So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 204 Reincarnation Queen 5K (1/2)

At dawn, Mu Zhian stood on the cliff of the valley near the sea, overlooking the sea.

At this moment, a mirror that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth appeared on this sea.

According to some people in the forbidden area, this is the inheritance place of the forbidden area, and it is also the ancestral land of the reincarnated queen who first created the forbidden area.

From the beginning, many disciples of the forbidden area have come to this sea area one after another.

Obtaining the inheritance of the forbidden area means that one's own bloodline will be further improved, which is of great benefit to future cultivation.

"Fairy sister, is there any way to enter the ancestral land or something like that...?" Mu Zhian suddenly spoke in his heart when he approached the mirror on the sea, trying to communicate with the green skirt fairy.

"The ancestral land is a cave created by the reincarnated queen. I have never come into contact with it." The voice of the green skirt fairy sounded like the sound of nature in Mu Zhian's heart.

"You are still not asleep..." Mu Zhian complained in his heart.

He just asked the Fairy in Green Skirt. Wanting to enter the ancestral land was only a small reason. Another major reason was to see whether the Fairy in Green Skirt was sleeping in his cauldron or peeping out from his cauldron.

Now it seems... this empress may not have been sleeping in his body from the beginning.

"In a few days, we will go to the Holy Land of Yaochi. During this period, I have to ensure your safety. If you sleep, there may be accidents." The Fairy in Green Skirt replied softly.

Well... I pretended to believe it. Mu Zhian complained silently in his heart.

At this time, an elder's voice came from below: "Young friend, you go and try it."

Mu Zhian came back to his senses, glanced at the elders in the valley, then arched his hands and flew lightly towards the direction of the sea.

On the edge of the sea, there stood nine stone tablets that looked quite ancient.

And the stone tablets depicted the appearance of a woman.

The nine stone tablets, each of which had a different posture, but the image was the same.

"It is rumored that the Reincarnation Queen has lived through nine lives, and she lived for five thousand years in each life. The title of Reincarnation Queen was also given by the elders in the forbidden area in the past. People in later generations do not know her real name." Ye Lingxuan followed Mu Zhian and whispered softly.

So the name of Reincarnation Queen was given by the elders in the forbidden area later... Mu Zhian looked up and stared at the nine stone tablets in front of him, and his heart was slightly clear.

"What is the mirror?" Mu Zhian's eyes quickly fell on the huge mirror in the distant sea.

"The cave is also one of the secrets left by the Reincarnation Queen. People standing on the mirror can see their future appearance." Ye Lingxuan said.

Then, there seemed to be a little more expectation in those bright eyes.

Although she always behaves very calmly on weekdays, Ye Lingxuan actually cares about her figure.

Now the scale of development is not very good, and it can be explained by the reason that she is a young girl.

But what about in a few years?

If it is still like this... it is a bit sad.

In the eyes of outsiders, this restricted area lady is a flawless goddess, both her figure and face are top-notch, and her tender white feet are as perfect as a flawless white jade.

However, probably no one would have thought that this nearly perfect girl also has regrets.

But this is not surprising. Among the girls Ye Lingxuan knows, her breasts are the slowest to develop... Although it can't be said to be smooth, and even a little big, but for a girl, this size is obviously not enough.

After all, even her younger sister Ye Qian's figure is much better than hers.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamations and praises from behind, and Mu Zhian looked up and saw Ye Siyu who had just stepped into the mirror.

She was wearing a dark-colored knee-length skirt and a pair of small short boots embroidered with plum blossoms. Her snow-white skin looked white and clear against the dark-colored clothes, and it was breathtakingly beautiful.

But Mu Zhian's sight was quickly attracted by the queen in the mirror.

The woman in the mirror also had brown hair, but the hair that originally fell to the back naturally fell to the calf, and the end of the hair was tied up with a headband, making her figure more slender and sexy, with a protruding front and a curved back, fragrant and moving...

"It's really worthy of Sister Siyu, she has become so sexy after growing up..." A sighing voice came from the crowd.

"Sister Siyu is a beauty after all, and it's not surprising that she can grow up like this in the future."

"Why are you only concerned about her future appearance, and don't you see what kind of evaluation the ancestral land has given her?" A female disciple came from the side and gently scolded, as if she was a little speechless that this group of male disciples were only concerned about the beauty and completely ignored the key points.

Look at Master Mu, his eyes never wavered from beginning to end, and now he has his hands behind his back, with a calm and indifferent smile...

At this moment, Mu Zhian is indeed quite calm and indifferent.

The black robe is embroidered with gold and silver threads, luxurious and elegant, and it remains motionless despite the sea breeze.

Of course, it's not that Mu Zhian doesn't like beauty.

Mu Zhian gently stroked the Chain of Desolate Time that was stirring behind him, raised his head and stared at Ye Siyu in the mirror, and said seriously: "Is this what Sister Siyu will look like when she grows up? But how can we determine what kind of inheritance qualifications she can get?"

