So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 122 Spirit Dragon: Aaa? 5K (1/2)

As the third prince opened his mouth to question, many people's eyes fell on Mu Zhian.

What he just said was actually a trap in itself.

Ask Mu Zhian if he knows that there are demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden. If Mu Zhian denies it because he is panicked, it will be easier to handle later.

As long as the third prince uses the demon measuring ruler to prove that Bai Ruoxi is a demon cultivator, Mu Zhian's "lie" will be self-defeating.

But if the other party nods and admits it at this time... then the matter of "covering the demon cultivator" will be completely eliminated.

In other words, no matter what Mu Zhian does, this is a dead end.

Just as the third prince expected, when the sonorous and powerful questioning voice fell, Mu Zhian's expression also changed, and he subconsciously staggered back half a step, his body trembling slightly.

In the crowd, Ye Yu stared at Mu Zhian's ashen face and couldn't help but feel a little gloating.

In Tianxuan City, your Mu family covers the sky with one hand and colludes with the major families in Tianxuan City to deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates.

But what about in Ayesha?

The person he was facing was the Third Prince, who was supported by a giant behind him? Can you continue to misrepresent yourself as you did in Tianxuan City, tell lies with your eyes wide open, and insist that Bai Ruoxi is not a demon cultivator?

In the crowd, Huang Manting's eyes also flickered slightly, staring closely at Mu Zhian's "fearful" look.

What does this Young Master Mu want to do?

Let himself leak all the information about Bai Ruoxi and him to the third prince, and take the initiative to hand the knife to the third prince... No matter how you think about it, it is not something Mu Zhian would do.

But he actually did it.

If you don't know the details, you might think that Mu Zhian has been killed in this situation... But Huang Manting is part of Mu Zhian's plan, so she naturally knows that the other party should still have some backup plans.

But once it is proven that Bai Ruoxi is a demon cultivator, any back-up plan will be useless, right?

At this time, Mu Zhian took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, raised his head and stared at the Third Prince, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, Third Prince, although there is some connection between you and me, it is not a matter of throwing dirty water for no reason. Things that sect disciples should do.”

"Throwing dirty water?" The third prince laughed and said, "Young Master Mu, you mean that you don't know that there are demon cultivators hidden in Tianhe Garden?"

Mu Zhian stared at the third prince closely and said: "I have lived in Tianhe Garden for so many days, and I have never heard of any demon cultivators in this garden. After all, this is the Liangyi Sect, how can there be any demons here?" Dare Xiu come to Liangyi Sect openly?"

The third prince smiled lightly and said: "In the past, I couldn't believe that this was true, but -"

He raised his finger slightly and pointed at the demon measuring ruler that was slowly rotating in mid-air and pointed at Tianhe Garden.

"There has never been any misjudgment in the Demon Measuring Ruler. Could it be that Master Mu is questioning the owner who refined this Demon Measuring Ruler?"

The Demon Measuring Ruler is the first weapon made by the leader of Huabao Peak himself.

As soon as the demon measuring ruler comes out, the demon cultivator has nowhere to hide.

Not only that, its own destructive power is also extremely strong. It is said that the demon measuring ruler in the first hand of Huabao Peak has cultivated a "weapon spirit" after being enlightened.

What the third prince just said was directly referring to the "first seat", indirectly accusing Mu Zhian of challenging the authority of the first seat.

After all, he is a member of the royal family, so he is very professional... Mu Zhian looked expressionless and said calmly: "Of course I believe in the demon measuring ruler, but I really don't know if there are any demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden. exist."

Even now, I'm still thinking about getting rid of the relationship. It's too late... The third prince sneered secretly and said loudly: "Of course I don't want to wrong any good person, and I also think that Master Mu probably doesn't know about the demon cultivator hiding in Tianhe Garden. ”

He paused and continued: "Master Mu, do you dare to let us enter Tianhe Garden to find out what's going on?"

"If the demon cultivator is not found, then I have wrongly blamed you. I would like to apologize for the trouble this time has caused to Master Mu."

