So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 213 Someone came to propose marriage? 4K (1/2)

The overwhelming spiritual energy gathered together like a tide, like a rainbow bridge, and rushed towards the palace where the Green Emperor was.

Mu Zhian could clearly feel that the Tiansheng furnace in his body was vibrating slightly, as if it was dissatisfied, and as if it was afraid of the Green Skirt Fairy standing by the window sill.

Although this Tiansheng furnace was his physique, looking at the plump and attractive back of the Green Skirt Fairy, Mu Zhian felt a sense of pleasure of revenge.

Every time there was something good, this Tiansheng furnace would take it away first... without asking for the opinion of his owner.

Is this good now? He met the Green Emperor and directly plundered all the spiritual energy of the Tiansheng furnace.

Although Mu Zhian's body is also a little weak now...

Look at the fairy in green skirt by the window sill. The fairy body wrapped in green skirt outlines a very tempting plump curve. Although the green skirt is a little loose and elegant, the night wind still perfectly presents her enchanting figure in front of her.

She is obviously a sacred and inviolable fairy, but she has a sexy and graceful figure. The two are mixed together to form a huge charm.

It should be said that she is worthy of being the Green Emperor. Although I have no worldly desires now, I still have some impulses and want to see the shy expression under her cold face again...

Mu Zhian sighed silently in his heart, and then he noticed that the fairy in green skirt was staring into the distance, looking like she was thinking about something.

"What is the fairy worried about?" Mu Zhian couldn't help asking.

At this moment, Fairy Qingqun directly plundered the spiritual energy of the Tiansheng furnace. Logically speaking, those cultivators from the outside world should not be able to do anything to Fairy Qingqun.

In this case... she seemed to be worried about something?

Fairy Qingqun came back to her senses slightly, glanced at Mu Zhian faintly, and sighed softly: "I naturally have nothing to worry about here."

She was not worried about herself.

But Mu Zhian.

Under Mu Zhian's puzzled eyes, Fairy Qingqun lightly raised her fingertips, grabbed the surging spiritual energy in the void, and then poured it directly into Mu Zhian's Tiansheng furnace.

Normally, it is impossible for a cultivator's furnace to directly take in this spiritual energy, because the mixed spiritual energy is not allowed to be directly taken into the furnace.

But the Tiansheng furnace is different... It will purify the mixed spiritual energy by itself, and there will be no disadvantages.

If this physique can be used independently, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest physique... But unfortunately, this is just an auxiliary physique.

Moreover, there is probably no other natural furnace cauldron like Mu Zhian that contains all kinds of natural treasures.

That is why it is so troublesome...

The natural furnace cauldron in Mu Zhian's body is running frantically. While absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, the aura of the natural furnace cauldron is also radiating.

With the Fairy Qingqun, it is impossible for Mu Zhian to get hurt.

But the Fairy Qingqun can protect Mu Zhian, which does not mean that Mu Zhian can be free from harassment...

Spiritual energy is constantly injected into the natural furnace cauldron. Mu Zhian noticed the complicated look of the Fairy Qingqun, and he couldn't help but have more doubts in his heart.

Did this fairy regret it after it was done... just like the sage mode of men?

But it shouldn't be right... When he asked the fairy if she was satisfied just now, although she didn't answer, from her expression at that time and even the heavenly sound of the fairy tale lingering in the room, it can be said that she was satisfied by default.

In this case, why is the look in her eyes looking at me so complicated now...?

When this thought just flashed through Mu Zhian's mind, he felt the operation of the natural furnace in his body and the breath in the room. For some reason, he felt a sense of familiarity.

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the breath emanating from the natural furnace at this moment...

This breath almost included all the treasures that Mu Zhian had obtained from the natural furnace before, and then, all these treasures were mixed together to become a rich breath that quietly drifted out of the Qingdi's boudoir.


Mu Zhian fell into deep thought.

Damn... Something big happened!

He finally reacted and looked up at the Fairy in the Green Skirt, saying: "Is my natural furnace exposed?"

This is the real reason why the Fairy in the Green Skirt has such a complicated look at this moment!

The Fairy in the Green Skirt is not worried about her own situation, but she is worried about him!

"Exposed." Under Mu Zhian's gaze, the Fairy in the Green Skirt opened her red lips slightly, held her forehead, and shook her head gently.

