What is Mu Zhian thinking now...?

In fact, even without the ability to read minds, the Queen of the Demon Realm can guess roughly.

Even though the Queen of the Demon Realm is the enemy of Dongzhou and even regards Shang Yanfei as her mortal enemy, she has to admit that the leader of Liangyi Sect does have the charm to attract any opposite sex.

Before the Queen of the Demon Realm had yet to achieve the state of harmony, Shang Yanfei had already reached the state of harmony. She had heard the first generation of the Demon Emperor mention Shang Yanfei more than once. When the first generation of the Demon Emperor started a war against Dongzhou, the first thing he focused on was the movements of Liangyi Sect.

To be precise, it was the movements of Shang Yanfei.

In the past, there were only two people in the state of harmony in Dongzhou. The restricted area was a paradise and did not participate in any fight in Jiuzhou, while Liangyi Sect was the symbol of Dongzhou.

The leader who founded Liangyi Sect and even cultivated Linglong, who was in the state of harmony, was naturally regarded as the most difficult enemy by the first generation of the Demon Emperor.

He couldn't figure out why this gorgeous woman had stayed in Dongzhou and never ascended to heaven.

The ultimate goal of a cultivator's practice is to become an immortal and ascend to heaven, but Shang Yanfei seems to have no interest in becoming an immortal. Even when the path to becoming an immortal appeared in the past, she never left Dongzhou.

She is always shrouded in mystery, and even the first generation of demon kings don't know when she has achieved enlightenment.

Such a woman who is shrouded in mystery will naturally attract the pursuit of countless cultivators... especially young cultivators.

For a child of Mu Zhian's age, the mysterious color of Shang Yanfei is an indescribable temptation, enough to make him involuntarily attracted by Shang Yanfei, and even want to go deeper into it to find out.

What's more, Shang Yanfei took the initiative to kiss him before.

In short, even a proud person like the demon queen is a little afraid of Shang Yanfei.

But fear does not mean fear, and it will not make the Queen of the Demon Realm remain silent at this moment, watching the person she likes being N.T.R in front of her with a smile.

"Although I have never used mind reading, I think I can guess what he is thinking."

Concubine Shang Yan reached out and gently stroked Mu Zhian's face, staring at the big boy in front of her, and his expression that could not be held back at the moment.

She raised her red lips, raised a touch of joy, and whispered: "Is it more comfortable to kiss me or the Queen of the Demon Realm?"

Before Mu Zhian answered, she smiled lightly and said: "I guess what he is thinking now is... kissing me is more pleasant."

"What do you think?" She slightly turned her eyes, and the cold eyes of the Queen of the Demon Realm were reflected in her beautiful light golden eyes.


In the hall, accompanied by a deafening roar, the entire ground was shaking violently.

In the void behind the Queen of the Demon Realm, the earthly python silently emerged from it.

No, rather than a python, it is more like a dragon, with a gorgeous purple-pink color all over, and a pair of golden beast eyes as majestic and charming as golden pupils.

The Queen of the Demon Realm looked indifferent, and the spiritual energy flowing in the air burned in an instant, and the flames were raging.

She did not use the forbidden method, but just casually raised her green jade fingers. In the moment of snapping her fingers, the extremely enchanting pink light enveloped Concubine Shang Yan, captivating people, as if people would be dazed at the first sight of it.

This is the method that the Queen of the Demon Realm had cultivated before she merged with the Tao. It is called Xuanyin Charm Fire. The Charm Fire has no temperature, but is icy and piercing. At the moment it appeared, the temperature in the entire hall dropped in an instant, as if it would freeze people's skin.

Mu Zhian looked at the Charm Fire in shock, thinking, Your Majesty, you gods are fighting, what if an AOE sends me away...

The next moment, the Xuanyin Charm Fire fell towards Concubine Shang Yan!

At the same time, the Earthly Python bound Mu Zhian while swimming and brought him back to the side of the Queen of the Demon Realm.


The breath of the creation of the world permeated the entire hall, and the mysterious Yin Charm Fire almost enveloped Shang Yanfei, bursting out with an extremely terrifying brilliance.

Although he was very confident in the strength of the Sect Master's sister, Mu Zhian couldn't help but sweat for her.

