So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 114 Meeting the Empress 3.5K

That voice kept lingering in Mu Zhian's ears, but in the bright and clear world, it made people feel inexplicably scared.

Mu Zhian stroked his arm while looking up at the crowd around him.

The expressions of each sect disciple were no different from usual, looking at the sect master in front of the altar with admiring eyes, as if they didn't hear anything.

"Child... I'm here..."

The old voice came again in his ears, causing Mu Zhian to have countless goose bumps at this moment, and he looked up at the woman in front of the altar.

Senior Sister Lan's master is the top strong man in the world, she should be able to detect this voice... What exactly is this voice?

However, when Mu Zhian looked up, he found that Shang Yanfei seemed to know nothing, looking at the altar calmly, performing the ceremony of ancestor worship.

"My child..."

The voice was like a demonic sound, causing a layer of cold sweat to seep out of Mu Zhian's forehead. In the refreshing autumn, his back was already covered with cold sweat.

Wei Mengrou obviously noticed this scene and whispered: "Are you okay? If you are not well, don't force yourself. Let's leave first."

Mu Zhian shook his head gently, raised his head and stared at the altar.

Is there something sealed in here?

But even so, it doesn't make sense why only he can hear that voice, but others can't.

The chosen son should be Ye Yu...Shouldn't this "opportunity" be given to him?

No...This should not be considered an opportunity, but a "bad luck".

Could it be that I usually pick up too many girls and suffer from the punishment of heaven?

It's rare that Mu Zhian still has the mind to joke in his heart at this time. He covered his forehead tightly, and felt that the voice kept penetrating his brain and reaching his heart.

Everything in front of him seemed to become a little hazy, as if covered by a layer of white mist.

Wei Mengrou looked at him sideways, with a hint of worry in her cold eyes.

At the same time, in front of the altar, Shang Yanfei seemed to have completed the ceremony of worshiping the ancestors and inserted three incense sticks in front of the altar.


Thunder roared in the sky.

At this time, the voice that had just lingered in Mu Zhian's ears suddenly disappeared, and the whispers of the disciples who had just entered the sect came clearly into his ears.

But at this time, Mu Zhian's forehead had already been sweating.

Shang Yanfei walked down the altar, returned to the high platform, glanced at the elder beside him, and transmitted the message: "Notify others that the selection ceremony for inner disciples will be postponed to two days later."

The elder was obviously stunned for a moment, but he did not hesitate at all. He nodded slightly and immediately transmitted the message to the person in charge of the opening ceremony of the sect.

Shang Yanfei's eyes then fell on a cold and beautiful woman in a moon-white dress in the crowd.

Lan Murian obviously noticed the master's gaze, looked up, and just heard Shang Yanfei's voice floating in her ear: "Bring Mu Zhian to the back mountain."

Mu Zhian...?

Lan Murian's eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

Why did the master know Mu Zhian's name...?

And what did she want to do with this little monk...?


Although a little puzzled, Lan Murian still maintained a respectful tone of voice transmission to answer.

Master's orders, as long as they are carried out unconditionally, it is right.

As the person in charge announced that the subsequent inner disciple selection ceremony would be postponed, these sect disciples also left one after another, but when they left, they discussed the reasons for the postponement of the selection ceremony with their companions.

"I think it's because there are too many geniuses among the disciples who joined the sect this time, so even the head monks need to consider it in detail."

"Well... there are indeed many geniuses among the disciples who joined the sect this time, which can be called a golden age."

"And there are many beautiful junior sisters..."

When the disciples left the Pilgrimage Hall, they couldn't help but discuss such things.

No matter what era it is, the word "beauty" is always the most discussed topic among men.

This is true even in the world of cultivation.

"But if we talk about the most beautiful junior sister, it should be Bai Ruoxi, right?" Among the disciples who were leaving, someone suddenly mentioned this name.

"In terms of comprehensive factors, the eldest daughter of the Bai family in Tianxuan City is indeed a great beauty, and I'm afraid she can be compared with Senior Sister Lan..." Someone sighed.

"Didn't Junior Sister Bai also come to participate in the opening ceremony? Why didn't I see her?"

"Isn't she there?" Someone glanced in a certain direction not far away.

Many people looked sideways.

In the corner of the square where people were coming and going, Bai Ruoxi, who had a cool and gentle temperament, was holding Mu Zhian's arm, sitting in front of a staircase, gently wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

A luxurious palace skirt set off her snow-white skin. Even if she was only slightly made up, her exquisite profile alone made people fascinated.

A young man who looked a little weak was being carefully taken care of by such a beautiful woman. Such a scene would make any man jealous.

Many sect disciples who were about to leave slowed down their steps involuntarily. Looking at this enviable scene, they suddenly couldn't help but whispered: "Who is the male cultivator next to her?"

"The eldest young master of the Mu family is said to have been obsessed with beauty before. I don't know how he pursued Junior Sister Bai."

"A genius in the Refining Spirit Realm was actually pursued by a cultivator of the fifth rank of Qi Refining... It seems that Master Mu knows how to pursue girls."

Listening to the low-voiced discussion of these disciples, someone who had received Mu Zhian's favor before finally couldn't help but speak up to defend him:

"Master Mu is still quite capable. He led us through the assessment of Canghai Peak on his own before, and he was said to have performed well in Senior Linglong's cave heaven before."

"The assessment of Canghai Peak?"

The crowd was moved, and they obviously knew how perverted the sect assessment of the main peak was.