Normally, even a natural furnace can't absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world at such an exaggerated speed, but Mu Zhian's natural furnace can't be inferred by common sense.

"However, most people don't know that you are a natural furnace." Fairy Qingqun continued to comfort Mu Zhian.

Many people know that the Green Emperor returned to the Yaochi Holy Land this time.

But very few people know that the Green Emperor brought a young man with him when he returned.

As for those who know that the Green Emperor and Mu Zhian are intimate... they have been absorbed by the vines and completely disappeared from this world.

"However, most people don't know, but some ancient families will probably guess your physique." Fairy Qingqun said again.

Mu Zhian pondered for a moment and said, "Will it pose a threat to my safety?"

"With me here, there will be no threat." Fairy Qingqun said calmly.

When she said this, her words were calm and confident, which made people believe it.

"But I can't stay in Yaochi forever..." Mu Zhian sighed.

After a while, when the Green Emperor reshapes the cauldron, he will return to Liangyi Sect.

If the physique of the natural cauldron is exposed... the consequences will be disastrous.

Although in the world of immortals, female cultivators can make their appearance at an upper-middle level as long as they are willing, but Mu Zhian is not such a casual person. He pursues quality. He doesn't intend to raise all fish in the fish pond.

In the final analysis, just the great white shark of the Green Skirt Fairy has given Mu Zhian some "headaches".

Before, he thought that the Green Skirt Fairy was the fish he raised, until after tonight, Mu Zhian deeply realized: in the eyes of the great white shark, he might be the fish.

This female emperor has lived forever and has lived for more than three lifetimes. Naturally, her vision and strength are higher than Mu Zhian.

On the surface, it seems that Qingdi is Mu Zhian's prey, but in Qingdi's eyes, Mu Zhian is the prey.

"In fact, you don't have to go back to Liangyi Sect." Qingdi suddenly said.

"If you want in the future, you can choose to stay in Yaochi."

Her voice suddenly became much softer, and the crisp and pleasant fairy sound seemed to reveal an irresistible charm.

This is the "Tao" of Yaochi Holy Land, or the "Tao" of Yaochi Saint.

The "Tao" followed by Yaochi Saint can minimize the hostility of others towards oneself. If you reduce your own hostility in battle, it is a very dangerous thing.

In addition to the Pure World Green Lotus, this is also one of the important reasons why Qingdi has been successful in the past.

Mu Zhian nodded slightly and said, "Let's make plans for this later."

Of course, he didn't really want to stay in Yaochi. This answer is almost the same as "next time for sure", and it won't make people disgusted.

"You can decide whether to go or stay. I'm just giving you one of the feasible paths, but you can decide what you want to do in the future." Fairy Qingqun smiled faintly.

I understand. She is asking me if I want to be a gigolo. If I do, I can live in Yaochi and hug her legs every day... Mu Zhian understood.

Fairy Qingqun suddenly said: "But it's true. After all, you still have a Taoist partner and sister in Liangyi Sect who you care about... In addition, there seems to be a senior sister who you secretly admire?"

"It's normal for you to want to go back to Liangyi Sect." She continued.

... This fairy had never slept before and had been peeping in my body.

Almost when Mu Zhian heard Fairy Qingqun's words, he already had the answer in his heart.

It's okay for other people, but Fairy Qingqun knew that he and his senior sister had met so few times. This is obviously because he had never slept in his natural furnace in the past.

But then again, since she knew that I was a scumbag... Bah, she knew that I couldn't bear to leave the girl next to me, why would she agree to practice dual cultivation with me?

Because of the Tianshengluding...?


When Mu Zhian just thought of this, he heard the Fairy in Green Skirt say faintly: "Don't think too much. If I really hate you, even if you are the Tianshengluding, I will not agree to be with you..."

When she said this, she suddenly fell silent, but Mu Zhian already knew what she wanted to express.

At this moment, Mu Zhian's heart was inexplicably moved.

He stood up and came behind the Fairy in Green Skirt, holding her plump waist with one hand, feeling the soft and delicate body of the empress, and said softly: "I have never doubted you."

Spiritual energy continued to flow into the Tianshengluding, but Mu Zhian didn't care about the situation of the Tianshengluding at all, and silently felt the beauty of the Fairy in Green Skirt's body.

Although the empress was still indifferent during the conversation just now, she was obviously not used to Mu Zhian's intimate behavior.

