So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2277: Yang Ming’s determination

Dong Jun said here, hesitated, and then sighed: "I am hiding in a very safe place, but Dr. Benjamin already knows that I betrayed you...".

"Ah? Dr. Benjamin knows that you betrayed him? How is it possible?" Yang Ming stunned.

"I don't know..." Dong Jun said with a bitter smile: "I don't know if the person around the right side of the old man is out of the disclosure or my own problem. It may be right-handed and old. There are also classes. Dr. Jieming’s eyeliner... You know, the center’s power is huge, and they have a lot of eyeliners...”.

"What do you mean, you are being helped by the right long-handed person?" Yang Ming asked.

"It should be, there may be people who are right-handed and old, and there are people from Dr. Benjamin. It is also possible that they are people from Lan Miao Village. This is hard to say." Dong Jun said: "I help you after all." Things are not secret in You Miao Village and Lan Miao Village...".

"Sorry, I am tired of you...", Yang Ming did not expect Dong Jun to be exposed because of this matter! Before, Yang Ming didn't think too much, because in his opinion, Dr. Benjamin was so powerful that he couldn't reach his hand to the right, but now it seems that he is underestimating him!

Dr. Benjamin’s people can enter the Mystery Investigation Bureau and arrange them in the right Miao Village and the Blue Miao Village. Is it impossible to have a well?

"Of course, this is also a guess." Dong Jun shook his head and said: "This does not blame you, this is my own choice, and I will break with him sooner or later, just a little earlier than it is! Moreover, It is not necessarily the mistakes made by Lan Miaozhai and You Miao Village. As far as I know, in Songjiang City, the right long man is not only me, but he still has his men here, and his men are aimed at you. It’s not too difficult to find out about me! Dr. Benjamin is too sinister and the eyeliner is everywhere...”.

"For me?" Yang Ming slightly glimpsed.

"Well, according to reliable news, Dr. Benjamin is ready to investigate you. He seems to think that you have super powers, that is, special functions. He thinks that you and Dr. Sun Sikong should have some kind of connection and decide to deal with you, from you. Start, look for some clues...", Dong Jun said: "If I have not guessed wrong, Dr. Benjamin should not be far behind you...".

"Ban Jieming Bo buckle... I have not decided to deal with him, but he first started my idea!" Yang Ming was very angry after listening. Dr. Benjamin thought he was very good? Yang Ming originally wanted to negotiate with him, let him let go of Dong Jun and Alice, but did not expect that Dr. Benjamin actually put his mind on his head, then he can still keep him?

As the saying goes, I am not afraid of thieves stealing thieves, Yang Ming has decided to retreat to X Island. This is going to be remembered by Dr. Benjamin all the time. When I come to X Island to find some trouble, Yang Ming can still Can't live quietly?

Therefore, the only way for Yang Ming is to kill this unstable factor!

Since you have to deal with me, then good, then I will go to you first!

Of course, Yang Ming does not think that the Raspberry Army will lie to him. Because Dong Jun said, Yang Ming did not doubt that Dr. Benjamin has been looking for Dr. Sun Sikong and Su Ya. He wanted to find Sun Sikong. The doctor-related person now suspects that he has contact with Dr. Sun Sikong, and it is not too unusual and ridiculous to deal with Dr. Sun Sikong.

"Yang Ming, in fact, you don't have to worry, as long as you go to him and show your strength, then he will not dare to treat you..." Dong Jun said: "You are now older than the right." It’s still amazing. Dr. Benjamin was also the owner of the right-handed old man. He wanted to take the right-handed old man to study and research, but he didn’t dare because he was afraid that stealing chicken would not erode the rice, so I I think if Dr. Benjamin knows your strength, it will definitely not deal with you again!"

"Yes." Yang Ming smiled lightly and said: "I originally did this, but now, I changed my mind. I decided not to expose my cards first! Since Dr. Benjamin wants to deal with me, Then I will accompany him to play. Doesn't he want to deal with me? Then let him know, deal with my consequences and end!"

"Oh?" Dong Jun glanced, did not expect Yang Ming to say such a firm statement.

"Dong Jun, in fact, I am not brave and aggressive, but because Dr. Benjamin’s thoughts threaten me. If I don’t remove him, then he will definitely remember me, even if he is not my opponent now, but a few After time, if he has the strength to move me, he will still deal with me!" Yang Ming analyzed: "And, these are not counted, the most important thing is that I am fine, but the woman around me? I can't protect them around them all the time! And my family, my friends, if Dr. Benjamin can't deal with me, turn to my family to threaten me what to do? So, in the final analysis, kill him, yes My only choice!"

"Okay! Then it's done!" Dong Jun did not expect Yang Ming to make such a decision. However, this is also a good thing for Dong Jun. It can last forever. As long as there is no threat from Dr. Benjamin and the center, Dong The army will never worry about anything anymore, and he and Alice will be free.

"Where are you? I am going to find you?" Yang Ming asked: "After we meet, discuss the details."

"I am currently in Las Vegas..." Dong Jun said.

"Oh? How did you go to Las Vegas?" Yang Ming stunned. He didn't expect Dong Jun to go there. The last time Yang Ming went to perform the mission, he also went to Las Vegas, and the situation there was also compared. Familiar with it, the South City Casino in Las Vegas and the Douglas Hotel are all related to Yang Ming.

"According to my secret investigation, Dr. Benjamin’s central headquarters is located near Las Vegas, starting from Las Vegas Beach. On the high seas far away, there is an island where the center is. The headquarters!" Dong Jun said: "But the specific location of the island, I have not yet checked, but I have already confirmed that Dr. Benjamin's men are all coming from Las Vegas Beach!"

"That's good! You are waiting for me in Las Vegas, I will be in Las Vegas, will I contact you, or is this mobile number?" Yang Ming asked.

"No, I have to change the number. Although at present, my phone number is still safe, but it is estimated that it will be monitored by Dr. Benjamin soon. I will change your number to contact you!" Said.

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