So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 264 The Reborn Appears! 5K (1/2)

The original witch, could it be a man...?

Almost as soon as they saw the box in their hands react, the two saints and saints from the world sea had extremely absurd thoughts in their minds.

How is this possible?

There is a huge island in the center of the world sea, and on that island, there is a sculpture of the original witch.

And the statue of the original witch is, without a doubt, a woman.

As a result, now, the thing in the box actually reacted to a man...?

This also means that the other party is very likely to be the original witch... or someone who had a close relationship with the original witch in the past.

But you have to know that the era of the original witch has been tens of thousands of years away from now. How can a monk who has just joined the sect be related to the original witch?

Gu Hua frowned, looking at the young man in black and gold robes not far ahead, hesitantly said: "It's a bit strange, how could the box left by the original witch react to a male cultivator?"

Tang Sufei was wearing a blue dress and had an elegant figure. At this time, her eyebrows were also frowned, and she looked at Mu Zhian with the same doubt.

After a brief hesitation, she immediately made up her mind and walked towards Mu Zhian with the box in her arms.

On the other side, Ye Lingxuan was chatting with Mu Zhian in a low voice. Noticing the approach of the two, she looked up and smiled: "Do you two have anything else to say?"

"I have some questions about the skills and I'm asking Brother Mu, so..."

Ye Lingxuan used a more euphemistic way to express her meaning.

Mu Zhian glanced at the girl beside him with a smile in his eyes, seeing through but not saying it.

Ye Lingxuan's skills were inherited from the reincarnated queen, so it would be a miracle if he could teach Ye Lingxuan the skills.

However, he was quite relieved that the girl was willing to say so. Thinking about Ye Lingxuan's cold attitude when she first met him, she had an arrogant look of "You'd better stay away from my sister", elegant and proud like a white swan.

And now... Although she still maintains a calm and elegant attitude, it is obvious that she can feel the tenderness of the girl after falling in love.

Gu Hua looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a little more helpless.

But soon he gathered his thoughts, clasped his fists, and smiled: "I'm sorry to bother you two, but if possible, I would like to ask Mr. Mu to do a test as well."

Looking at Ye Lingxuan with doubts in her eyes, Tang Sufei immediately said: "This obsidian box has a reaction to Mr. Mu."

Ye Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the ancient box in Tang Sufei's hand.

This box has been baptized by the years and exudes an ancient atmosphere. Before, whether it was Ye Lingxuan or Ye Siyu who tested it, the box had never had any reaction.

However, now, it was actually shaking slightly, as if it was about to break away from Tang Sufei's hands.

After understanding what the two meant, Ye Lingxuan looked at them with a somewhat unbelievable look and said, "Do you suspect that he is the original witch...?"

Tang Sufei showed a helpless smile, raised the box in her hand and placed it in front of Mu Zhian, staring into his eyes, and said, "If it is possible, I dare not believe it, but the facts prove that this box did react after Master Mu entered the villa."

"Master Mu, can you try it a little?"

Mu Zhian listened to the conversation between the three and gradually sorted out the current situation.

Witch, this word is actually a compliment in Jiuzhou.

In the past, there was no leader in the sea of ​​the world, and the various forces were constantly fighting with each other. There were even more ominous creatures in the deep sea ready to move, until a strong man united with the Tao, and then broke this situation.

She suppressed the unknown in the deep sea and united all the forces together. The patriarchs of those ancient forces were so powerful that they could cause great shocks if they stomped their feet in Jiuzhou, but they were willing to succumb to the charm of the original witch.

People were curious about her origin, identity and even appearance, but because she wore a hooded robe all year round, no one had ever seen her face.

Even those who had seen her would quickly forget her after that.

One day after that, the original witch disappeared mysteriously. Later, people learned that the former owner of the World Sea was only a land immortal in the Return to Void Realm two or three years ago. As a result, it took less than three years to break the shackles of heaven and earth and enter the Hedao Realm.

"Do you suspect that I am the original witch?" Mu Zhian couldn't help asking.

This is too outrageous. The former owner of the World Sea was the original witch, not the original demon man. What's the point of them finding a male cultivator to test this thing?

Moreover, the World Sea is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the cultivation of the cultivators passing through there will be restricted... But why would they come out now to look for the trace of the original witch?

Could it be that something went wrong inside the World Sea...?

Tang Sufei shook her head and said, "Of course, I don't think that Mr. Mu is the original witch, but since the box left by the original witch resonates with you, it means that even if you are not the original witch, you may have some connection with that senior."

"If Brother Mu doesn't want to test, I'll ask them to leave." Ye Lingxuan suddenly sent a voice message.

Mu Zhian turned his head to look at the girl next to him, and then sent a voice message: "It's very happy that Sister Lingxuan is willing to think about me, but I'm also a little curious about why this thing reacts to me."

