So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2372: Big explosion

Here are his research materials and achievements over the years, as well as some new inventions that have been experimented out. These things must be taken away, and they cannot be left on the Isle of Fire Island. It is his hard work not to mention these things. After studying things for many years, even if you can study again, it will waste a lot of time!

Therefore, Dr. Benjamin also refused to watch the battle between Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao. He began to pick up his guinea pigs and prepared to sneak out of the submarine when he was fighting against Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao!

Dr. Benjamin did not believe that Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao could still take care of his escape from the battle. Is it expected to be ignored? Anyway, there is such a gap, Dr. Benjamin is confident to escape.

It’s just that there are too many things in his lab, not a one-and-a-half-time transfer, so he has to hurry!

In Dr. Benjamin’s opinion, Yang Ming and the fire wolf warrior should have no problem for two or three hours, but the time is long, I am afraid that there will be a change, so he must hurry, but two or three hours, although not All the information is empty, but most of the things are still acceptable.

Although the central base has several people who have just died, there are still a few of Dr. Benjamin's men, but these people, Dr. Benjamin did not want to find help, his laboratory has a secret passage that can directly lead to escape. The submarine can also transfer baggage into the submarine through a dedicated transfer channel. Although it is a bit of a hassle to move in and out, it is actually not too laborious, and it takes a long time.

Because Dr. Benjamin does not want to disclose to others what he wants to escape, so many people know that, and what should those people do with him? What should I do if Yang Ming knows it? It is even more troublesome, so Dr. Benjamin wants to leave quietly.

Over there, Yang Ming was always watching the movement of Dr. Benjamin. He saw that he actually started moving things on the submarine. Yang Ming’s mouth sneered a little, and I didn’t expect this old thing to escape. !

It seems. He also pre-feels that the wolf war **** may not work, so he is ready to prepare for the flight in advance, but how can Yang Ming let him escape? Even if he doesn't take anything, he can escape directly by submarine. Yang Ming can also directly contact Dr. Sun Sikong, transfer the flying saucer, and throw away Wang Zhitao. Let's go and kill Dr. Benjamin.

But now Dr. Benjamin actually died. It’s ridiculous to carry out the useless research materials and guinea pigs!

However, Dr. Benjamin’s abacus is still screaming. He is ready to wait until he gets into the submarine, away from the Isle of Fire Island, and start the explosives of the Fire Wolf Island, killing Yang Ming! He also refused Wang Zhitao's wolf war god. In his view, Wang Zhitao is one of his running dogs, and he died when he died. It can be remanufactured, and it is no big deal.

quickly. Yang Ming used Wang Zhitao to reach the gyro-reverse magnetic field network under the ground under his feet. A loud bang of "砰", accompanied by the burning of electric sparks, Yang Ming’s slewing reverse magnetic field network was destroyed, Yang Ming’s double The foot also restored freedom at this moment.

However, Yang Ming did not stop, but continued to use Wang Zhitao's squatting down. When Yang Ming was watching the killer skills teaching CD, I remember that there was an electric spark in the detonation method of this kind of strong explosive.

So Yang Ming is ready to use this powerful electric spark to detonate the explosive! However, Yang Minghao went to the grid. The high-voltage electricity above was transmitted to Yang Ming's body through Wang Zhitao's body, but Yang Ming did not have any special feelings. In fact, this is also expected by Yang Ming. Jin Ganghao said that the knife and gun are not invaded by water and fire, and even the fire can defend. There should be no problem with power protection.

Wang Zhitao, as a wolf war god, does not seem to be afraid of high-voltage power, but Yang Ming does not care about him, he is afraid of not afraid of it, first swear!

So, the sad reminder of Wang Zhitao was once again used by Yang Ming as a big hammer, squatting on the ground! It is estimated that Wang Zhitao will never dream of dreaming. He has become an infinitely powerful fire wolf god. It is not long before. His only existence is that Yang Ming used his hard body as a hammer for planing...

Although Yang Ming has tools in hand, and this tool is still very easy to use, but the explosives buried is not generally deep! Of course, it is also understandable that if on the surface of the ground, if one accidentally detonates, then everyone will suffer.

However, after Yang Ming saw Dr. Benjamin preparing to escape, he accelerated the speed of his attack, and Wang Zhitao was inevitably more difficult.

If you can faint, Wang Zhitao will definitely choose to faint at this moment, which is too painful? It was used by Yang Ming as a big hammer to plan the ground, and he was shocked by the seven-six-six-six-sounding thing. The things in the stomach had to be spit out. It was just a life to die!

He is a fierce **** of war, Wang Zhitao is so angry that he has been turned into this by Yang Ming.

(Kichler and other steel people and super steel people: I cried, you have played at least for a long time, and you haven’t hanged up. We just hanged when we played, you are much better than us...)

Finally, under the efforts of Yang Ming, Yang Ming saw hope, and not far below, is the explosives buried by Dr. Benjamin! And Yang Ming just wants to work harder and harder, then detonating the explosives will not be too difficult!

Yang Ming continued to squat on the ground and speeded up. Finally, the protection on the layer of explosives broke open. Yang Ming took a deep breath and then picked up Wang Zhitao and turned him to the grid of the reverse magnetic field. The power grid that reverses the magnetic field is smashing the explosives below!

"Boom--" a loud noise, Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao were bombed and flew up to the sky, but Yang Ming had nothing to do, but Wang Zhitao in the hands of Yang Ming was only half left, and the other half did not know where to go. It is estimated that it has been blown up and crushed!

Yang Ming quickly threw the half of Wang Zhitao in his hand, and the following point was centered on the place where Yang Ming began to open, and then quickly exploded to the chain in all directions! Underneath the island are all chain explosives, and an area explodes in other areas and will explode along with it, like a domino!

Yang Ming looked at Wang Zhitao's other half of the body was also blown into a crush, and after Yang Ming landed, the huge explosive airflow once again rushed Yang Ming to the sky!

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