming quickly lifted Chen Mengyu out, saying that Chen Mengxi had no opinion.

"That, Qingqing, you know?" Yangmu looked at Xiao Qing and asked.

"Of course I know that we live together every day..." Xiao Qing said with a smile: "We have a very good relationship. You don't have to worry about what unpleasant things will happen!"

"Hey, Daming, I am a mother who can't see you anymore. It seems that since the third year of high school, you suddenly made a blockbuster, not only admitted to a good university, but also made money, and joined the mysterious investigation bureau. Well, the woman around me is also a girl who is still a beautiful girl who knows the book...", Yang Yang shook her head.

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