So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2382: T15 special

"Li Boliang itself is not awesome. He is neither a practitioner nor a martial artist. He is just an ordinary biochemical person. Only some immortality is a little more powerful than ordinary people. Nothing compares!” Dr. Sun Sikong said: “But his science and technology is quite powerful. It is no worse than me. He used to be a computer computer, and he was a returnee student. He also got the inheritance of alien technology. Dr. Benjamin is not as powerful as him. His skills are comparable to me!"

"So arrogant!" Yang Ming was shocked to see Dr. Sun Sikong: "Is he also relying on some scientific means to fight against the leaves?"

"Yes, he got an alien creature and transformed it into a biochemical mother. This biochemical mother can keep producing biochemical monsters. The growth of this biochemical monster needs to rely on the heaven and earth aura!" Dr. Sikong said: "The aura of heaven and earth absorbed by these little monsters comes from the Yanhuangxing and the Earth. It is a special array of methods to gather the aura of the heavens and the earth. Didn't you realize that the heavens and the earth aura in the past few years? Is it getting thinner?"

"This is a fact. I thought it was caused by industrial pollution. I didn't expect Li Boliang to do it?" Yang Ming was surprised.

"Yes, when these biochemical monsters reach a certain amount, Li Boliang will drive these biochemical monsters to the Yanhuangxing, and carry out a large-scale counterattack on the master's planet! And Liu Ye, now at the end of the day hunting This biochemical little monster is trying to maintain the balance of the number of biochemical monsters!" Dr. Sun Sikong nodded and said: "But since the beginning of this year, the biochemical mother has undergone an evolution, and the number of biochemical monsters has increased by two. There are more than just a small master who can't cope with it, just as I passed, so the little master asked me to come back and ask for help!"

"It turned out to be like this?" Yang Ming took a deep breath, did not expect this Li Boliang so powerful, but it was the individual who invented this biochemical monster! However, Yang Ming is somewhat worried: "Since it has more than doubled, can it be that I can help? Can people do it?"

“Not enough!” Dr. Sun Sikong shook his head swayingly: “There must be more talents, and the mother will evolve, and as it evolves, the number of biochemical monsters will increase!”

"What should I do?" Yang Ming looked at Dr. Sun Sikong. Since Dr. Sun Sikong came to him, he must have thought of the countermeasures: "Do you have a solution here?"

"There are some, but there are not so many people... If you can contact the old master, then there is no problem, but Li Boliang is also very smart, and cut off any connection path between Yan and Huang Xing, I am either With the electric wave or the space jump of the flying saucer, it is impossible to break through his four-dimensional space barrier. This time, his defense is strict... I don’t know what the old master knows is happening here!” Dr. Sun Sikong said: “ Therefore, after a variety of unsuccessful attempts, I invented a kind of human body strengthening liquid. As long as the injection is in the human body, it can strengthen the human body, and the intensively modified person can barely reach the level of the small master, although There is no such thing as a small master's defensive power, but it should also belong to a higher level of human cultivators. At least the attack power is comparable or even higher!"

"Oh? How high?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and did not expect Dr. Sun Sikong to invent such a thing.

"Beyond the cultivation world, the so-called peak strength of the late stage." Dr. Sun Sikong said: "It should be equivalent to the heavenly level, just advanced to the innate master!"

"Heavenly master?" Yang Ming was shocked to see Sun Sikong, this liquid is too cattle, right? However, Yang Ming still has some concerns: "Does this liquid have any side effects?"

“No.” Dr. Sun Sikong shook his head and said: “This is a normal way to stimulate human cultivation potential! But there is also a use restriction that not everyone can use.”

"Oh? What do you mean? Must be a specific person to use?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yes, it must be that the strength itself has reached the peak of the late stage of the strength of the practitioners can be used after the promotion can be smoothly promoted to the innate master, officially set foot in the heavens, ordinary people use, then the result is only one, that is, explosives and death. ”

"The peak strength of the late stage of the heavens..." Yang Ming was shocked after listening. After thinking about it, he asked, "Can I use it?"

"If you use it, it will not be stronger than it is now." Dr. Sun Sikong said with a bitter smile: "And your super revision of King Kong is passive defense. It is more troublesome to give you a shè reagent. Right, you Now that you have mastered the method of turning off passive defense skills?"

"Mastery has mastered some, but if the body is in pain, it is still somewhat uncontrollable." Yang Ming smiled a bit, this super revision of King Kong, he studied for several years, just researched some eyebrows, but It has not been able to open and close as much as you like, but to actively turn off this ability in cases where it does not cause harm and pain to the body.

For example, when shaving, otherwise the look has become a long-bearded old man! Although Yang Ming deliberately dressed himself like a middle-aged man, full of majesty, but can not become an old man?

"So, the masters of these peaks in the late stage of the day are still relying on you to look for. After all, this is not a matter for us alone. If Li Boliang is allowed to do so, then the heaven and earth aura here will be transmitted by him. The absorption of the array has caused the practitioners here to be unable to cultivate!” Dr. Sun Sikong said: “So, this is also the whole thing in the cultivation world, but how to tell them how to let them go to the central base with us, then Just need you to do the work!"

"This is true!" Yang Ming nodded after listening: "I know some of the things of the practitioners, and they don't care about themselves, but this time they are also related to their future. They should not sit idly by." And, let them have an opportunity to be promoted to heaven, they should also be able to ask for it?"

"I am afraid that these people do not believe, so I must find someone who has the power to attack. I want to come and think, and only you. If they don't go, they can't help you. If I go, I am afraid I will be directly beaten." Dead!" Sun Sikong said with a smile.

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