Anyway, it won't waste much time, so it doesn't hurt to try it a little.

Mu Zhian stretched out his hand and gently touched the box in Tang Sufei's hand.

"Inject a wisp of spiritual energy into it, and it will determine whether you are related to the original witch." Gu Hua reminded.

Mu Zhian nodded slightly, and then injected a wisp of spiritual energy in his body into the dark box.

The box was deep black, and there seemed to be a faint light. When Mu Zhian injected that wisp of spiritual energy into it, the wisp of spiritual energy was like a thin line, outlining complex patterns on the box.

However, that was all. After that, the three of them waited for an incense stick of time, but the box still did not move.

When Tang Sufei relaxed in secret, she couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Relaxed because the predecessor she admired was not a "male witch", and regretful that they had to continue to look for the whereabouts of the original witch.

However, the area of ​​Dongzhou is so vast, when will it be found?

"This box resonates with Mr. Mu, but it doesn't react to the spiritual energy he injected into it...?" Gu Hua raised his eyebrows slightly, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, and began to think secretly.

Moreover, the box that just resonated with Mu Zhian has now become quiet with the injection of Mu Zhian's spiritual energy, which is also a bit worrying...

But no matter what, Mu Zhian's test also ended in failure, and the two of them couldn't continue to disturb him.

Tang Sufei raised her head and smiled lightly: "I'm sorry, I have delayed Mr. Mu's time for a lot. If you are free another day, please invite Mr. Mu to drink tea and discuss Taoism."

Mu Zhian smiled and nodded, but looked at the box in Tang Sufei's hand a few more times strangely.

According to what they just said, this box resonated with him, but after injecting spiritual energy at this moment, the box did not react... This is a bit worrying.

"Can you lend me the box in Miss Tang's hand to take a look?" Mu Zhian asked.

"Of course." Tang Sufei smiled.

Mu Zhian took the box, and the texture he touched felt like steel, and the surface was extremely smooth, like a rare jade.

Mu Zhian soon saw the deep black light flickering faintly on the surface of the box. The spiritual energy he had just injected into it had not yet dissipated, and was now swimming on the surface of the box, like a small fish swimming in the water.

Mu Zhian put his hand on the surface of the box and tried to open the lid.

Seeing this, Tang Sufei immediately said: "It cannot be opened by brute force. The elders of the tribe have tried several methods, but still cannot open this box."

"The elder once said that it can only be opened with the approval of the original witch. But the witch senior has always been alone in the past. I'm afraid that the only person who can open it is her."

When Gu Hua said this, there was inevitably a little more regret in his eyes.

In the past, it was rumored that the box left by the original witch contained her inheritance. Those who can open it can inherit her will and become the master of the world sea.

For this reason, the World Sea has held several conferences to let a group of talented people try.

The result is obvious, no one can open this box.

Mu Zhian did not give up, and tried to inject a wisp of spiritual energy into this small box again, and then, as if pulling out silk from a cocoon, carefully controlled this wisp of spiritual energy, trying to use this spiritual energy to open the tightly closed lid.

However, in less than a few seconds, the spiritual energy he had just injected into it disappeared quietly from the box, as if it had never appeared.

"Someone has tried it before, and it can't be opened with spiritual energy." Tang Sufei explained.

"Mr. Mu, if the box can be opened in such a simple way, we wouldn't bring this box to Dongzhou this time to find someone who can open it." Gu Hua shook his head and smiled.

Although Mu Zhian has a pretty good appearance, he seems to be a bit stubborn. It's easy to think that they must have tried every possible way to open the box left by the original witch, so they had to leave the world sea and come to Dongzhou to find its real owner.

According to the current speculation, if the box can be opened, it must be someone who has a connection with the original witch.

Although I don't know why the box just reacted to Mu Zhian, from the current situation, Mu Zhian is probably not the person they are looking for.

Seeing that Mu Zhian tried to open the box by brute force after failing to inject spiritual energy, Gu Hua frowned slightly and was about to take the box from Mu Zhian.


When Mu Zhian's palm touched the surface of the box, he almost didn't exert any force, and heard an ancient and heavy voice from the box.

A wisp of gloomy black mist silently overflowed from the box.

Gu Hua's pupils suddenly contracted, staring at the box in Mu Zhian's hand, which had been opened a little.

He actually opened the box so easily...?

You know, the clan leaders and elders have tried hundreds of methods in the past, including this kind of brute force, but none of them had any effect on the box.

But now Mu Zhian used brute force to open the box directly?

Tang Sufei opened her red lips slightly, and her eyes were also stunned.

After a brief moment of astonishment, her beautiful eyes looked at Mu Zhian with an unprecedented light, and she was extremely excited.

He really had something to do with the original witch!

Then, her eyes were quickly attracted by the box in Mu Zhian's hand.

