So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Chen Mengxi's heart

Chapter 81—The Heart of Chen Mengxi

If Chen Mengxi didn’t listen to it, then naturally, Yang Ming can say that he wants Zhang Bin’s qq number. If Chen Mengyu listens to it, then he is not a lie, because Zhang Bin’s qq number can be understood as a tube. Zhang Bin wants someone else's qq number.

"Would you like to watch the video with qq?" Chen Mengyan took a look at Yang Ming.

Zhang Bin realized that the head was wrong, and quickly turned his head. At the end, he gave Yang Ming a "you take care" look!

"Where can I, the computer I just bought, even the camera is not installed!" Yang Mingxi said.

"Do you look at other people, do you still use the camera yourself?" Chen Mengyu is obviously not so fooled!

"Dream, I want to see you too, what other people have to look at!" Yang Ming took out his cheeky and shameless effort, directly sacrificed the killer!

Sure enough, Chen Mengxi was so ridiculed by him that his face was red: "There is no cover!"

"Right, nightmare, what are you looking for?" Yang Ming sat at the last table, Chen Mengyu came over, definitely looking for something to do with him!

"I...nothing!" Chen Mengxi hesitated and shook his head.

"Well?" Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicable. Looking at Chen Mengyu’s words and thoughts, Yang Ming asked strangely: "What happened? If you have something, you can say, who is the one who is with whom!"

"I... Actually, I want to ask you how the last question on the mathematics volume of the joint entrance exam is solved!" Chen Mengxi himself did not know how to say this sentence.

“Hey?” Yang Mingyi, Chen Mengyu asked himself a question? No way?

In fact, Chen Mengxi did not know what happened to him. Since she knew Yang Ming’s achievements, she was happy for Yang Ming, but then she was lost!

Because Yang Ming’s score is already the first in the class, I don’t need to ask her any questions! In this way, the opportunity to get along with Yang Ming is much less. All of a sudden, Chen Mengyu feels hollow, as if there is something missing in life.

Although Chen Mengxi did not admit that he had a good impression on Yang Ming, he really liked the feeling of being with Yang Ming. So, considering it again and again, Chen Mengyu found a seemingly reasonable excuse to find Yang Ming to ask questions!

The question that Chen Mengyu had just mentioned, she did not answer it when she took the test, but she figured it out early. Now, it is just an excuse for Yang Ming to ask! If Yang Ming knew his true purpose, wouldn’t this guy be beautiful?

"Dream, you won't be kidding?" Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi in front of her eyes and reached out to her forehead: "No fever!"

"What are you doing! Don't move your hands!" Chen Mengyu saw Yang Ming's appearance, and suddenly he was angry! I really put down my face and took the initiative to find him once, but he did this to himself! Thinking of this, Chen Mengxi was aggrieved and angry, and snorted, turned back to his seat, secretly vowed, and later ignored Yang Ming this guy!

Chen Mengxi’s performance made Yang Ming very surprised, which one is singing!

"What's wrong? Give the class flowers away?" Zhang Bin turned his head and looked at Yang Ming very embarrassed.

"What's wrong with me? Didn't I say anything?" Yang Ming shook his head.

"Hey, I said buddy, I want to say that in terms of learning, I admit that you are definitely a genius! I have been working hard for a month to count from a few countdowns to a positive number! This is my service! But when it comes to picking up girls, then you It’s not alright!” Zhang Bin blinked at Yang Ming’s eyes: “How about, why don’t you give me analysis and analysis?”

"You? Are you OK?" Yang Ming lowered his voice, but his eyes were staring at Chen Mengyu's direction.

"Look at me? You go to lick my qq, how many mm do you know if I lied to you!" Zhang Binxiao said with a smile: "I want to say, Chen Mengyu is absolutely interesting to you!"

"Really?" Yang Ming said so, but his heart is very useful!

"Of course, do you think she really came to ask you questions?" Zhang Bin asked mysteriously.

"I am also wondering about this!" Yang Ming nodded and signaled Zhang Bin to continue.

"This won't be worth it, even you don't believe it!" Zhang Bin continued. "She doesn't even know. The reference answer was sent out on Friday. You think the study board is so stupid that you can't even see the answer." Understand the point?"

