So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 838: chat

Chapter VIII conversation

Yang Ming’s heart suddenly became a little tight, wouldn’t it be that she saw what was there? However, immediately relieved, first said that she is now impossible to recognize herself, even if there is doubt, then it will not come over and stunned.

The only possibility is that Wang Xiaoyu holds the same idea as himself, that is, to find a nearest bench to sit down first, then observe the movement of the clubhouse, and wait for the appropriate time to start after the seminar.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaoying only looked at Yang Ming with a faint look, and did not produce any doubtful expression. Yang Ming is still watching his newspaper, but his attention is not on the newspaper.

Wang Xiaoying took out a napkin, wiped the chair, and sat next to Yang Ming. Wearing the mp3 earphones on the ear looks like a tired visitor.

Of course, Wang Xiaoyan cannot have the ability of farsightedness like Yang Ming. This daytime, the telescope cannot be taken out, but it can't be seen in the direction of the clubhouse.

However, she has her own way to pull the sunglasses that are not on her head so that others can't see the direction of her eyes, and she can observe what she wants to observe without any scruples.

Of course, these are not the same as Yang Ming, because Yang Ming and she are the same kind of people, doing the same thing. The difference is that Yang Ming’s current attention has shifted from the club to Wang Xiaoyan’s body.

The appearance of Wang Xiaoying made Yang Ming feel that things are more complicated and confusing. Which party is Wang Xiaoying's representative power? What kind of person is she? She lived with Zhao Ying for so long, did Zhao Ying not find anything?

Yang Ming is more willing to believe that the person in front of him does not know, but the truth is the opposite. Is it... Wang Xiaoyu belongs to a killer organization? I want to come now, and it does have this possibility!

Although there are not many times of contact with Wang Xiaoyu, it is certain that Wang Xiaoying has a kung fu, and he is physically strong. This can be seen in Wang Xiaoyu’s own shot and the rock climbing.

Moreover, from Zhao Ying, I have never heard of the information about Wang Xiaoyu's family. Wang Xiaoxuan is alone, but can afford to buy a villa. This has to let Yang Ming think that her money is earned by the killer. .

Just, Songjiang also has a killer organization? Wait... Yang Ming’s heart suddenly trembled, and Songjiang really has a killer organization! I remember that the killer "unnamed" that was caught that time once said that Songjiang seems to have a killer organization called "Black Widow". Is it because Wang Xiaoying belongs to it?

However, Yang Ming is not shocked on the surface, still very "seriously" looking at the newspaper in his hand, and Wang Xiaoyan, her expression is also normal, quietly listening to mp3, the mouth is still scorned from time to time The sentence is completely the image of a young girl.

The seminar is still going on slowly. It has been about an hour, and it still doesn't end. The content of the newspaper, Yang Ming, has been almost watched. Even when one reads the newspaper, even if it is careful, it will be almost an hour.

Sometimes things are extremely counter-productive. When Wang Xiaoyan came over, Yang Ming was already reading the newspaper. Now more than an hour has passed. If Yang Ming sees it again, it will be a little fake.

Yang Ming put the newspaper down and took a sigh of relief. Then he turned his head to Wang Xiaoyan and smiled and asked: "Are you a tourist here?"

He and Wang Xiaoyu have been sitting together in this chair for an hour. Yang Ming thinks that according to common sense, he should also say hello.

Wang Xiaoyan took off his headphones and turned to look at Yang Ming: "Sorry, what do you say?"

"I said, are you a tourist who came here to travel?" Yang Ming reluctantly repeated the words he had just said.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Wang Xiaoyu did not hide. In her opinion, Yang Ming did not have any threat to her. It was just a passer-by.

"Oh, I guess, because I am not a local." Yang Ming shrugged and smiled.

"You are also a tourist?" Wang Xiaoying is also very boring. Now that someone has a chat, she will not refuse.

"I am not... I am working here..." Yang Ming’s current dress is not like a tourist. If he insists that he is a tourist, he will be suspicious: "But I am from the mainland."

"This is the case..." Wang Xiaoyan nodded. "I am also in the Mainland. I am here for the winter vacation."

"You are alone?" Yang Ming seems to be chatting, in fact, it is in the bottom of the set of Wang Xiaoxiao.

However, Wang Xiaoyan did not defend her against Yang Ming. She nodded and said, "Yeah, I am alone. I like the feeling of traveling alone."

