So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 852: a trick

The eighth and fifty-two chapters

If you are eloquent, you can't live the dead. In the end, you still have to kill yourself. In the view of Ouyang Kan, Yang Ming is just licking his tongue and saying something to run against himself.

"Kid, this is what you are looking for, I let you start first, but you give up, when you meet the prince, don't say I have not given you a chance!" Delay Man 001 listened to Ouyang's order Said to Yang Ming.

"Oh, I let you start first. When you see the prince, you can tell him that you have no chance to grasp it!" Yang Ming said shrugging indifferently.

Delay Man 001 sneered, he admitted that Yang Ming's mouth is very powerful, he said but Yang Ming. But that doesn't matter. Since Yang Ming wants to die early, it will fulfill him.

Delay Man 001 no longer cares about Yang Ming, his body shape, and he made a move. Delay Man 001 uses a sharp dagger, the dagger is hidden in his waist, the right hand to explore, the dagger is firmly in his hand, flashing cold cold.

Yang Mingkou laughed and laughed, but after the delay of 00, he did not dare to neglect. No matter how bad the Hawkeye killer group is, there are always one or two pillars. This Delay Man 001 can be brought out by Ouyang Kan, and there must be his excellency.

Yang Ming is staring at the action of Delay Man 001. When Delay Man 001 is bullying, Yang Ming is trying to dodge behind, because this blade is too sharp, and it will be injured if it is against the front. Surprisingly, the delay man 001 actually stopped, and stopped in front of himself, the knife is half a meter away from himself, so hanging in the air.

Yang Ming is surprised, this person will not be a sheep epilepsy or something that happened? Or is it that the hand is not good?

Where does he know the usual killing habits of Delay Man 001 is that there is a one-second delay before killing the target, so that the look of the panic before the death of the deceased is appreciated.

Normally, in this case, there is no reaction at all. In just one second, the moment is over. But Yang Ming is different. This second is enough for him, and he can do a lot of things.

Although Yang Ming did not understand what happened to this delay man 001, but there is such an excellent opportunity, Yang Ming will never give up. Yang Ming quickly reached out and violently took the dagger from the hand of Delay Man 001, and then in the delayed 001 **** expression, a knife inserted into the heart of the delay man 001.

"How is it possible??" This is the last sentence before Delay Man 001 dies. He couldn't understand why, Yang Ming's reaction was so fast, only a short one second pause, actually able to grab the dagger.

As everyone knows, Yang Ming’s own skills are not weak, and after a long period of rigorous training, even if he does not have this second pause, Yang Ming can’t be stabbed by him, but with this second pause, he gave it. Yang Ming took the opportunity to win the knife!

At the moment when the dagger was pulled out, the blood of the delay man 001 rushed out like a fountain, and it was sprayed all over the floor.

"I said Ouyang old man, the next time you bring someone out to kill me, can you find a problem?" Yang Ming's very casual tone is not like the one who just killed someone: "Is this guy crazy?" The action is still a meal?"

Ouyang was incredulously watching Yang Ming and the delay man 001 falling on the ground. He did not expect that the somewhat abnormal habit of Delay Man 001 would be the reason for his death!

Although Ouyang has always thought that the problem of Delay Man 001 is not so good, it is easy to give the opponent a chance to breathe or escape, but he never thought that the enemy could take a second to counterattack. This is not a movie, how is it possible?

This can only be said that his thoughts are too frogs in the bottom of the well, thinking that his killer organization is very powerful, but I do not know that there are even more powerful.

Liu Jihao had already scared his pants at this time. He really regretted it. How did he listen to the words of Ouyang Junwei and participate in this incident? If you only extort Yang Ming's money, it is estimated that Yang Ming will not have any move, but now... Liu Jihao can hardly imagine what Yang Ming will do after the killing of Delay Man 001!

How do you believe in Ouyang Junwei? He has delayed the man 001 to the sky, saying that his kung fu high-powered world is unparalleled, the result can be good, but also clamoring to give people Yang Ming a stroke of life, he is himself being first attacked by others.

Ouyang was just about to talk, but Yang Ming was the first to open his mouth: "Oh, yes, it should be no next time. Keeping you old and young in this world is just making trouble for me!"

"Hey! You don't think you are lucky enough to kill Delay Man 001. You are very powerful. You can have two tricks with me!" Ouyang was cold and snorted. Although his heart was bleeding, he lost a smug general, but on the surface he still pretended to be very calm.