Yes! This is the key to the problem. Yang Ming just thought of this point before he wondered if Chen Mengyu had a fever!

Seeing Yang Ming nod, Zhang Bin said proudly: "Chen Mengxi is a girl, you think it is as thick as your skin, and you want to get close to you, of course, you have to find a reason for being bright!"

"Yes!" Yang Ming was said by Zhang Bin, and immediately understood. Just now, Yang Ming was surprised. Chen Mengyu actually took the initiative to find himself. Moreover, when he heard about himself and Zhang Bin’s research on video beauty, he also gave birth to his own anger. There are indications that Chen Mengxi is absolutely concerned about himself!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming is very excited! Can't explain that Chen Mengxi likes herself, but at the very least, she should have a crush on herself! This is enough. In time, the goodwill will be upgraded into love in the case of accumulation.

After the first class, Yang Ming, as usual, held a book in his hand and sat on the side of Chen Mengyu with a big swing, and the book in his hand was the latest trend of the college entrance examination that Chen Mengyu gave him!

"Dream, how do you do this?" Yang Ming pointed to a question about physical energy.

"How come you? The first one is still asking me?" Chen Mengxi said with no anger.

Hey, this little Nizi is still angry! Yang Ming smiled and said: "What happened, nightmare, angry?"

"I am angry!" Chen Mengxi did not look at Yang Ming, and looked at the book from his own.

"I am angry with Zhang Bin research qq video!" Yang Ming finished, with Yu Guang secretly staring at Chen Mengxi's reaction.

"Who is angry because of that!" Sure enough, Chen Mengxi did not respond, and Yang Ming went around.

"What is it because?" Yang Ming continued to ask.

However, Chen Mengyu has changed his mind: "I have said, I am not angry!"

"Well, nightmare, I know that you are asking me questions in the morning!" Yang Ming shrugged and said: "Actually, my first place is pure luck! Actually, my actual level is according to you. The distance is far!"

"What do you mean? Teacher Li has not said it already. Is this your true result?" Chen Mengyu looked at Yang Ming with a puzzled look. The unhappiness just happened, all of a sudden left behind.

"It’s my true score. But the day before the exam, I made a set of joint exam questions last year. The above questions are almost exactly the same as this year! So I can achieve such a good result, because of this! The teachers are clear about them!" Yang Ming said to Chen Mengyu again when he said in the office on Friday.

“Really?” Chen Mengyu asked with some suspicion, but looking at her expression, she had already believed Yang Ming’s words.

"I don't know what my level is. Although it has improved a lot, it is not possible to take the first test. According to the results of my last year's papers, I am the level of six or seven!" Yang Ming thought. I want to say. This ranking is edited by him, not too far forward or too late.

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Mengyu nodded after listening. Indeed, considering it carefully, Yang Ming’s performance improvement is too weird.

"Yeah, so when you came to ask me questions in the morning, can I not be surprised!" Yang Ming explained.

"Oh, sorry, I am blaming you!" Chen Mengxi said with some embarrassment: "I thought you took the first place and ignored me!"

"Where can I, how many exams I have, not all of your credit!" Yang Ming scratched his scalp and said.

Yang Ming’s words made Chen Mengxi very happy. Because of the morning affairs, Chen Mengqi’s class was somewhat absent-minded. Now, the whole person is a lot easier.

Yang Ming knew that Chen Mengyu had deliberately asked himself in the morning, so he tweeted: "Dream, what question are you asking me, I will show you?"

"Hey, you really shouldn't, I just want to test you!" Chen Mengyu certainly can't admit his true purpose.

"Is it? Hey, hehe." After listening to Chen Mengxi's words, Yang Ming determined Zhang Bin's words!

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Mengxi felt that Yang Ming’s smile was so strange that she had some cold sweat behind her.

"No, yes, nightmare, what is your qq?" Yang Ming also felt that his smile was very easy to misunderstand and quickly changed the subject.

"I? I rarely surf the Internet, it is xxxxxxxx." Chen Mengxi told Yang Ming about his qq number.

Yang Ming remembered and walked to his seat. Suddenly, Yang Ming felt that there was a sharp eye behind him looking at himself. When he turned back, he did not find any abnormality. Yang Ming glanced at Wang Zhitao. The guy was sitting in his seat and talking and laughing at the front desk.

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