Or in other words, she was not used to how to act when she was in a 'passive' state, so she looked a little at a loss for a while.

And that cold and beautiful face was stained with a drunken blush, so beautiful that it moved people's hearts.

Mu Zhian let her sit on the window sill. Her delicate feet in a pair of exquisite embroidered shoes were swaying gently as her hips pressed on the table. Mu Zhian raised his hand and placed it on her delicate and flawless face, staring into the eyes of the fairy in the green skirt.

Until now, the fairy in the green skirt still seemed to be covered by a layer of soft moonlight. Although she was extremely close to him at the moment, she gave people a sense of infinite distance.

This feeling was like tickling people's hearts, with an indescribable temptation.

But Mu Zhian didn't care. His thumb touched her soft lips lightly, and then under the twinkling eyes of the fairy in the green skirt, he leaned forward and kissed her lips again.

"The natural furnace has no spiritual energy, but you still have such a refined taste?" The fairy in the green skirt stared at him slowly, and her voice sounded in Mu Zhian's heart.

There seemed to be a hint of enchanting charm in those cold eyes of the past.

Mu Zhian stroked the face of the fairy in the green skirt and said in the same voice: "It's not that I have a taste for elegance, it's just that you have this kind of charm."

Under normal circumstances, Mu Zhian would have been tired and lying on the bed to rest by now... But the contrast between the fairy in the green skirt's past unattainable coldness and the charm at this moment brought about a charm that was so tempting that people wanted to taste it again no matter what.

Under Mu Zhian's gaze, the fairy in the green skirt slowly closed her eyes, her long and curled eyelashes seemed to hold the hazy moonlight, reflecting her delicate face.

Mu Zhian enjoyed her soft lips without rouge. The last time he was "sneak-attacked" by the fairy in the restricted area, he was a little restrained, but now he was not restrained at all in the boudoir of the Qing Emperor.

Time passed quietly, until after an unknown amount of time, a slight footstep suddenly came to the ears of the two.

Then, a knock on the door sounded.

"Senior Qingdi, the Queen Mother is asking for an audience outside the side hall."

It was the voice of the Saint of Yaochi.

This pleasant fairy sound similar to that of the fairy in the green skirt also broke the ambiguity in the room. The fairy in the green skirt opened her eyes silently, with a hint of strangeness in her eyes.

I almost forgot that I had just promised the Saint of Yao Chi that I would meet her in the side hall later...

The Fairy in Green Skirt gently pushed Mu Zhian away, and at the same time pressed down his right hand that was hugging her and doing whatever he wanted, and turned her head slightly to look at the door.

"I know, you can leave first." She replied calmly.

But, her expression when she looked at Mu Zhian was extremely tempting.

However, the Saint of Yao Chi did not leave, but hesitated and said: "In addition, the elders of several ancient families also wanted to see you outside Yao Chi."

The Fairy in Green Skirt said "hmm" softly, and only when she heard the footsteps of the Saint of Yao Chi gradually faded away did she carelessly put her slightly messy hair behind her ears.

Then, she adjusted the collar of her clothes, raised her gorgeous green eyes, and said: "Let's go."

Her expression was normal, as if nothing had happened in the room just now.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even Mu Zhian himself would have found it hard to believe that this fairy had just shown such a shy and charming look.

Mu Zhian stopped when he saw that it was good, nodded slightly, followed the fairy in the green skirt out of the room, and breathed the fresh air outside for the first time in a long time.

At this time, the fairy in the green skirt suddenly said: "Guess what they are here for?"

Mu Zhian pondered for a moment and said: "I don't know much about the Queen Mother of Yaochi... But the elders of several ancient families should have noticed the changes in you, so they came to see you?"

After the fairy in the green skirt obtained the spiritual energy of the natural furnace, some ordinary cultivators might not be able to detect it, but those cultivators in the Return to Void Realm could definitely detect the terrifying pressure emanating from the fairy in the green skirt at that time.

Mu Zhian also felt that pressure just now, but he was bound by vines at that time, so he didn't react much.

"Am I right?" Mu Zhian continued to ask.

"Yes, but not entirely." The fairy in the green skirt smiled.

However, there seemed to be a hint of danger under that faint smile.

"They are not just here to see me."

Her cool and slender fingertips gently touched Mu Zhian's face and brushed aside his hair.

"I'm afraid... they are still here to propose marriage."

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