So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 66: Thief of polio

Chapter 66—The Thief of the Bloody Mildew

The young woman who had been slashed, woke up when the thief yelled, but did not expect that the person who taught the thief would actually be the young man in the bookstore! Just now, people are hooligans. Now people have helped themselves. Xiao Qing is a bit embarrassed to face! She deliberately lowered her head and prayed that Yang Ming did not see her.

"Sister, do you see if you have lost anything?" Chen Mengxi saw Xiao Qing woke up and asked for help.

"No...nothing!" Xiao Qing had already checked his bag just now, but he had scratched a hole, but the mobile phone and wallet inside were not lost!

"Look at your own things! The next time you are not so lucky to meet us! Aunt!" Yang Ming said faintly. But the word "Aunt" has increased its tone.

Xiao Qingyi heard "Aunt" and immediately understood that Yang Ming had recognized her. He simply did not hide and looked at it. He looked at Yang Ming and smiled: "Thank you!"

Originally, Yang Ming still wanted to count her two sentences, but when she saw her taking the initiative, she was too embarrassed to be too stingy, so she shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't think it is deliberately close to you!"

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Xiao Qingjiao Yan Yihong.

"Yang Ming, do you know?" Chen Mengyu heard Yang Ming's slightly ironic words, some strange.

After all, Xiao Qing is much bigger than Yang Ming. He is more sleek and fluent. When he heard Chen Mengqi asking questions, he replied: "Oh, we just had a little misunderstanding in the bookstore. It is not worth mentioning. You are his girlfriend. Ok? It’s really beautiful!”

"We are not... that kind of relationship!" Chen Mengyan shook his head with a red face, but when she said this, she used the light to sweep Yang Ming next to her, and he did not reveal anything. Unhappy look, I can rest assured: "Sister, you are also very beautiful!"

"I am? Old age, have become aunt!" Xiao Qing deliberately ridiculed.

"Right, Yang Ming, how can you call someone aunt! It’s rude!" Chen Mengyu immediately asked after listening.

"That... oh, I said casually." Yang Ming was a little embarrassed.

When the car reached the next stop, two policemen came up. It is estimated that the driver saw the police after the thief was subdued. But this is better, Yang Ming is still trying to deal with this guy.

Yang Ming, Chen Mengyu and Xiao Qing were also invited to the police station to make notes.

After getting on the police car, Chen Mengxi looked worried at Yang Ming’s hand and said to one of the policemen: “Can you send him to the hospital first!”

The police did not speak, but Yang Ming said: "No, it is not very deep, it has stopped bleeding!"

"I look!" The police grabbed Yang Ming's hand and looked at it carefully: "When the wound is so long, go to the hospital first and take a shot of tetanus!"

Yang Ming listened to him saying that there is no way. I can't tell the police that I used to be cut with a knife. The wound is much more serious than this. It’s all right!

As for the thief, although Yang Ming smashed a meal, but there was no red injury on his body, so he did not lie in the car and did not bring it out.

The hospital to go to is the internal unit of the police station - Songjiang Armed Police Platinum Hospital, so there is no need to line up, no registration, two police officers, and soon wrapped the wound, because the wound is very shallow, the doctor said no injection.

After arriving at the police station and making a simple transcript, let Yang Ming leave. It was obvious that the people were jealous and won. Although nothing was stolen, the thief was thrown into the detention center.

In other words, the thief could have been in the detention center for fifteen days before he came out, but he felt that he was dissatisfied. No one dared to gossip about his own crimes. How come this time is not eye-catching? of!

The thief wants to get more and more angry. Fortunately, he just was in the car. He heard Chen Meng’s name as Yang Ming, and he recorded his enemy called “Yang Ming” and prepared to wait for an opportunity to retaliate against him.

Originally, this was the end of the matter, but after the guards, the thief encountered another guy who came in because of the robbery, saying that the robbery was a family, so the thief suddenly had a kind of affectionate feeling of mutual sympathy! When I was emotional, I said something about how I came in, including finding an opportunity to retaliate against Yang Ming.

The guy in the detention center happened to be Li Da, who was told by Yang Mingmi on the same day. When he heard that it was Yang Ming, he immediately raised his vigilance and quickly asked about the appearance of Yang Ming in the thief's mouth. The thief thought that Li Da was also a victim of Yang Ming. He immediately came to the spirit and carefully described Yang Ming’s appearance. After listening to Li Da, he actually matched the Yang Ming he knew!

This time Li Da Coke, you are right with Yang Ming, isn't that looking for death? I quickly told this to the violent San Li! So, before the thief understood what was going on, he was fattened by everyone.

At first, the thief thought it was the treatment of a new person. After being detained, the "Leopard Brother" and "Dago" screamed and offered diligence, and the result did not work. At night, he was beaten again.

After playing for three days, the thief couldn’t stand it. He squatted on the ground and asked Grandpa to tell his grandmother to ask for it. As a result, he violently turned his eyes and said: "Grass, you are like this bear, even I can’t beat it. I want to find the trouble of Yang Ge! I don’t need Yang Ge to do it, I will kill you for him!”

"Yang Ge? Which Yang Ge?" The thief did not react at all, and he had offended the **** of "Yang Ge" during this time.

"That is the one who sent you in!"

"Oh, my mother, brother, I am wrong!" The thief really regretted it at the moment. I didn't expect that Yang Ming was actually a monk. He even had his men in the detention center! "If I knew that Yang Ge was so embarrassed, I would use my courage, and I would not dare to ask him trouble!"

However, the thief was still not spared. In order to let him completely cut off his thoughts, he still beat him every day. So the smuggled thief has spent the rest of his life in bed, except for the scorpion.

Thus, a certain bed of this number, a special buzzing came day and night. When other people pass by, they can't help but feel a bit disgusting: Could it be that the legendary broken sleeves appeared?

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