So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 930: mission failed

Chapter 903 Task Failure

As soon as Chen Mengyu was at home, Yang Ming parked the car at the door of a smoke hotel on the side of the road, ready to buy some gifts for Chen Fei. Although the current relationship is already very familiar, but the son-in-law must always show something.

"Why stop?" Chen Mengxi was squinting at his eyes, suddenly felt the car stopped, and suddenly asked with a strange open eyes.

"I am going to buy some gifts for your dad." Yang Ming pointed out that the famous tobacco and liquor shop on the roadside said.

"You don't have to be so comfortable." Chen Meng blinked and lazily stretched out a lazy waist: "The air conditioner in the car is warm and I have to fall asleep."

"Why don't you use it, at least it's a wish." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Let's go down and see?"

"I won't go, I don't know the smoke and the wine," Chen Mengxi shook his head. "I was lying in the car for a while, a little sleepy."

"That's alright," Yang Ming nodded. "I won't go out of fire, I will come back later."

When Yang Ming finished speaking, he got off the bus and walked to the smoke hotel on the roadside. Generally, such smoke hotels are open all night, and most of the people who come here to buy things are giving gifts or visiting friends and family.

Yang Ming entered the smoke hotel, and there was a man and a woman shopping for it. The man's back looks familiar. However, when he opened his mouth, Yang Ming immediately recognized who he was.

"When I first went to your home, should I buy a slightly better wine?" said the boy.

"It's not that expensive, my father doesn't pick it up. Besides, he only said that he wants to see you, and he doesn't agree with us." The girl whispered: "Moreover, there is not much money, and tomorrow. Going to the playground to play... Don’t spend the trick money, or you buy your wine with your lucky money, don’t touch me...”

"Yang Xiaobo!" Yang Ming shouted, but did not expect to meet his cousin here. Moreover, listening to his conversation with the girlfriend named Shen Hua, the relationship between the two seems to have been very good, even the money is put on a piece of flowers.

Yang Ming couldn't help but shake his head. Now the child, there is really a gap with him. He went to Gao Sancai and Chen Mengyu, and his cousin Gao Yi began to be a girlfriend... Yang Ming didn’t think at the moment. However, he had a relationship with Suya that was unclear and unclear in junior high school...

"Brother!" Yang Xiaobo turned around and suddenly saw Yang Ming, and then remembered what he said before, and suddenly blush: "Brother, how come you?"

"I am like you, go to the father-in-law's house and buy some alcohol and tobacco." Yang Ming is not as embarrassed as Yang Xiaobo. After all, he is now a college student, not as sneaky as a high school student.

"Brother... I just went to Shenhua's house to have a meal..." Yang Xiaobo was said by Yang Ming, and some embarrassed explanations.

"Don't explain it," Yang Ming said with a smile. "If you meet, you don't have to spend money. You have some money, keep a date on the park!"

"Thank you, big brother!" Yang Xiaobo is also welcome. He has had the best relationship with Yang Ming since he was a child, so there is no need to be polite. Moreover, now is the holiday, he and Shen Hua always go out to date, but also need to spend money, seeing the two people's lucky money are spent seven or eight eight, if you buy two bottles of wine, basically no more It is.

"Shen Hua, isn't it?" Yang Ming smiled and nodded to the girl around Yang Xiaobo: "What kind of wine does your father like to drink? Wine or white wine?"

"White Bar..." Shen Hua thought about it and said. She usually doesn't pay much attention to this. Just because of the memory, there should be no red wine at home.

Yang Ming nodded. Generally, people like Shen Hua’s father’s generation used to drink white wine and drink wine. The red wine was popular in China in recent years. It is more popular among young people in high society. favorite.

"Wuliangye, better, what?" Yang Ming turned to ask the owner of the hotel.

"Here, the best of Wuliangye is 1985, with 52 degrees and 26 degrees." The boss said.

Yang Ming does not expect to buy Maotai or Wuliangye at the beginning of the founding of the country, because it is basically impossible. This is just a small name hotel on the roadside.

"Well, then come to four bottles of 52 degrees." Yang Ming said to the boss: "Every two bottles are together."

"Okay." The boss saw Yang Ming so refreshed, and he was pleased to be happy. He quickly packed it and handed it to Yang Mingdao: "Mr., a total of 12,000."

"Well, swipe your card." Yang Ming threw out a bank card and said. For this price, Yang Ming is still quite satisfied, this boss still quite understands how to do business, although Yang Ming bought four bottles of wine very refreshingly, even the price did not ask, but the boss's offer is fair, and There is no suspicion of killing customers.

