So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 942: Quarrel with my girlfriend

The ninth and forty-two chapters quarrel with my girlfriend

"Ah!" Li Wei was somewhat flattered. After all, in today's society, it is really not easy to find a stable job. Seeing Yang Ming's meaning is to prepare to hire her for a long time: "That is good." I will help you pack things up."

Yang Ming nodded and let Li Wei go to work.

“How are you feeling?” Yang Ming smiled and walked over to Zhou Jiajia.

Zhou Jiajia was a bit worried. After all, she became a girlfriend of Yang Ming, and even she did not understand how it became. Slightly nodded and said: "It's good."

"The procedures for discharge have been completed, then let's go back. In the hospital, it is not as convenient as at home." Yang Ming said.

"Well," Zhou Jiajia nodded and his face was reddish, letting Yang Ming arrange.

"Dream, you help Jiajia to wear clothes." Yang Ming glanced at Zhou Jiajia's sick suit and said.

"No, I am doing it myself." Zhou Jiajia shook his head, and he was embarrassed: "I just woke up, but I was a little dizzy, but these things are still no problem."

"Come on, I will help you." Chen Mengxi did not help but said that he would help Zhou Jiajia to get busy: "Hey? Jia Jia, what about your coat?"

Zhou Jiajia wore a warm fleece, but only put a layer of sick clothes on the outside. If he took off, he could wear clothes directly, but Chen Mengyu looked for a long time and did not find Zhou Jiajia's coat.

"Ah, Miss Chen, Miss Zhou has no coat." Li Wei quickly walked over and said: "Miss Zhou's original coat was stained with blood, she had already lost it, and she never bought it."

"I am going to buy two pieces of clothes." Yang Ming looked at his watch. Although it was already quite late, there should be a store that opened the door.

"Well, then we are waiting for you in the hospital." Chen Mengxi said: "I am here to accompany Jiajia."

"Right, Jia Jia, your mother asked you to call her." Yang Ming remembered the mother-in-law's embarrassment.

"Ah!" Zhou Jiajia was shocked and remembered. After he woke up, he still had no contact with his mother! Just being stunned by Chen Mengyu, I can't tell who passed through, and I forgot about this thing. Now I heard Yang Ming’s words and I want to inform my mother. "Okay, I will play it later..."

When Zhou Jiajia saw Yang Ming, he would still be very embarrassed. No way, who told Chen Mengxi that he and Yang Ming live together!

To say that cohabitation before marriage, Zhou Jiajia did not have any conflicts. However, Zhou Jiajia did not understand when he became so bold, and Chen Mengxi and Yang Ming came together to live together!

Moreover, Chen Mengyu actually agreed to ask himself to live with them? This is a bit incredible. Therefore, Zhou Jiajia is still very firm at this moment, whether he is crossing, or really lost memory.

Yang Ming went out of the ward and drove to the direction of the business district. Xinheng Department Store should have not closed yet.

Sure enough, when I came to Xinheng Department Store, it was still brightly lit and people came and went. Yang Ming parked the car in the underground parking lot of Xinheng Department Store, and then quickly went upstairs.

Yang Ming did not come to the mall. Zhou Jiajia and Chen Mengyu were waiting for him in the hospital. He went directly to the upstairs women's monopoly, and went to a specialty store and walked in.

Anyway, it is temporarily worn, Yang Ming does not need to pick too carefully, it looks like it is good, the most important thing is to keep warm.

Yang Ming mainly went to the down jacket and the like, so when he entered the door, he walked over to the down jacket.

“Hey?” Seeing a figure in front, Yang Ming’s obvious glimpse. Have you met an acquaintance?

At this time, Wang Xiaoying also noticed that someone was watching her, looked up, and just saw Yang Ming, but when she saw that it was Yang Ming, her face suddenly fell.

After returning from Macao, Wang Xiaoyan found that many roses were piled up at the door of his house. Because it was winter, the roses were frozen into ice roses, but they were not withered, and they were still beautiful and beautiful.

Roses are beautiful, but Wang Xiaoying is not at all happy to appreciate! I don’t have to think about it, it must have been sent by Yang Ming’s guy!

Wang Xiaoying must be mad at death. I really don’t understand Yang Ming’s guy who is wrong with the ribs. It’s a big radish to send flowers to himself all day long. So at the moment, I saw Yang Ming in the store, and naturally I would not give her a good face.

"Miss Wang, really coincident..." After Yang Ming finished this sentence, he realized that it was Songjiang, and he had already restored his original appearance. Wang Xiaoyu would not recognize himself at all.

Wang Xiaoyu heard Yang Ming calling himself "Miss Wang", and suddenly she was annoyed. She thought that Yang Ming was deliberately swearing. She said coldly: "I don't feel any clever at all."