"And you?" It’s not that Yang Ming can’t afford Ouyang’s rise. It’s just that Ouyang’s body is not like a person who has practiced. Maybe when he was young, he was fighting very hard by a slap in the face, but said It’s obviously not good to work hard.

People who practice Kung Fu, regardless of their age, can be distinguished from ordinary people at a glance, but Ouyang is not the same thing at first glance.

"Yes! Do you have a kind of thing? If you are a man, just try one-on-one with me!" Ouyang said, and began to move back and forth with both hands and feet, as if warming up before the fight.

However, Ouyang's movements are quite funny in Yang Ming's eyes, so he can't help but want to laugh, is this warm-up? How is it like a big man?

What kind of effort does Ouyang come from? This is the clearest point in his own heart. Although he is the leader of the Hawkeye group, it does not mean that he is also a killer!

What he provided to the Hawkeye Group was only the funding and training environment, and in fact did not need Ouyang to perform any tasks in person. However, this time he said this, in order to distract Yang Ming’s attention, he would give Yang Ming an unexpected fatal blow.

While Ouyang was dancing and dancing, his right hand slowly touched his own arms. His movements were natural and there was no feeling of contrived.

However, Yang Ming had long felt that Ouyang was abnormal. He had been staring at the action of the old guy. Seeing his hand touched his chest, he immediately caused Yang Ming’s suspicion.

Yang Ming directly used his power to look at the arms of Ouyang, and found out that there was a small 77-type pistol hidden in his arms!

Spicy next door, Yang Ming really wants to point to Ouyang, this old man is licking a dog blood! Also "Do you have a kind of thing? If you are a man, just try one-on-one with me!", I am not afraid to flash my tongue!

Want to play with yourself? That line! After Yang Ming noticed the old man’s intentions, he directly reached out and took out Wang Xiaoying’s lipstick pistol from his pocket. He shot directly on the heart of Ouyang’s rise. Ouyang’s eyes widened and his throat collapsed. Two, unwilling to fall to the ground.

"You don't want to play with me? Then I will fulfill you." Yang Ming handed back the lipstick pistol into his pocket.

Liu Jihao has almost turned his eyes, who is this? Actually there are guns? Although Liu Jihao also belongs to the kind of mixed society, but far from the firearms, it is not surprising that Ouyang is a gun, because people are the leader of the killer organization! But Yang Ming actually has a gun?

Liu Jihao complained, I can't wait to smoke a few big mouths! It seems that Yang is obviously a curse! The words that Yang Ming said at the coffee shop that day did not seem to be fake. When people mixed up in society, they still didn’t know what to do.

I knew that Yang Ming was so powerful, and Liu Jihao did not dare to blackmail him! Isn't this a joke about your life? This Ouyang family is also not a singer, and the outside is strong, and in the end, people are forced to die two, and it is estimated that the rest will be sooner or later.

Ouyang Junwei did not expect Yang Ming to actually carry a gun, and a shot killed his father! Ouyang Junwei screamed with grief: "Dad!" Then he looked at Yang Ming with hatred, and his eyes were full of angry flames.

Ouyang Junwei knows that it is not a time of grief. If he does not solve Yang Ming, he may not be able to go back today.

"There is still you, that Ouyang Jun what kind of thing, how do you want to die?" Yang Ming did not ask Ouyang Junwei what to try, but directly asked Ouyang Junwei how to die, this tone is a bit big, but Yang Ming is now It is this capital.

Ouyang Junwei resisted his anger and stared at Yang Ming. He said a word: "Taekwondo, dare?"

"I don't want that thing, if you have to compare, I can only use something else." Yang Ming snorted.

"You can do anything, but you can't use a gun!" Ouyang Junwei said this in his heart. If Yang Ming used a gun, it would still be a fart, and there is no need to fight.

Ouyang Junwei is also holding the idea of ​​trying. If Yang Ming is willing to let go of himself, then it would be better. I would rather have a grandson to be worthwhile for a while. Anyway, the gentleman’s revenge is not too late, and I will find a way to kill Yang Ming.

"Well, just follow you." Yang Ming laughed. It turned out that this Ouyang Regal was also a coward, and thought he was quite capable. No need to use a gun, Yang Ming did not intend to use a gun again.

Wang Xiaoying can only fill two bullets in this lipstick pistol. I used to go for a haircut yesterday. The remaining one was also rewarded to Ouyang. If Yang Ming wants to use it, he must be able to use it.

"Come on!" Ouyang Junwei took off his coat and made a request for Yang Ming.

"I am still the same sentence, you must make a move first, otherwise I will not have anything to do with you!" Yang Ming said.

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