So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2316: Start again

Dong Jun knows that Yang Ming said that he wants to act. He nodded, then stood up and asked the waiter to settle the account. Together with Yang Ming, he pretended to be a guest who had just finished eating. He slowly walked over to the pier. At this time, a colorful speedboat not far away is flying...

Yang Ming’s position is a dead end. No matter where the speedboat’s camera is installed, it’s impossible to capture Yang Ming and Dong Jun at the moment. Yang Ming’s ability to see the speedboat is naturally a perspective

Without this ability, Yang Ming would naturally not be so confident, killing people in this center without being discovered by Dr. Benjamin.

Yang Ming and the people on the speedboat are not far from the straight line, but Yang Ming is standing behind a big billboard at the moment, and Yang Ming’s eyes don’t seem to be on the speedboat, but under the billboard, selling A small stall of seafood...

Yang Ming’s hand seemed to be inadvertently waved. No one noticed that a flying needle had been launched along Yang Ming’s hand, like a sword directly immersed in the heart of the speedboat. The flying needle was placed in the body. The special flying needle that Yang Ming made will enter the human body and will be melted by the blood. There is no way to see the clue. Even if Dr. Benjamin takes it back, there will be no discovery.

Dong Jun knows that Yang Minghui will kill the people in the center, so at this moment it is very convenient to buy a few gadgets in the stalls of seafood products, and Yang Ming stood up, Dong Jun knew that Yang Ming had finished.

Two people took the seafood they bought and left here without looking back.

The center is still on the speedboat. The speedboat is not docked. It is only on the shore. He died on the speedboat. At this moment, no one has found it. It is estimated that Yang Ming and Dong Jun have already left here when he was discovered.

Yang Ming and Dong Jun turned around and went to a nearby parking lot to get on the bus, driving the car and heading straight to the motel where they stayed.

"Did it?" Dong Jun asked after getting on the bus.

"Get rid of it," Yang Ming nodded.

"It’s really fast, really good!” Dong Jun erected a thumbs up. He didn’t even know when Yang Ming’s hand came out. How did he get out of Yang Ming’s standing with him, but Yang Ming was inadvertently Completed an assassination once!

"Fortunately," Yang Ming said: "Our face can still be used several times, but it will take a long time to change. After all, if every murder case we are in the local police, I am afraid it will be suspected. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, we should be careful."

"This is true" Dong Jun nodded and said: "But my level of tolerance is limited. After all, my looks are placed here, even if it is easy to accommodate other things, it is also inseparable, I am afraid of the number of times. More, some people still doubt"

"That's okay, I'm not the same. Even though we are always two people, but every time I am different from the people before, then no one will doubt you. I can't do it. I can easily become a woman." Yang Ming said

"Haha, yes, I have forgotten that you are completely imaginary. I want to become what Nirvana becomes what Nie!" Dong Jun thought of Yang Ming's special function, but nodded.

Sure enough, as Yang Ming expected, he and Dong Jun had been away for ten minutes. Only when someone found out that something was wrong, because the people in the center were not docked in the water on the shore of the dock. There was no other speedboat before. After passing here, no one noticed, but now there are other speedboats to pass, and the speedboat in the center just blocked the passage, and naturally someone found it wrong.

When the docker called out loudly, let him drive on the speedboat or leave without fruit, the administrator found that something was wrong, so he sent someone to sail close, and found someone who had died in the center of the speedboat. !

So, the alarm of the alarm, screaming and screaming...

On the distant island of Fire Wolf, Dr. Benjamin looked at the monitor picture sent on the screen with a gloomy look. He did not think that his own people had not landed yet, and they died!

Before, he wondered why the speedboat did not land, but stopped at the dock not far away. Dr. Benjamin thought that something had happened!

Because the speedboat's automatic navigation program can only navigate to the vicinity of the dock, it is impossible to automatically stop the boat into the position of the empty speedboat. This step can only be done by the driver himself.

So, until someone shouted and said that the people on the speedboat were dead, Dr. Benjamin was shocked. It turned out that his own people were dead.

This situation made him angry and angry, he did not find out when people died!

Of course, the body of one’s own person is definitely not in the hands of the police. Let’s not talk about the devices on the speedboat. Dr. Benjamin himself wants to understand how his own person died, so he is holding those people. The action of landing the police started the automatic return function of the speedboat. Therefore, the speedboat quickly returned to the center base of Wolf Island with an extremely fast speed!

The administrator on the shore was afraid of destroying the murder case. So after seeing the person on the speedboat die, he did not touch it again. He wanted to keep waiting for the police to dispose of it, but he did not expect that the speedboat would automatically start up to the sea. Going deep in the air...

When the police came here, the speedboat had already traveled without a trace!

When the local police came here to investigate and collect evidence, and then contacted the helicopter to track down, it was already a long time later, and the speedboat had already returned to the center.

However, when Yang Ming was watching the news that night, he found a problem. He did not expect Dr. Benjamin to do so and bring the body back. However, I am afraid that the local police will pay more attention to the case.

This also reminded Yang Ming that when he was assassinating the center, he would try to wait for the center to go ashore and kill it in a place with few people. If you are taken back by Dr. Benjamin every time, then you can’t use it. How long will the dock be monitored!

When Yang Ming starts again, it will become very difficult.

Of course, Dr. Benjamin took the risk of bringing his own body back, but he also wanted to see how his own person died! If not, he can start the speedboat's self-explosive device, create an explosion, and let the speedboat and his own body smash all the time. It will look like a destructive corpse, and it will not cause so much trouble.

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