So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Another high man

Chapter VIII, another high person

Although the head of the watermelon is very horizontal, it is not a stupid hat. The bully also specializes in soft bullying. After reading this circle in the store, I found that Yang Ming’s table looks better bullying!

The two people are not so fierce, they should belong to the softer ones, especially watching Wang Xiaoyu’s dressing. It seems that the tourists who come here are wondering how to take the two away, but the girls beside them are a little impatient. Now: "Come on, I am starving. You don't always say that you are the boss of this street. How can you do this little thing!"

The watermelon head was agitated by his girlfriend, and he was a little anxious. He pointed to the table of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu: "Let's sit there!"

When he said, he took his girlfriend and walked to the table of Yang Ming. Da Yan’s hand patted Yang Ming’s table and said: “I have done it, don’t eat it, haven’t eaten anything? Hurry and let opened!"

Yang Ming looked up at the head of the watermelon and said faintly: "We haven't finished eating it yet, even if it's finished, maybe we have to order something else!"

To change to normal, Yang Ming had already fanned a big ear, and this little Wang also dared to follow himself. But today, Yang Minggang killed someone and held an attitude that he didn't want to make trouble. He also endured it, and his tone returned to peace.

But what I didn't expect was that Yang Ming didn't want to cause trouble, but he was not willing to take things with his eyes. He said, "You are jealous, I will give you face and say, don't give you face, I will give you out directly, too. Don't look at your grandfather who I am!"

"My grandfather died early, you are not afraid of suffocation, you will continue to pretend to be ..." Yang Ming did not want to cause trouble, but also endured without doing it. But want to account for Yang Ming's oral temperament? There is no such door.

"Dear, he yells at you..." The non-mainstream girl is not a good cake. I am afraid that things will not make a big noise, and there is a bit of fire in the already tense atmosphere.

After listening to the watermelon head, I felt that I had lost my face. "Awkward", I vomited in the bowl of Wang Xiaoying, and shouted: "Spicy next door, give you a second to get out, or I will die!" ”

Wang Xiaoxuan was eating with relish, and was spit in the bowl with a thick mouth of watermelon. Suddenly, it was disgusting enough, and almost did not spit it out before eating it!

In this way, it is obviously impossible to continue eating, and Wang Xiaoyan almost didn't blow up! Where does she know that Yang Ming does not want to cause trouble? She thought that as for the two little gangsters, Yang Ming could give him a finger! Seeing Yang Ming’s murder, he also knows that Yang Ming is a hot Lord, but he did not expect Yang Ming to delay his work, but he was spit out of the watermelon head!

How can Wang Ming think more about Wang Xiaoyan? At this moment, the bowl of the river powder was picked up directly from the table. A bowl of "嗖", a bowl of river powder and soup mixed with water was tied to the head of the watermelon head.

This river powder is hot, and it is poured on the head of the watermelon head. When he is hot, he can't do it. "My grass" is a ghost, and it begins to dance and look horrible.

The boss of the old five-year-old burdock shop also noticed the scene of fighting here. He rushed over and saw that the head of the watermelon became like this. He suddenly jumped a big jump: "Cong Ge..."

"Brother, you are a b!" The watermelon head shouted: "I have abolished this pair of dogs and men today!"

"Oh, how did you offend Congo? Let's make a fuss to Congo..." The boss didn't want to make things big. He quickly turned to Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan: "You are a foreign tourist... Congo is this one. The boss of the street... you can't afford to sin..."

Although Yang Ming didn't want to make trouble, but he was not afraid of things. He gave up a sinful resentment. He simply didn't think about it. Wang Xiaoyu didn't have that thought. He wanted to continue to teach this guy named Kong Ge.

"Compensation? Hey, late!" Watermelon head took a dagger from the waistband: "I will give you bloodletter today!" It was like Yang Ming stabbed.

Since things have already reached this point, Yang Ming has nothing to worry about. He directly took up the stool under his body and buckled it from the top to the bottom of the head of the watermelon. Then he slammed his foot on the head of the watermelon. On the top, the watermelon head was directly kicked over the ground, disdainful: "If you are like me, I will give you a second, now it will not disappear, you do not have to disappear!"

Not to mention the means of killing. On the single fight, the head of the watermelon is not the opponent of Yang Ming. The nickname of "Yang Mania" was not called out casually. It was a fight!

This level of small mix of watermelon heads, compared to today's two horizontal training kungfu bodyguards, is simply a heaven, a ground.

