So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2305: Wait patiently

Yang Ming barely saw how Dong Jun did it. The door was opened, and Dong Jun was also very natural to start the car. Then the car was adjusted and stopped directly at Yang Ming’s side. These actions were done in one go, just like this car. It was originally the same as Dong Jun, and he was not stolen at all.

Because, his action is like the owner unlocks the door and then starts the car!

These, although Yang Ming can do it, but it is absolutely impossible for Dong Jun to do so smoothly, and the thief is not a thief, but it is very powerful! Yang Ming opened the front passenger's door and sat in. Then Dong Jun drove the car and disappeared into the night with a smog... No one noticed that the car had been stolen.

In fact, Dong Jun saw at a glance that this car had a problem. This should have been a burglary. The frame number has been tampered with. As for the license and procedures on this car, I don’t know if it’s true or not. The deck, but these have nothing to do with Dong Jun. The more the car has problems, the more assured Dong Jun is.

"I said Dong Jun, you are skilled!" Yang Ming said with admiration.

"The worms are small and old, but they are old." Dong Jun said with a smile: "When you go out of Las Vegas and go to another town, you will destroy this car and get another one. ""

Yang Ming nodded, and the dark road Dong Jun considered it more thoughtful.

The car quickly went out of the city and drove all the way to what Dong Jun said. However, after passing through two small towns, the car that Yang Ming and Dong Jun are driving now has no petrol, and Dong Jun is also simply There is no plan to refuel. I went directly to a place in the wilderness. Burned directly by a fire.

Then, as in the case, at the door of a nightclub, a car suspected of stealing a car with a frame number was stolen! Most of these cars belong to some local members of the underworld. However, these people’s cars are not always right. Even if they are lost, no one will go to the police. They can only eat a dumb loss, but don’t worry about safety!

All the way through several towns, two people also changed four cars. In addition to the original old Audi a6, there is an old Toyota Camry, an old Honda Accord, the last one is a luxury car. It was a brand new Mercedes-Benz ml350, but I was afraid that it was also a car of the local underground racing gang. Dong Jun pulled out more than a dozen fake license plates from the trunk and hanged a pair and went to the destination.

The car is estimated to be followed by two people for a period of time, so Dong Jun stepped in place and finally got a relatively good car.

"Hey, I finally got a better car!" Dong Jun drove the ml350 and said with a smile, the few cars before. Almost all of the cars are about a decade old, and the performance is no match for the car.

"Fortunately!" Yang Ming said: "You are a good means, better than me. When I accept the apprentice, I have to rely on you to teach!"

"No problem, haha~!" Dong Jun smiled and said: "That is so fixed, I am a teacher, but my teacher is not a bit bad? Teacher is a thief?"

"I also teach him to kill people!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "But to say, let's take the apprentice, it is not necessarily a matter of a few years."

"This is true. First solve the situation in front of you!" Dong Jun nodded.

Yang Ming and Dong Jun drove the car to the front of a motel in Las Vegas. After parking, they got off the bus, just like a pair of ordinary friends who drove themselves. The people who travel by car here are everywhere, and they won't attract any attention at all.

Two people opened a room at this motel. The nature used is a false identity that does not attract anyone's doubts.

Early the next morning, Yang Ming and Dong Jun changed their casual clothes like other tourists, and then drove off the motel. They are going to the Las Vegas Beach Pier. It is not far from here. It can be said that it is very close. near.

On the beach in Las Vegas, Yang Ming and Dong Jun rented two sun umbrellas, a small table, bought some drinks and snacks, and laid them leisurely on the beach. They looked like they enjoyed it here. Tourists on the beach sun bath, because there are many people like them.

However, in fact, Yang Ming and Dong Jun’s eyes under the sunglasses have not stopped. They seem to be resting leisurely, but actually they are observing the speedboats coming and going. According to Dong Jun, the people in the center From here, I am driving a speedboat!

And Yang Ming and Dong Jun, naturally find suspicious people from these people!

The so-called suspicious characters are actually better recognized. The dresses of people who come from the center are definitely different from normal tourists. Their costumes must be very formal. They are not like tourists. They wear beach casual wear. Or swimwear, so people like this can be found with a little care.

Dong Jun was also judged according to this situation. He is the person who came out of the center. He naturally understands the dressing style of the people in the center and knows the special signs on their speedboat! Although there is no difference between the speedboat in the center and the speedboat driven by normal tourists, Dong Jun knows that the speedboat in the center and the speedboat of the tourists are absolutely different!

The speedboat in the center is modified. The most obvious feature is that there are two fuel tanks, one main fuel tank and one auxiliary fuel tank. The tourists can only drive the speedboat just too far near the seaside, so there is no need to worry about the problem of no oil. At the time, it will be first stepped.

However, the small island in the center is far away from here. A box of oil may not be enough. If there are some accidents in the middle, it will be even more useless, so the fuel tank is also normal. Another obvious difference is the speed. The center speedboat is special. The transformation is very fast. Although it will slow down when approaching the dock area, the speed from far and near is very fast. So if you observe a speedboat with a very fast speed in the distance, you can start to pay attention. The above situation is consistent, then basically it can be determined that the person on the speedboat has a relationship with the center.

However, Yang Ming and Dong Jun have been on the beach for two days, but they have not seen a speedboat that meets this condition.

Of course, Yang Ming and Dong Jun are not in a hurry. After all, the center cannot come to the shore every day, and even if they come, they don’t necessarily take the speedboat every time. If there is a need to purchase large quantities of living goods, they will still Choose a helicopter!

Only when Yang Ming needs something will he drive the speedboat to shore. (Monday)

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