This box has existed in the World Sea for a long, long time, and many people in the tribe are full of curiosity about what is in the box.

And now, they can see what is hidden in it!

Ye Lingxuan was also surprised. She tilted her head slightly and looked at Mu Zhian's handsome profile. Her eyes soon fell on the box in his hand. For some reason, she had an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

She was born with a spirit body, but when the box was opened, she smelled some dangerous breath from it.

Not only Ye Lingxuan, but even Mu Zhian realized this at this moment.

Almost when he opened a small crack in the box, he felt a dense cold chill in his heart, as if he was in an extreme winter environment.

This box is like Pandora's box, full of temptation.

It is obvious that just opening a small crack makes people aware of the danger, but it still makes people want to open it to find out.

Mu Zhian hesitated for a moment, then suppressed his impulse and covered it again.

Gu Hua subconsciously looked up at Mu Zhian and said, "Brother Mu, what's wrong?"

He was about to open it, but he covered it at the critical moment... This made Gu Hua feel tormented for a while, and he wanted to control Mu Zhian's hand to open the box.

Although Tang Sufei did not speak, she also stared at Mu Zhian, with some confusion and anxiety in her beautiful eyes.

"Are you sure there is no danger here?" Mu Zhian looked up at the two and asked.

This box has a very dangerous aura. Although he does not know what is inside, his intuition tells him that it is better not to open it.

The two looked at each other, and Tang Sufei said anxiously: "Mr. Mu, this thing is a box left by the original witch, so that people in the future can open it. Since you are destined to it, why don't you see what she left for future generations?"

Ye Lingxuan stared at the box in Mu Zhian's hand, and suddenly said: "The things in it seem to be dangerous."

Tang Sufei hesitated for a moment and said: "It would be good if the elder was here... With her protection, there would be no such concerns."

Gu Hua heard this and looked at Mu Zhian, saying: "Brother Mu, why don't you come with us to find our elder and let him protect you?"

Mu Zhian pondered for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Ye Lingxuan.

"Sister Lingxuan..."

Ye Lingxuan nodded gently as if she knew what Mu Zhian wanted to say, and looked at the woman not far away.

At the same time, a calm and pleasant voice sounded softly, responding to Ye Lingxuan's eyes: "Open it, I will protect you."

Several people looked subconsciously and saw the mature queen standing by the pond.

A head of hair like a waterfall, loose white clothes, and gorgeous and cold eyes seemed to have no emotional fluctuations.

Gu Hua was slightly shocked and looked at the woman in awe.

The aura emanating from this woman was much stronger than the elders who accompanied them this time.

The reincarnated queen, or in other words, the "doll" made by Ye Lingxuan in the past.

Since even this existence has spoken, Mu Zhian naturally felt relieved, but just in case, he still shouted in his heart: "Yao Meng?"

Yao Meng did not reply, and seemed to be sleeping.

"Fairy?" Mu Zhian called out again tentatively in his heart.

Still no response.

It seems that she is really sleeping normally...Mu Zhian quickly gathered his thoughts and his eyes fell on the box in his hand. With a slight force on his thumb, he slowly opened the lid.

The eyes of several people were all fixed on the sealed box. Gu Hua's breathing was uncontrollably accelerated, and his eyes were full of expectations.

Ten thousand years!

No one has cracked the box left by the original witch in these ten thousand years, and now, this mystery is finally solved!

Is it the ancestral artifact left by the original witch, or her inheritance, or even the practice?

The box saw the light again, and the things hidden in it also emerged in everyone's vision.

Even Ye Lingxuan, who was indifferent by nature, was attracted at this moment. Even the cold goddess could not resist the temptation of gossip and eating melons.

Mu Zhian's eyes fell and solidified on the items in the box.

Then, he was slightly stunned.

What was in the box was not an ancestral artifact, nor a technique, nor an inheritance.

It was a peach blossom.

And a paper crane.

"...Paper crane?" Gu Hua murmured, with a bit of bewilderment and confusion in his eyes.

What the original witch left behind for future generations was just a paper crane...?

Mu Zhian had never spoken again since the beginning, but just stared at the peach blossom in the box with doubt, and picked up the peach blossom with trembling fingers.

Ye Lingxuan narrowed her eyes slightly, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

How come this peach blossom is exactly the same as the peach blossom in the pilgrimage temple...?

The peach blossom in the pilgrimage temple is pink with some white, and it also contains a special aura.

And this peach blossom also has a similar aura.

Ye Lingxuan looked up at Mu Zhian, as if she wanted to say something, and whispered: "Brother Mu..."

However, Mu Zhian's eyes were fixed on the paper crane in the box, with a dull look in his eyes.

The folding technique of this paper crane was exactly the same as his.


Mu Zhian, feeling a little uneasy, slowly opened the paper crane and turned over the back of the letter.

There was only one sentence on it.

"Long time no see."

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