So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 57: School flower after the exam

Chapter 57—After the exam, the school flowers

"Right, nightmare, which university do you want to test?" Yang Ming asked tentatively, this is about lifelong happiness, and must be implemented as soon as possible!

"I... what is your business? You are not going to have any plans?" Chen Mengxi watched Yang Ming with vigilance.

"Where can I say, I am also your first-time drafter. Which university should you have the right to know?" Yang Ming said that the reason for the original ambiguity was high-sounding.

"Is this still called no attempt?" Chen Mengyan whitened Yang Ming, but apparently did not mean dissatisfaction.

"How can this be called an attempt? It should be called power!" Yang Ming said with a thick face: "If you have a goal, you can have motivation!"

"Well, look at what you are studying for, I will tell you!" Chen Mengjiao said with a smile: "My parents want me to test Beijing, but I don't want to be too far from home." I think Song Jiang Engineering University is very good!"

"Songjiang Engineering University?" Yang Ming blurted out! Although Songjiang University of Engineering does not have the famous name of Tsinghua University, it is very difficult for poor students like Yang Ming, but that is before! But now, Yang Ming can say without exaggeration that he is going to get in and out!

"Well, you, is there an ideal?" Although Chen Mengyu knew that Yang Ming’s recent performance has improved very quickly, he did not expect that Yang Ming now has the “strength” of Songjiang Engineering University!

"I? Of course, wherever you go, I will go there!" Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu are already very familiar, and they are making some more jokes. Chen Mengxi just gives him a few eyes, not really angry. In this case, Yang Ming could only see it in his dreams.

However, this time, Chen Mengxi was surprisingly unrecognized. After listening to it, he suddenly had some silence. He made Yang Ming feel flustered. Wouldn't it be really angry?

"Yang Ming, although your current score has caught up a lot, but after all, the score of Songjiang University of Engineering is very high. When you volunteer, don't be **** it..." Chen Mengyu said here, see Yang Ming's face. It became very bad, shocked, thinking that his words were too hurting his self-respect, and quickly explained: "Yang Ming, you don't do this, I did not look down on your meaning, nor doubt your ability... my This means that you should never force yourself... If you don’t have a university in the future, you will have many opportunities to meet in a city..."

Yang Ming’s face is not good. This is because of this. He just thought that he had angered Chen Mengyu! Yang Ming is not stupid. From the words in front of Chen Mengyu, he heard that Chen Mengxi is doing good for him! However, he was not sure whether Chen Mengxi did not want to honor the university when he could pursue her promise and deliberately said this, but the words behind Chen Mengyu undoubtedly let Yang Ming eat a reassurance!

As long as you are in a city, you have a chance to meet! Although Chen Mengxi did not say it clearly, Yang Ming understood the potential meaning of it!

"Do not worry, nightmare, I will definitely go to Songjiang Engineering University with my own strength! Otherwise I have no face to pursue you! Even if you promise to be my girlfriend, I will be very embarrassed!" Yang Ming thought, cheating can be regarded as A strength!

"Not serious! When did I promise?" Chen Mengxi did not say anything, sometimes having a firm confidence is not a bad thing!

"Oh, what I said is even!" Yang Ming smiled twice: "Yes, are you having something for a while?"

"A moment? Of course, I am going home. What are you doing?" Chen Mengyu asked.

"Today's school is earlier than every day, or else, do you just turn around and go home?" Yang Ming pretended to casually say. In fact, he has been using the light to aim at Chen Mengxi’s reaction. The test at 7:30 in the morning is now more than ten o'clock.

"Not good? You are not going home to review?" Chen Mengxi did not have any special expression.

"Today is not just a test! How to relax and relax, I am doing tutoring every day, almost even the axis!" Yang Ming sees Chen Mengxi said that "you don't go home to review" did not say herself! Yang Ming’s heart is great, which means that as long as he has no problem, Chen Mengyu will be fine!

Chen Mengxi thought about it. Indeed, as Yang Ming said, occasionally relaxing is also beneficial to learning. It is necessary to combine work and rest to achieve the best learning effect. However, if I go out with Yang Ming, is it not so good? After all, now is the sensitive age of relationship between men and women. What if you let others see it?

While Chen Mengxi was swinging, Yang Ming looked at her silent appearance, thinking that she was embarrassed to promise herself because of the girl’s restraint, but wasn’t it on the Internet? If the girl does not speak, it means the default!

So Yang Ming took the lead and walked forward regardless of the three seven twenty-one. "Let's go, nightmare, we will turn around!"

When Chen Mengxi saw Yang Mingxing's enthusiasm, he had to follow him.

Fortunately, the two people had just been talking for a while, and the students in the school were basically gone. It was occasionally one or two, and Yang Ming did not know them. Because the four schools in the joint exam were the two local schools that disrupted the order of the candidates, half of the students in the four exams were Song Jiang Yucai.

In high school, early love is still a very sensitive topic, especially in the provincial high school of the four middle schools. If you change to a vocational high school or a private institution, you may not be noticed. There, it is very common for students to fall in love.

Chen Mengxi did not want to be misunderstood by himself for no reason, pointing at the back.

The two went to the snack street near the school, where Yang Ming and Zhao Ying went last time. Nowadays, these snacks generally do not open the door, they have to wait until 4 or 5 pm to open the business, and then operate a night. During the day, there are snacks on the street, which are hawkers who sell small commodities.

The two men wandered aimlessly, Yang Ming is not drunk, not in the wine, not to buy anything, just want to stay with Chen Mengyu for a while. The two people were very familiar with each other. From time to time, Yang Ming told Chen Mengyu a few jokes that he saw on the Internet, and made Chen Mengxi’s swaying, and he didn’t feel cold.

Yang Ming is very satisfied with the current situation. When two people are together, what is important is not the status of the noble, but the topic! Otherwise, sooner or later.

"Yang Ming, wait for me." Chen Mengxi saw a stall selling small ornaments on the side of the road, his eyes lit up and stopped there.

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