So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Delivery ransom

Chapter 850 issuance of ransom

Yang Ming has nothing to do with this kind of thing. If he is willing to make a noise, he will have no problem with him. There are strange people and things in a hotel. What they think is not what Yang Ming can do.

Although Yang Ming also thought that the 50 yuan to eat Xiaolongbao is a bit expensive, but the people's hotels sell the grades, this kind of thing can not be measured by value.

Just like the same plate of spicy tofu, selling three dollars on the street stalls, it is not the same for the big hotel. It is the same.

Yang Ming shook his head, and Zhang Bin was preparing to leave, but the situation behind him changed a little.

The waiter's support and arbitrage made the glasses man even more arrogant: "You are like this group of East Asian sick husbands, you like to swindle and lie, you can't get fake counterfeit goods."

This is a bit ugly, and Yang Ming frowned and stopped. I want to ask this glasses man, who is he?

However, Yang Ming did not speak, and some people first questioned: "What is the sick man in East Asia? Which country are you from?"

"I am a Japanese Chinese!" said the glasses man proudly.

"Grass fucking, it turned out to be a traitor, suffocating him..." I don't know who shouted, the restaurant immediately messed up, and the ping-pong pots and pans became a piece, accompanied by bursts of glasses. The voice of the man screaming.

Yang Ming stunned, and then smiled, no matter where and where, the patriotic enthusiasm of people will not change.

Yang Ming stepped up and wanted to move on. Zhang Bin wanted to join in the fun, but when he thought that Wang Mei’s parents had not rescued him, he followed Yang Ming upstairs.

Back to the room, Yang Ming saw Wang Mei embarrassed to open, and took the initiative to pass her phone, dialed Liu Jihao's mobile phone.

Liu Jihao is also very early today, and he also attaches great importance to this matter. If it succeeds, then he can be regarded as a great achievement in front of Ouyang Junwei.

In fact, Liu Jihao also thought about the consequences of Yang Ming’s coming here today. Liu Yihao, who is the man of Ouyang Junwei and the force behind him, still knows very well, so Yang Ming came here today and basically can't go back.

And Liu Jihao, he became an accomplice of murder! However, Liu Jihao weighed the pros and cons and felt that it was worthwhile to do so. The first Yang Ming was just a foreigner. If he died, he would die. As long as he concealed it, there would be no big problem.

The pleasing mobile phone ringing, Liu Jihao's heart moved, looking at the familiar number, he was a little excited and couldn't hold the phone.

"Hey? Yang Ming?" Liu Jihao picked up the phone. He knew that the person who came over could not be Wang Mei, definitely Yang Ming.

"Well, it is me, the check is ready," Yang Ming said.

"Check?" Liu Jihao suddenly thought of a problem. If Yang Ming is dead today, then his check is cashed, is there any trouble? Thinking of this, I was busy saying: "I don't want to check this time. I am afraid that your kid will give me fraud, I want cash!"

"Cash? So how do I bring it?" Yang Ming stunned. I didn't expect Liu Jihao to suddenly make such a request.

"You should replace it with a one-dollar one-point fried noodles. It would not be a problem to pack two hundred stacks of banknotes with a larger suitcase!" said Liu Jihao.

Yang Ming thought that the maximum face value of the Macau dollar banknote is 1000 denominations. This is different from the mainland. The total volume of 20 million is the same as the mainland's 2 million.

Liu Jihao's request seems to be somewhat inexplicable, but Yang Ming did not think much, because he can understand Liu Jihao's mood, the last time he was played once, this time had to be cautious.

"Well, I promise you. But you have to give me some preparation time." Yang Ming agreed.

"Yes, but you have to be a little faster, if you are late, hehe..." Liu Jihao snorted: "After waiting for the money to be collected, call me again."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming said to Zhang Bin and Wang Mei: "Liu Jihao and I want cash, don't check, I will go out to withdraw money now, I will bring your mobile phone, you and Zhang Bin in the hotel. Wait for my news, don't go out and don't call me, I will call you if I have something."

"Okay, boss, don't worry." Zhang Bin nodded and moved, but he also knew that it was not a time to say thank you.

Yang Ming is a VIP user of UBS. With the VIP card here, you can withdraw money directly from the vip room. The 20 million cash is nothing to do with the well-known Swiss Union Bank in the world. In this big Asian gambling city, the daily cash flow of the bank is very big, and Yang Ming has no fuss when he proposes 20 million.

Soon after the formalities were completed, Yang Ming went out of the bank and dialed Liu Jihao’s phone again in nowhere.