Ye Lingxuan gently hooked her fingers, and the chain of the wasteland quietly left from behind Mu Zhian and went into Ye Lingxuan's sleeves.

She looked up and stared at Ye Siyu in the distance, and said nonchalantly: "Everyone who steps into the mirror will be evaluated by the ancestral land. The higher the grade, the better the inheritance that can be obtained in the ancestral land."

"So that's it..." Mu Zhian nodded slightly.

At this time, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the mirror, and then Ye Siyu disappeared silently in front of the mirror.

As if knowing Mu Zhian's doubts, Ye Lingxuan said: "Sister Siyu has entered the ancestral land."

As soon as the voice fell, an ancient text suddenly appeared on the picture in the mirror.

"Tenth grade."

The result of Ye Siyu's bloodline evaluation is tenth grade!

There was an uproar in the crowd immediately, and many people were a little surprised, but this result was also expected.

Ye Siyu is the younger sister of the Queen of the Forbidden Zone. She was sealed in the formation by a group of elders and was left to wake up from her deep sleep in this life. She was able to make so many elders in the clan go to great lengths, so naturally she has amazing talent.

"Sister Siyu is indeed worthy of her name. She is probably the person with the most perfect Forbidden Zone bloodline besides the young lady!"

"Ye Gan has also passed by." Suddenly someone said.

People looked up at the young man who was flying in front of the mirror.

He stood in the mirror, and the man who appeared in the mirror was also handsome.

And the final evaluation result was the ninth grade.

People were not very surprised by this result.

After all, both Ye Gan and Ye Siyu were people with strong Forbidden Zone bloodlines, which was also within their expectations.

Mu Zhian did not immediately step forward to conduct the test, but stood by and observed the Forbidden Zone disciples who stepped into the mirror one after another for a while.

When each Forbidden Zone disciple stepped into the mirror, it took almost no time for the mirror to immediately show the future appearance of that disciple.

Soon after that, the mirror gave the bloodline assessment results, allowing those disciples to enter the ancestral land.

Being able to show the future of others, I wonder what secret technique this reincarnated queen used to achieve this level... Mu Zhian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Miss, it's your turn." One of the elders on the side couldn't help but remind her gently.

For Ye Lingxuan, both the elders and disciples in the restricted area respected her. First, it was because of Ye Lingxuan's identity, and second, the girl did not have the arrogance of these ancient family disciples... At least her attitude was still very polite.

And such politeness naturally made the elders of these restricted areas quite fond of her.

Ye Lingxuan nodded slightly, and then, under the gaze of everyone, she walked towards the mirror on the sea.

The discussions just now were all silent, and the eyes of everyone, including Mu Zhian, fell on the girl in the purple skirt.

The sound of the waves stopped silently, and even the sea breeze seemed to freeze. In the vast sea area, it seemed that only the sound of Ye Lingxuan's footsteps on the mirror could be heard.


At this time, Mu Zhian suddenly heard the doubtful voice of the Fairy in the Green Skirt in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Mu Zhian asked.

"There seems to be something strange about her..." The Fairy in the Green Skirt said softly.

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After the voice fell, under countless gazes, the appearance of the person in the mirror appeared in people's vision.

The whispered discussion just now was silent in an instant.

The woman in the mirror was wearing a purple long skirt, and her exquisite and flawless melon-seed face was more mature and sexy than the current Ye Lingxuan.

But what is really important is not this, but...

Mu Zhian stared at the woman in the mirror.

The appearance of the woman slowly overlapped with the woman in the stone tablet he had just seen.

The future appearance of Sister Lingxuan is so similar to that of the reincarnated queen? !

"It should be said that she is worthy of being the most perfect heir to the ancestral land of our clan. The young lady's bloodline is indeed the most concentrated one in history." An elder stared slightly, obviously thinking of something, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

At this time, a brilliant golden light quietly lit up in the mirror, covering Ye Lingxuan.

This mirror did not perform a rating this time!

Or in other words, Ye Lingxuan's bloodline does not need the result of the evaluation at all!

This scene shocked the eyes of the restricted area disciples present, especially when they saw the future high and mighty queen in the mirror, their eyes were even more yearning, and jealous of Mu Zhian.

The future Ye Lingxuan will become the Queen Ye of the restricted area, and as Ye Lingxuan's husband... just thinking about it makes people envious.

When thinking of this, many people's eyes can't help but look at Mu Zhian.

Ye Lingxuan also looked at the boy not far away, her eyes seemed to be more gentle, her red lips slightly parted, and she whispered: "Brother Mu, why don't you try it too?"

Mu Zhian nodded slightly.

He didn't really have a strong desire to enter the ancestral land, but he was somewhat interested in what his future self would look like in the mirror.

"Inject a wisp of spiritual energy, and then it will show what you will look like in the future." Ye Lingxuan explained with a smile, looking very happy.

This is no wonder. In the past, she had always worried about what to do if her breasts were still small when she grew up.