"But if the demon cultivator is really found, especially if the demon cultivator has a close relationship with Master Mu..." The third prince smiled and said, "Then Master Mu will probably have to accept the investigation of the Liangyi Sect."

"I was wrongly blamed. Is it enough to just apologize?" Mu Zhian asked suddenly.

The third prince raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Then what do you want?"

"I want to make a bet with the Third Prince." Mu Zhian raised his head and stared at the Third Prince.

"If there is a demon cultivator in Tianhe Garden who has something to do with me, I will let the sect fall into disgrace and send half a million spiritual stones to the third prince."

"If the Third Highness's attack today is to slander a good person, I don't want to embarrass the Third Highness. I only ask the Third Highness to give you one million spiritual stones in the next three days, of which half a million will be for mental losses."

Millions of spirit stones!

Such a quantity made all the monks present slightly moved.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary monk would be quite wealthy if he could have 20,000 to 30,000 spirit stones a year, but the bet between these two people directly raised the number of spirit stones to one million!

If you can really get these million spirit stones, you may not have to worry about "money" for a long, long time in the future.

The third prince narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Mu Zhian in surprise.

He was not an idiot. At this moment, he was beginning to feel that something was not right.

Is Mu Zhian giving up on himself, or is he trying to persuade him to quit in this way?

One million spiritual stones, even if he was the third prince of the Daqian Dynasty, he would not be able to come up with so many in one go.

But if he retreats like this today, wouldn't he become a big joke?

Now there are so many cultivators watching nearby. If they retreat because of Mu Zhian's "threat", how can they gain a foothold in Liangyi Sect in the future?

"The gamble proposed by Master Mu is really surprising, but do you have 500,000 spirit stones on you now?" At this time, a young man in the crowd suddenly asked.

Mu Zhian turned his head and saw Ye Yu in a black robe.

"I don't have 500,000 spirit stones on me, but if the third prince confirms the existence of demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden, I will exchange the natural treasures in the ring for spirit stones." Mu Zhian said lightly.

When he came to Liangyi Sect, he brought about 100,000 spirit stones. It's not that the Mu family lacks these spirit stones, but like some new students in modern times, Mu Zhian doesn't like to take spirit stones from his family.

"So, Master Mu doesn't have 500,000 spirit stones on him?"

The Third Prince immediately found a point to attack, and said with a smile: "Since there are not so many spirit stones, what is the point of Master Mu's bet?"

"How about this, if I slandered Master Mu today, I will apologize to you in front of everyone and give you another 50,000 spirit stones. What do you think?"

He believed in the judgment of the demon ruler, but at the same time, he didn't want to bet so much.

One million spirit stones, if he really lost the bet, he might have to send someone back to the Dagan Dynasty... If that happens, he will become a laughing stock of the royal family in the future.

"Let's follow the bet just now."

At this time, not far behind the crowd, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly came.

Everyone looked over, and at the end of the crowd, a girl in a light purple dress was walking towards here.

Ye Yu's eyes fixed.

...It was Ye Lingxuan.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Ye Lingxuan walked to Mu Zhian and said with a smile: "Brother Mu doesn't have that many spirit stones on him, but with the power of the Mu family, it is not difficult to take out 500,000 spirit stones."

"However, since the third prince doesn't believe him, I will pay for the 500,000 spirit stones first. Is that okay?"

When Ye Lingxuan finished speaking, she handed the ring in her hand to Mu Zhian.

"If there are really demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden, all the spirit stones in this ring will be given to the third prince."

Ye Lingxuan turned her head to look at the third prince, and suddenly changed her tone and said lightly: "But if the third prince is just making things difficult for brother Mu for personal revenge, then please give the third prince a million spirit stones, slap yourself ten times, and admit your mistakes, how about it?"

The third prince's face changed slightly, obviously he didn't expect that the girl who suddenly broke in would change the situation in an instant.

"Sister Lingxuan, aren't you afraid of wasting 500,000 spirit stones?" Mu Zhian looked at the girl beside him helplessly and sighed softly.

Ye Lingxuan smiled and said softly, "I believe Brother Mu is innocent."