"Is the money all ready?" Liu Jihao saw that Yang Ming had called, and asked some excitement. No matter how good Ouyang Junwei promised, it will not be honored after all. Only now these two million are real. Therefore, Liu Jihao is excited when he thinks that the money will soon come to his own hands.

"Ready, I just raised it from the bank, where is the transaction?" Yang Ming asked.

"You are taking a taxi now, come to the Xiangyeshan villa area in Luhuan Island." Liu Jihao said: "After the call, call me, I will naturally send someone to pick you up."

"Okay, no problem." Yang Ming is now what Liu Jihao said, he will listen to what, no matter what, or save Wang Mei's parents first.

"Remember, don't play tricks, it will be very bad for you." Liu Jihao reminded Yang Ming: "You can only come alone."

Yang Ming did not want to play any tricks. After all, Macao is not Songjiang, not Yang Ming's territory. After such a thing, Yang Ming is now trying to be safe, not extra-budget.

Take a taxi to the Xiangyeshan villa area on Coloane Island, which is a high-end villa residential area, each villa is far apart. Yang Ming has wondered if Liu Jihao is a bit too cautious?

After coming down from the taxi, Yang Ming called Liu Jihao and told him that he had arrived at the Xiangyeshan villa area and told him the architectural signs around him.

Liu Jihao asked Yang Ming to wait for a while and sent his own car to pick him up.

It was not long before a black Honda Accord came slowly and stopped at Yang Ming’s side.

The driver opened the window and found half of his head: "Mr. Yang Ming?"

"It's me." Yang Ming nodded.

"Get on the bus, boss Liu let me pick you up," the driver said.

Yang Ming did not have much to say, directly opened the back door of the car and sat in it. The car started slowly and passed through the villas. Finally, I stopped at the edge of a villa that didn't look luxurious.

Of course, this villa is not Ouyang Junwei or Ouyang. This is Liu Jihao’s villa, which he bought with private money in previous years. The price was not very high at the time, and the location of this villa is not very good. At that time, he also made a 10% discount. Liu Jihao was regarded as a real estate investment. I did not expect it to come in handy at this time.

In other words, Liu Jihao did not want to bring Yang Ming here. What Ouyang Junwei would do, he knew very well. This is my own house, where people are dead, how much suffocating?

However, there is no other way for Liu Jihao to make a decision. Ouyang Junwei and Ouyang Huaiqi have no houses in Macau. If they meet at a hotel or somewhere else, they will be more troublesome.

If people see the process of Yang Ming being killed, then it is not a normal fucking. Therefore, for his own safety and for his own future, Liu Jihao had to contribute his villa.

Fortunately, this villa is still no one to live in, and it will be sold in the future. No one knows if he does not say it. Moreover, for the value of a villa, if Ouyang Junwei takes care of himself in business in the future, this villa is really nothing.

So in contrast, Liu Jihao introduced Yang Ming here.

"Liu boss is waiting for you, you go up." This driver is also the person brought by Ouyang Junwei, Liu Jihao people here simply did not let the participation, Ouyang Junwei is also afraid of miscellaneous things.

Yang Ming nodded and took the suitcase and walked inside the villa. The door of the villa was not locked, and it was opened when it was pushed. It is obviously Liu Jihao’s preparation for his arrival.

However, when Yang Ming entered, the villa's door was automatically closed, and the lock was "clicked". Yang Ming did not mind, or Liu Jihao was afraid of who he would bring, or he considered it for other security reasons.

Yang Ming went upstairs in the staircase inside the villa hall. Just halfway up, he heard Liu Jihao’s voice: "Yang Ming, you finally came, did the money come?"

As for Yang Ming's life is death, Liu Jihao does not care much, Yang Ming and himself have no personal grievances, he cares more about the money in the hands of Yang Ming, so when Yang Ming arrives, his first thing is to ask this.

"Bringed, Wang Mei's parents?" Yang Ming looked up and saw Liu Jihao.

"You rest assured, they are very good now!" Liu Jihao said: "The money gave me, I will let go."

Liu Jihao did not intend to take Yang Ming’s parents. Now that the money has arrived, he will of course let go of Wang Mei’s parents! Killing Yang Ming is also done by Ouyang Junwei, but let Liu Jihao go to kill, he will not go, and kill two dispensable people, he will not do it.

Yang Ming nodded. "Okay, I will believe you once. The money is here." Yang Ming walked up a few steps and placed the suitcase in front of Liu Jihao.

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