In fact, it is not that the boss does not want to make more money. What he thinks is that wealthy people like Yang Ming are the best wines when they come up. They must also buy wine regularly. They must know the price well. It’s too expensive to sell, and isn’t it scared away? So directly reported a normal price.

Yang Xiaobo originally wanted to buy a bottle of wine for a few hundred dollars, but did not expect Yang Ming to buy him two bottles of more than 3,000 pieces of wine.

"Brother, is this too expensive?" Yang Xiaobo looked at Yang Ming and whispered.

"You kid, pick up the girl is still reluctant to spend money, how can this be done!" Yang Ming patted Yang Xiaobo's head and smiled.

Yang Ming said that Shen Hua and Yang Xiaobo were embarrassed to bow their heads. Yang Ming bought two little pandas and two Chinese for Chen Fei. Of course, he did not buy Yang Xiaobo. He took the two bottles of wine almost the same. Yang Ming did not want him to make it too conspicuous.

"How do you two go?" Yang Ming looked at the sky outside, it should be very difficult to stop the taxi at this time.

"We walked to the front and there was a 87-way station. We got off at the end." Yang Xiaobo said: "Brother, you don't care about us, you have something to go first."

Take the bus? Yang Ming took a forehead and only remembered that when he was in high school, why not take a bus? At that time, I did not have a taxi. However, the current life is comfortable, Yang Ming has not been on the bus for a long time, but just use his current thinking to consider Yang Xiaobo.

"Then go together, I will send you a ride, it is very cold outside." Yang Ming said.

"That... okay..." Yang Xiaobo hesitated, and nodded and agreed. It’s really cold outside, and this time the bus is crowded with people, not to mention the seats, not even the station.

Yang Xiaobo didn't have anything, but every time he saw Shen Hua being squeezed, Yang Xiaobo felt a little distressed. He is not as strong as Yang Ming, and he can squeeze others on the bus.

When Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu were in the car, Yang Ming directly pushed others to the side and left a lot of space for Chen Mengyu.

The four people went out to smoke the hotel, but Yang Ming was a glimpse! I saw a guy who was sneaky and was pulling the door of his BMW car! After Yang Ming went out, the guy had opened the door and asked his hand to go inside...

Yang Ming did not expect that he would go in for a while, the car did not turn off the fire, he recruited a thief, and then rushed to the past, from the back, grabbed the guy's neck collar and gave him a smash.

I saw the guy’s hand and grabbed a small bag, which was Chen Meng’s handbag.

"Stealing things?" Yang Ming asked coldly.

"I..." The thief saw Yang Ming picking him up with one hand. It was obviously a monk, a person he couldn’t afford, so he quickly asked for mercy: "Hello, let me go, I have... ..."

"You got it!" Yang Ming sneered after listening: "Do you want to say that you have an 80-year-old mother, a four-year-old child, and a wife who has died of illness? Let me pity you?"

" do you know..." The thief was a little embarrassed.

"Leave things, you give me a go!" Yang Ming took Chen Mengyu's handbag and threw the thief aside, and fell heavily into the snowdrift on the side of the road.

"Thank you for your good fortune, thank you hero..." The thief said, running away with the roller.

At this time, the snoring outside the car awakened Chen Mengyu. Chen Mengyan opened his eyes and saw Yang Ming standing outside the car. Some wondered: "Yang Ming, what happened?"

"You just fell asleep, and all the thieves were recruited, and almost stolen your handbag." Yang Ming handed Chen Mengxi's handbag to Chen Mengxi.

"Ah!" Chen Mengyu was a little embarrassed: "I blame me, I didn't lock the door..."

"Nothing, just be careful next time." Yang Ming said, pointing to Yang Xiaobo and Shen Huadao behind him: "Dream, introduce you to two people, my brother Yang Xiaobo, and his girlfriend Shen Hua Just met in the smoke hotel, first send them a section."

"Well, OK." Chen Mengyu nodded, and then waved his hand to Yang Xiaobo and Shen Hua: "How are you!"

"This is your nephew." Yang Ming introduced to Chen Xiaobo.

"Xunzi." Yang Xiaobo screamed in a respectful and respectful manner. Shen Hua’s voice was very small, and he was still a little shy. When she screamed, it was equal to her being a Yang family.

Yang Xiaobo and Shen Hua opened the back door and let them get on the bus. Yang Ming came back to the driver's seat and started the car.

Not far away, in a dark corner, the thief just took the phone and dialed a number: "Boss... my mission failed."

"Waste!" There was a hoarse male voice over the phone.

"The Yang Ming came out too fast, I haven't had time to start..." the thief explained.

"Your skill is too slow! I have been teaching you for so long!" The male voice on the phone said: "You come back, I will let your brother shoot!"

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