How does Yang Ming feel that this chick has something wrong with her attitude? Isn't it because the house was disturbed when she was remodeling? As for this? It seems that I owe her a billion.

"I have already apologized for the last renovation. After that, we are neighbors. You should not regenerate, can you?" Yang Ming said that he was a good-looking person. After knowing the identity of Wang Xiaoying, Yang Ming subconsciously wanted to be close to her. After all, it was about the "black widow" killer group. Yang Ming had to get the truth from the body and he had to start from Wang Xiaoying.

"Neighbors? I hope that you will move away tomorrow, don't bother me any more." Wang Xiaoyi took a look at Yang Ming, not angry. Wang Xiaoyan listened to what he had decorated and did not mention the flowers to himself. He felt that Yang Ming was not reliable. Really sorry for Zhao Ying, how do you like a guy like this? Hypocritical, shameless!

If it is not because Wang Xiaoying is afraid of revealing his identity, he is afraid that Zhao Ying will be sad. Wang Xiaoyan has already shot Yang Ming for cooking. However, if she knew that Yang Ming was the "Liu Lei" she met in Macau, then who is not sure who to cook at that time.

"I said that you are not so stingy?" Yang Ming is somewhat helpless, saying that women are careful, and this Wang Xiaoying is simply a model of careful eyes!

"Small gas? Hey." Wang Xiaoyu snorted: "What have you done yourself, you are not sure?"

"What have I done? I..." Yang Ming said with a smile: "If you don't, the clothes you buy today are paid by me, and it is a crime."

"You need to buy it for me? You must go, I don't want to see you!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wang Xiaoying was even a brow, what happened to Yang Ming? Want to please yourself, buy clothes for yourself, but still find a bright excuse? I have never seen him so shameless. As a result, Wang Xiaoyu’s voice is obviously bigger.

Originally, Wang Xiaoyu’s mood in the past two days has recovered a lot. When he swept away in Macau, he was unhappy. He came out shopping today and wanted to relax, but he did not expect to meet Yang Ming.

Wang Xiaoyu’s voice suddenly attracted a lot of attention. The customers who chose clothes in the store all looked at them. This made Yang Ming feel awkward, as if he had bullied Wang Xiaoyu.

At this time, the security guards of the store also noticed the things here and came here: "Miss, what happened? Need help?"

The security guard saw Wang Xiaoyu's angry look and thought she was harassed.

Wang Xiaoyu just wanted to speak, but she heard Yang Ming say: "Nothing, I have a quarrel with my girlfriend. She wants to buy clothes. I don't want to buy, so she is angry!"

"Hey!" Wang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and a murderous gaze staring at Yang Ming, this guy is too shameless, right? Who is his girlfriend? Moreover, what does he mean? What do you want to buy clothes, and you are angry if you don't buy them? Are you such a person? It seems that I am a kind of unreasonable woman.

"Oh!" The security guard nodded as he understood it, then turned and walked away, and he was too angry to smile.

When Yang Ming was in Macau, he and Wang Xiaoyu pretended that the couple had already installed the light car, so they didn't hesitate to hesitate at the moment, and they uttered those words.

Wang Xiaoyu’s lungs are all inflated, but I think that this is a public occasion. I have to endure it. I have to think about how to clean up Yang Ming for a while!

This guy is really awkward, Wang Xiaoyan thought, this time, if Yang Ming is not afraid, he will have trouble in the future!

Yang Ming did not care, just took off a pink down jacket on the shelf, it seems that Zhou Jiajia should wear it, then looked at the clothes selected by Wang Xiaoying, and smiled: "Let's go, let's go Bill, please."

Wang Xiaoyan glanced at the down jacket in the hands of Yang Ming. Some unpleasant words: "What clothes do you take, I don't want it!"

It’s no wonder that Wang Xiaoying thinks this way. Yang Ming is a shopping mall where people come to visit. There are no other women around, so Yang Ming’s big man is holding a dress at the moment. Wang Xiaoying’s subconsciously believes that Yang Ming wants to give her of.

"Who wants to give you?" Yang Ming stunned, then smiled: "I want to buy it for others."

"Ah!" Wang Xiaoyu suddenly made a big red face, and the heart of Yang Minghao's dog blood sprinkler, heart, boy, you, you really, you give me waiting!

Sometimes women are so strange, you don't buy anything for her, don't buy it, Yang Ming looks at Wang Xiaoying's anger and looks like smoke, and some helplessly said: "Or, will you buy the same one?" ”

"Buy your head!" Wang Xiaoyu said with hate.

Yang Ming shook his head and bought my head? Sorry, this is really not for sale. Put the selected down jacket at the checkout counter, and pointed to the clothes selected by Wang Xiaolan, and said to the cashier: "How much is it?"

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