The upper part of the watermelon head is also covered with a stool, and both hands are bound to the inside. It is difficult to climb from the ground, but he now understands that he has encountered a hard hand.

The head of the watermelon is also a veteran of the fight. There is no effort on the other side. He can feel it at a time. The posture of Yang Ming’s fight is completely easy and unhurried. This kind of person is the master of the fight. Unlike those who haven’t played a fight, it’s hard to fight hard!

I didn't talk at the moment, and I quickly left the burdock shop with my girlfriend's help.

Wang Xiaoyu even worried that Yang Ming would not worry. The little gangster dared to provoke two professional killers. It was just awkward. To fight, two people are ancestors fighting!

Yang Ming pulled a chair from the side and sat down. He shouted to the owner of the burdock shop standing in front of him: "Boss, come back to two bowls of river powder... Let’s taste the curry flavor. !"

"Ah..." The boss suddenly stunned from the horror and looked at the direction in which the head of the watermelon had disappeared. He was busy with Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoxiao: "You know, the young man, you know that the person you just played is Who?"

"You haven't said it, what is the boss of this street!" Yang Ming said without a smile.

"If you know, you dare to provoke him?" The boss widened his eyes: "You still have to go, if he brings someone over, you can't go!"

This group of people is not an ordinary person. They are mixed hooligans. What are the cadres coming out? Killing and setting fire is a common occurrence in their eyes! ”

Killing and setting fire? Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile. It was said that the little gangsters had murdered and set fire to them. It was really lifting them up. It was a comparison with the things that Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying had done. It was a small sorcerer and nothing was wrong.

"Boss, don't care about them, they will dare to gather together in the broad daylight?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Give us two bowls of river powder!"

"Hey!" The owner of the burdock shop saw Yang Ming not listening, and there was no way. He thought that Yang Ming was a fledgling boy. He didn't know the society was sinister. He shook his head and went to prepare the river powder.

"Why didn't you do it before... Don't just throw him out?" After the boss left, Wang Xiaoyan whispered to Yang Ming: "This is good, I am sick of death."

"Little princess, you will get rid of you!" Yang Ming said helplessly: "Do you know the identity of the two gangs..."

"Ah!" Wang Xiaoying reacted. The two seemed to be murdering and fleeing. They suddenly looked down on their embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I forgot..."

"Forget it, let's leave after a while." Yang Ming thinks, it doesn't matter, his current appearance is changed, and Wang Xiaoyu certainly does not enter Macau through normal procedures, so don't worry so much.

This is a very nice nod to promise. She also knows that this time she can get away from Yang Ming, or her own words will be finished.

In a short while, two bowls of hot curry burdock noodles came up. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu quickly finished eating, and then they settled the account. Yang Ming wanted to give the boss four bowls of money, but the boss insisted on only two bowls. . After all, the unhappiness that happened just now is in his shop, and he also has certain responsibilities, so the two bowls are exempted.

After leaving the door, Yang Ming stopped a taxi and the two were sitting side by side in the back seat. Yang Ming told the driver that they would go to Xinhua Shopping Center.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu just walked away, and a gray-white van stopped at the door of the old five-year-old burdock shop. The head of the watermelon jumped down, with a bright chopper in his hand, followed by four or five strong Young man, not a steel stick in his hand is a knife.

The head of the watermelon swayed into the burdock shop, and glanced at the inside of the store, but did not find the figure of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan, suddenly frowned, Mom, will not be the two have already ran?

"Boss? What about the dogs and men just now?" The head of the watermelon was yelling at the boss who was carrying the burdock.

"Kong Ge... They have already left..." The owner of the burdock shop said carefully.

"Walk? When did you go?" asked the head of the watermelon.

"It’s been five minutes since I left." In fact, Yang Ming took two or three minutes of work, but the owner of the Niuyi shop deliberately said it was five minutes, and said more.

"Five minutes? Mom's, it's quite fast, it's like a **** rabbit!" The watermelon head can't catch up when he hears it, and he can go all the way in five minutes.

"Kong Ge, you and your brothers eat two bowls of river powder... I treat you..." the boss said with a smile.

"Eat a fart!" Watermelon head smashed his hand, and he took his own man out of the burdock shop. I wanted to bring people to the lesson to teach the men and women just now, but let them run!

However, the watermelon head never imagined that he came back to this embarrassment, which is equivalent to stepping into the threshold of hell! If there is no idea of ​​coming back to find trouble, perhaps he can still escape, but now, Yang Ming is not looking for him, but there are others waiting for him...

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