When she said this, she looked up at the third prince and said with a smile, "Since the third prince is so sure that there are demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden, he should not be afraid, right?"

The third prince's face froze slightly.

The other party's so sure look actually made him lose some confidence.

But he looked up at the demon ruler pointing directly at Tianhe Garden in the air, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay! If I wronged Master Mu today, I will slap myself ten times and pay a million spirit stones within three days!"

"Words are not enough, it's better to make an oath." Ye Lingxuan stared at the third prince expressionlessly.

Although she looks like a sweet and pure beautiful girl on weekdays, the aura she exudes at this time is more like that of a queen, aggressive and irresistible.

Why does it feel like Sister Lingxuan is also black when cut open... Mu Zhian looked at the girl's delicate and flawless profile and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The third prince took a deep breath and said, "If I don't find the demon cultivator in Tianhe Garden today, I will slap myself ten times and offer a million spirit stones within three days. If I violate it, I will be struck by lightning!"

Mu Zhian then said, "If the third prince's words are confirmed, I am willing to offer 500,000 spirit stones and let the sect decide."


A thunderclap resounded in the sky, as if witnessing the oath made by the two.

In the world of immortal cultivation, if the oath made by the cultivator is not fulfilled in the future, he will be punished by heaven.

Even if he survives the punishment of heaven, every thunder tribulation in the future will be several times more difficult than that of ordinary people.

Once the oath is made, it can no longer be changed.

Ye Yu stared at Ye Lingxuan, who was very close to Mu Zhian, and her focused eyes when she looked at Mu Zhian, and his heart couldn't help but twist.

Regardless of whether Mu Zhian has any problems in the end, the Third Prince and Mu Zhian, whoever dies is fine.

Of course, it would be best if Mu Zhian died...

This time, it is enough for him to be a spectator!


"Master, do you think Bai Ruoxi is really a demon cultivator?"

In the sky far away, a young man in a white robe put his hands behind his back and looked sideways at the deputy chief of Huabao Peak and asked.

Ning Shuwen shook his head slowly and smiled: "If it is a demon cultivator, then it is. If not, we will go down and prove it for her later."

"As for now... let the Third Prince make a fuss by himself."

"Of course, if you want to win him over later, you have to do it as soon as possible." Ning Shuwen added.

The Third Prince made such a big fuss, and the cultivators in the sect who were not in seclusion naturally noticed it.

Now it is not only the cultivators of Huabao Peak, I am afraid that there are already many high-level members of the sect secretly observing this scene under the sky.

If it is really a demon cultivator, suppress it.

If it weren't for the demon cultivator, this matter would have been a petty quarrel among the sect disciples themselves, and there would be no need for them, the elders, to end up in trouble.

The third prince raised his head, stared at Mu Zhian, and said in a deep voice: "Master Mu, can we now enter Tianhe Garden to investigate?"

"If that demon cultivator notices what's going on here and runs away, neither you nor I can bear the responsibility."

Mu Zhian raised his head, looked at the calamity clouds that had gradually disappeared under the sky, and suddenly said: "It seems that the oath has taken effect..."

The third prince frowned slightly and was about to speak.

At this time, Mu Zhian nodded slightly and said, "Third Prince, please excuse me."

Looking at Mu Zhian's seemingly indifferent expression, the third prince felt something was not right for some reason.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it is naturally impossible to back down.

What's more, the Demon Measuring Ruler's reaction has become more and more intense since the beginning.

There are definitely demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden!

The third prince raised his hand and put the demon measuring ruler in his palm, turned his head and scanned the crowd, clasped his fists and said: "Please also invite everyone present to be witnesses. If there is really a demon cultivator here, we will capture it together."

After that, he strode towards the direction pointed by the demon measuring ruler.

Behind him, a group of monks followed the third prince one after another. High in the air, Ning Shuwen and his disciples looked at each other and followed secretly.

The moment the third prince stepped into Tianhe Garden, the surface of the measuring ruler lit up with an even stronger pink light.


A crisp cracking sound sounded, causing the third prince's expression to change slightly.