"Oh, a person is very good, but since you are a student, when you go out alone, will your family not worry?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

Wang Xiaoyan’s eyes flashed a sorrow that was not easy to detect... Yes, born in this family, many things are involuntarily. When I graduated from college, I have to marry someone I don't like, and then... I will probably live a very restrictive day...

"My family is not around, they are very busy, can't take care of me." Wang Xiaoyu's instant look returned to normal, faintly said.

"It turned out to be like this..." Yang Ming certainly did not expect Wang Xiaoying to tell the truth to himself, and Wang Xiaoyu could not tell the truth to his stranger.

Anyway, the current thing is true and false. What Yang Ming wants is the information that Wang Xiaoyu has inadvertently revealed.

"In the past few days, I just took a vacation, or else, how about I give you a tour guide?" Yang Ming casually tried. He now has to figure out which part of Wang Xiaoying is in the end. Naturally, he has to find a way to approach her first and gain her trust.

"This..." Wang Xiaoyu said, I did not expect Yang Ming to make such a request. This time, she came to perform the task. It is not to travel at all. How could she ask Yang Ming to give her a tour guide?

"How, don't believe me? Oh, although I am not a local, but I have lived here for a while, at least I will not lose it..." Yang Ming is purely nonsense, he is going out now if he does not do a taxi, where? Can't find it.

"No... still forget it, I don't want to bother you, and I like the feeling of one person." Wang Xiaoyu hesitated and refused Yang Ming's "goodwill."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, seeing is both good, my name is Liu Lei, what about you?" Yang Ming said with ease and laughter, and did not continue to ask, in that case, Wang Xiaoxuan's vigilance would be caused, and she would doubt her purpose.

However, Yang Ming still used a pseudonym. He read a novel in which there was a monk called "Liu Lei", which he used on his own.

"Wang Hao." Wang Xiaoyan said faintly.

Wang Hao? Yang Ming smiled in the heart, clearly called Wang Xiaoying, but changed his name to Wang Hao, but Yang Ming did not poke, nodded and said: "Good name, right, how have you been sitting here? For more than an hour What?"

Wang Xiaoying’s heart is a glimpse. Liu Lei (Yang Ming) is sitting there, reading newspapers, but he is aimless. If you sit here and listen to mp3 to enjoy the scenery, but you can’t say it, the scenery here is not beautiful. No scenic spots are nearby, and it is hard to think of others.

I have to say that I am tired and take a rest. It seems that it is a bit too long to rest for more than an hour. Wang Xiaoying’s brain is running at a rapid speed. She regrets a bit and Yang Ming said so much. She knew that she would pretend to be one. Deputy glamorous appearance...

appearance? With!

Wang Xiao lazy stretched out a lazy waist, and then his face was a little blushing: "It seems that my body is not very comfortable today... I have more time to go, and I have a rest."

There are many situations in which a person is uncomfortable, but from a girl's mouth, and she specifically emphasizes "today" and "just happens", there is only one kind of situation, that is, an official holiday.

Yang Ming listened to Wang Xiaoying’s words and couldn’t help but see it! He did not expect that Wang Xiaoxi would give such an excuse! Yang Ming subconsciously looked at Wang Xiaoying’s legs, and unconsciously used the power...

Deceived! Where is that coming? It's clean inside, there is no pad...

Yang Ming is not sure why he is going to peek at Wang Xiaoyao. He probably wants to confirm that the truth of her words is one of them. The second one should be that some purposes are not pure...

Wang Xiaoying's figure is very good, although it is petite, but it is very eye-catching... Yang Ming lost his mind and was busy recovering from normal: "It turned out to be..."

Because of Wang Xiaoying’s words, the two of them also became jealous. Can Yang Ming not poke her? If Wang Xiaoyu asked him when he came, how do you know? Yang Ming did not know how to answer.

Now, Wang Xiaoyu has a good reason to sit here, but Yang Ming, after reading the newspaper, sitting here is a bit strange. However, Yang Ming did not care about these, and took out his mobile phone and pretended to dial a number.

"Hey? Guo Qing? I am Liu Lei, when are you coming? I am waiting for you for almost half an hour... Well, Zhao Yanxi, they have already passed, and they are worse... I am fine, I am Waiting for you here, you can do it soon... What? Who are you talking about? Ding Baosan? I don’t know, who knows which bird he is, OK, don’t say...”

Yang Ming said a mess, but also found a reasonable reason to continue to stay, so that Wang Xiaoyi thought that Yang Ming was waiting for someone.

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