"A cultivator of the fifth rank of Qi Refining can lead a group of disciples through the assessment of Canghai Peak?"

"Senior Linglong's cave heaven... I have heard from my senior brother in the past that most people can't even pass the first level of the puppet dragon... How could he do it?"

The whispers of these disciples naturally reached Mu Zhian's ears.

Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly and whispered, "These people are so annoying."

Mu Zhian's past performance was obviously excellent, but in the mouths of some people, he was unbearable, and even questioned him.

Mu Zhian was sitting on a staircase near the Pilgrimage Hall at this time, with Bai Ruoxi sitting on his left, and Wei Mengrou standing quietly by the side without saying a word.

Mu Zhian gently patted Bai Ruoxi's little hand, shook his head and chuckled, "Prejudices in people's hearts are like a mountain. My past performance is too different from now, so it is natural that people will question it... Moreover, it is impossible to lead other disciples through the assessment under normal circumstances for a fifth-grade Qi training."

If it weren't for the formation in Canghai Peak, Mu Zhian would not have been able to lead other disciples through the assessment.

Moreover, some of these people didn't actually doubt him at all, but were just a little jealous of Bai Ruoxi sitting next to them.

This is also understandable...After all, a girl of heaven and a playboy together are indeed bound to cause some criticism.

But at least these disciples are very smart. They won't confront others directly like Ye Yu or Gongsun Cheng. At most, they will talk about it in private.

Bai Ruoxi is a smart woman. Naturally, she knows that it is useless to just defend Mu Zhian now. She needs to take it slowly and change other people's views little by little.

She also believes that Mu Zhian will definitely change those who doubt him in the future.

After all, she was prejudiced against Mu Zhian like everyone else in the past, right?

As a result, since she was with him, she slowly understood his charm.

It's not that he is strong in strength, but that he makes people feel at ease when they are with him.

It's just that sometimes he likes to stop and tease others in the middle of the bed, which is a bit annoying...

It seems that she thought of some not-so-good pictures, and Miss Bai's face couldn't help but blush shyly.

She wiped the cold sweat on Mu Zhian's face with a handkerchief, stared into his eyes, and barely restrained her messy thoughts, saying: "Mu Lang, what happened to you just now? Why are your lips so pale?"

There was undisguised worry in those bright eyes.

Mu Zhian looked at this beautiful face and the concern in the girl's eyes, shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Bai Ruoxi heard this, although there was still some worry in his eyes, but when he heard Mu Zhian said this, he didn't continue to ask, but stayed quietly by Mu Zhian's side, waiting for him to recover some strength before leaving the pilgrimage temple.

Not far away, Ye Yu, who was wearing a black robe, watched this scene in the crowd. Especially when this beautiful and refined beauty cared about Mu Zhian in such a little girl's attitude and showed her gentle side, he couldn't help but recall the indifference and ruthlessness of the other party when she handed him the letter of withdrawal of engagement.

The contrast between the two made Ye Yu's heart only have endless anger.

As if he had noticed Ye Yu's gaze, Mu Zhian looked up and saw Ye Yu among the crowd.

Ye Yu also noticed Mu Zhian's gaze, opened his lips slightly, and said two words with his mouth: You deserve it.

Obviously, what Ye Yu meant by "you deserve it" was naturally referring to Mu Zhian's "weak" state at the moment.

Mu Zhian naturally didn't care about this. After all, he had Bai Ruoxi with him now, so how could he care about the sour girl?

He was about to look away.

At this time, a clear and crisp voice like a silver bell suddenly came from a distance: "Brother Mu."

Mu Zhian looked up and saw Ye Qian trotting up in a pair of cloud-embroidered short boots. Her skirt was flying, revealing a pair of snow-white and smooth calves, and her chest swayed gently as she ran.

She came to Mu Zhian's side, leaned down slightly, looked at his pale face, and said worriedly: "Are you okay, Brother Mu?"

Mu Zhian forced a smile, shook his head gently and said: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

After that, he asked Ye Qian to sit beside him first, and then looked up at Ye Yu who was staring at him, and responded with the same mouth shape: Your sister is so cute.

Looking at Ye Yu's body obviously stiffened, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural, Mu Zhian smiled indifferently and retracted his sight.

Although he was a little tired at this time because of the strange voice just now, the two girls beside him now, plus the caring eyes of Sister Meng Rou next to him, are enough to heal everything.

It's a pity that Lingxuan and Senior Sister are not here, otherwise it would be more perfect... When Mu Zhian just thought of this, he suddenly felt that the voices around him suddenly quieted down.

A shadow seemed to be quietly covering him from behind.

Mu Zhian turned his head subconsciously.

Lan Murian was standing not far behind him, with a thin veil covering her cold face. Her rosy lips moved and said:

"Come with me to the back mountain."

The cold voice, like the sound of dropping ice cubes into a cup, came to his ears, full of the charm of a cold beauty, but also made Mu Zhian's body slightly stiff for a while, and he felt what Ye Yu had just felt.

Then, he suddenly reacted.

No... what did my senior sister ask me to do in the back mountain at this time?

"Senior sister, why do you want to go to the back mountain now?" Mu Zhian asked in a voice transmission.

"Master is looking for you." Lan Murian also transmitted a voice.

Senior sister Lan's master... the leader of the Liangyi Sect just now?

Mu Zhian was stunned.

Damn... I'm not ready to see the 'great white shark' yet...

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