Ning Shuwen walked over at a snail's pace, glanced at the cracked demon measuring ruler in the third prince's hand, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "You all, please step aside first."

This Tianhe Garden not only has demon cultivators, but also demon cultivators with extremely terrifying strength, otherwise this demon ruler would not have broken into pieces!

The disciples of the sect all recognized Ning Shuwen's identity, and they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts when they saw the deputy chief's face was so solemn.

How terrifying are the demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden today?

The third prince looked at this scene and sneered secretly in his heart.

Ye Yu's brows frowned inadvertently.

He always felt something was not right.

Is Bai Ruoxi's strength... really strong enough for the deputy chief to take him so seriously?

Ning Shuwen turned to look at Mu Zhian and said seriously: "Do you know how serious a crime it is to hide a demon cultivator privately?"

Mu Zhian was not humble and did not say a word. He cupped his fists and said, "Reporting to the leader, this junior does not know that there are demon cultivators in Tianhe Garden."

The third prince immediately got angry: "Even a measuring stick cannot withstand such a huge amount of demonic energy. You who live in Tianhe Garden every day actually say that you don't know. I'm afraid you don't believe it yourself, Master Mu?"

"It is a capital crime to shield a demon cultivator, but if you can take the initiative to hand over the demon cultivator, I can report it to the sect and give you some relief. You only need to be imprisoned in the back mountain for a hundred years." Ning Shuwen said.

Mu Zhian said helplessly: "But this junior really doesn't know anything about demon cultivators..."

He paused and looked at the demon-measuring ruler pointing directly at a certain room. As if he thought of something, he suddenly said: "Speaking of which, a friend just moved into Tianheyuan a few days ago... the person the demon-measuring ruler pointed to, That seems to be the way she is."

"But this junior thinks she is not a demon cultivator." Mu Zhian continued.

"Whether or not you are a demon cultivator is decided by the leader, not you." The third prince sneered.

"Senior, does this mean the same thing?" Mu Zhian raised his head to look at Ning Shuwen and asked respectfully.

Ning Shuwen nodded slightly.

"Since seniors have said so... then okay."

Mu Zhian walked to the front of the garden, opened his mouth slightly, and pronounced a strange syllable that was completely incomprehensible: "Aaa!"

As the sound fell, people suddenly seemed to hear a "creaking" sound of the door opening.

The commotion in the crowd suddenly quieted down, and countless eyes were fixed on the direction of the door.

From the door, a silver-haired beauty walked out.

There was no makeup on her face, her long hair fell down like a waterfall, her figure was moderate, and her bright red eyes were filled with curiosity about everything in the world. They were clear and clear, and she observed everyone present with doubts.

"who is she?!"

"So beautiful..."

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The third prince was also stunned.

Then, when he saw the measuring ruler pointing directly at the silver-haired beauty, he suddenly came to his senses, turned to look at Mu Zhian, and said in a deep voice:

"Master Mu, you are telling lies with your eyes open. With such a strong demonic aura, how dare you say that she is not a demon cultivator?!"

You can still vaguely see some scales covering the neck of this silver-haired beauty. In addition, she exudes a spiritual energy that is different from that of human monks. If this is not a demon cultivator, what else can it be?

Mu Zhian did not answer, but turned to look at Ning Shuwen and clasped his fists respectfully:

"Deputy Chief, actually I think there should be a distinction between demon cultivators and demon cultivators. But if you still think she is a demon cultivator - "

"Then junior, bring her here now."

"First seat——"

The third prince was about to speak, but found Ning Shuwen staring closely at the silver-haired beauty. After a brief moment of sluggishness, his pupils suddenly shrank as if he thought of something.

Senior Spirit Dragon? !

In the air, the demon ruler was quietly suspended, emitting an unprecedented strong pink light, with the arrow pointing directly at Lin Ling.

Finally, the demon ruler could no longer withstand such a monstrous demonic energy and completely shattered into powder.

Lin Ling seemed to have not understood what happened yet. She looked around blankly, glanced at Mu Zhian in confusion, and noticed Ning Shuwen's gaze again, and tilted her head slightly:


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