And the self just shown in the mirror has a mature and sexy figure... Although the size of the future development is not as full as Sister Ruoxi, she is already very satisfied.

"Mu Zhian's test seems to have begun."

Not far away, an elder noticed the spiritual energy emanating from Mu Zhian and immediately spoke.

Hearing this, several elders looked up and watched Mu Zhian inject a wisp of spiritual energy into the mirror.

Only those with forbidden blood can step into the ancestral land.

But even if Mu Zhian does not have forbidden blood, through this mirror, you can see what Mu Zhian will look like in the future.

After all, this is also the Taoist partner of their young lady, so what his future will be like is naturally of some concern.


Time passed silently, but after Mu Zhian's spiritual energy was injected into the mirror, the mirror still did not respond for an unknown amount of time.

However, because of the previous test experience of the reincarnation pool, this time, people did not speak immediately and still waited patiently.

Unknowingly, two incense sticks of time passed.

And the mirror still did not respond, just like an ordinary mirror, only reflecting Mu Zhian's current appearance, but never showing his future appearance.

"It seems that Mu Zhian does not have the blood of the restricted area and is not recognized by the ancestral land." Someone couldn't help but say, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Mu Zhian came to the restricted area, he has made a lot of noise. Now that the ancestral land has not recognized Mu Zhian, it is naturally a little relieved.

And Mu Zhian looked down at the mirror in front of him, and the young man in the luxurious black robe in the mirror, and fell into deep thought.

If he hadn't seen people entering the mirror one after another before, he would even suspect that it was just an ordinary mirror.

"It seems that Brother Mu does not have the forbidden blood." Ye Lingxuan whispered to herself, but there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

"But even if he does not have it, it should not show Brother Mu's future appearance."

Logically speaking, even if there is no forbidden blood, stepping into this mirror will reflect the future appearance, but why does this mirror not reflect Mu Zhian's future appearance...?

At this time, the mirror under their feet changed quietly without knowing it.

The mirror showed a barren land, and at the end of the barren land, a woman in a plain white dress was standing there quietly.

Her face was extremely beautiful, but people could not tell what she looked like. Whenever they looked up and saw her, they would have a thought: This woman is so beautiful.

Then they lowered their heads... and immediately forgot what she looked like.

"Reincarnation Queen." Ye Lingxuan stared at the woman in the ancestral land and said softly.

Mu Zhian stared at the woman in the mirror. The woman's eyes were extremely deep, her figure was excellent, her skin was white, and her slender hands were now bound by a golden chain, seemingly unable to move.

The Chain of Desolate Time!

This should be a scene from the past. The real reincarnated queen had long been wiped out in the long river of history... and now the Chain of Desolate Time is also in Ye Lingxuan's hands.

Such a beautiful woman, I wonder what she was thinking before she died... Mu Zhian looked at the woman in the mirror with some emotion in his heart.

While Mu Zhian was still feeling emotional, disciples from the restricted area stepped into the ancestral land behind him, and the lively sea area just now suddenly seemed a little empty.

Mu Zhian was about to look away with emotion.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the woman in the mirror slightly raised her eyes and stared quietly ahead.

What is she looking at now...?

This thought flashed through Mu Zhian's mind, and he subconsciously raised his head to look at the woman in the mirror.

When his eyes fell on the reincarnated queen, they happened to be staring at her.


After a brief hesitation, Mu Zhian felt countless goose bumps on his body, and subconsciously took a half step back, horrified.

Damn, she is staring at me? !

But it stands to reason that it has been so long, the spirit of the reincarnated queen should no longer be in the ancestral land...

Mu Zhian suppressed the throbbing in his heart, turned his head and looked at Ye Lingxuan, saying: "Sister Lingxuan, the reincarnated queen should have passed away, right?"

Ye Lingxuan nodded slightly: "In the past, the elders of the clan and even my father have confirmed that the spirit of the reincarnated queen no longer exists in the ancestral land."

"Why did brother Mu suddenly ask such a strange question?" Ye Lingxuan asked curiously.

Mu Zhian hesitated for a moment and said in a voice transmission: "I felt like she was looking at me just now."

Ye Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head helplessly and smiled: "Brother Mu is too sensitive. If the reincarnated queen is still alive, it is impossible for her to have been silent in the ancestral land all this time-"

Ye Lingxuan's voice suddenly stagnated because she heard a pleasant and unfamiliar voice coming from her ear.

She slowly raised her head and looked at the woman in the mirror.

The woman in the mirror was wearing a plain white dress, and her dress was quite casual, but it was hard to hide her proud figure.

If you look closely, you will find that the woman in the mirror is almost the same as Ye Lingxuan when she grows up.

And just now, she clearly heard the woman in the mirror calling her!

When Ye Lingxuan raised her head again in disbelief, she happened to see the woman in the mirror raising her hand and gently waving in their direction.

...The reincarnated queen who should no longer exist in this world is greeting them? !

Ye Lingxuan's face paused for a moment, staring at the woman in the mirror.

Could it be...she is really still alive?

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