"Don't worry, she won't die, and this body is just a wisp of spiritual consciousness that she has differentiated. Her body cannot be separated from the Liangyi Sect."

As if knowing what Mu Zhian was thinking, Shi Zixuan's arrogant and sexy voice came from the side.

At the same time, the Earthly Python carefully placed Mu Zhian on the ground, and Shi Zixuan took a half step forward and blocked in front of Mu Zhian.

The Queen of the Demon Realm actually never fought with Shang Yanfei, but when the first generation of the Demon King was alive in the past, whenever he mentioned Dongzhou, he would always mention Shang Yanfei's name.

The cultivation in the demon world is extremely cruel, and the strong are respected. Therefore, since childhood, the demon queen has remembered the name of Shang Yanfei.

Now that she has evolved from childhood to the ultimate form, the first person she wants to fight is Shang Yanfei.

She believes that even if there is only a trace of spiritual consciousness, Shang Yanfei cannot be defeated so easily.

Facts have proved that the judgment of the demon queen is correct.

When the Xuanyin charm fire dissipated, the temperature was still cold. A woman stood on the throne in the hall, like a banished immortal from the ancient times, with peerless beauty and no rival in the world.

She was wearing a black dress, with a classical and quiet face, and her plump chest supported the clothes up and down. The long legs with golden ratios were outlined under the skirt. It was extremely beautiful, but not glamorous, enough to make people subconsciously indulge in this peerless grace.

It was just that the gorgeous dress had a lot of shatters, revealing some of her fair skin.

Was she injured...? Mu Zhian's mind moved slightly.

At this moment, the whole world fell silent!

Everything around him turned gray, Mu Zhian was gray, everything in the hall was gray, even the charming and charming appearance of the Queen of the Demon Realm, also turned gray.

Only Shang Yanfei was colorful.

When Mu Zhian suddenly woke up, he found that Shang Yanfei's dress had been repaired long ago, without any signs of damage.

"Time goes back." The Queen of the Demon Realm narrowed her beautiful eyes and said softly.

Mu Zhian's mind moved.

Time goes back, doesn't that mean that the master is also in the Yuhua realm?

He knew that one of the signs of the Yuhua realm is time going back.

When you reach the Yuhua realm, you can change the rules of heaven and earth, and even rewrite time, go upstream along the long river of time, and be immortal.

The Queen of the Demon Realm raised her head proudly, with a contemptuous attitude, and chuckled: "No, you are not immortal, you just comprehended the Dao of time."

Shang Yanfei smiled without comment.

Proving her guess, there was a trace of contempt in the beautiful eyes of the Queen of the Demon Realm, and she said arrogantly: "If I remember correctly, you were already in the state of harmony with the Dao before I resonated with the Dao. Now that I have achieved harmony with the Dao, you are still spinning in the same place. What if I surpass you in the future?"

Shang Yanfei smiled lightly and said: "If you can be immortal, it is your fate."

This indifferent attitude made the Queen of the Demon Realm look a little unhappy. One of the reasons why she hated this woman was that she always looked so calm and indifferent.

"Your spiritual consciousness can't stop me. Take advantage of my good mood and get out of this cave. This is the place where I love him." The Queen of the Demon Realm said coldly.

However, Shang Yanfei seemed to have heard something interesting and chuckled: "The place of love between you and him?"

"What about the Green Emperor?"

"You are keeping him in the cave now, and even plotting something bad... Aren't you cheating with him [——beep]?"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Queen of the Demon Realm, and it was obvious that she was touched.

The Queen of the Demon Realm is such a proud existence. From the past to the present, there is nothing she can't get as long as she sets her eyes on it.

However, she has been in seclusion for less than half a year, and after waking up, Mu Zhian has already married, and even now wears the engagement ring given to him by the Green Emperor!

It's only been less than half a year!

If she stays in seclusion for another one or two years, maybe Mu Zhian's children can crawl on the ground!

"He likes me, and I like him, as for the Green Emperor..."

The Queen of the Demon Realm snorted coldly: "It's just that he took advantage of my retreat and played some tricks to confuse him."

Shang Yanfei said lightly: "The marriage that day was a mutual consent between my disciple and the Green Emperor. Since you know how to read minds, don't you know his true feelings?"

"If you must say, you are the third party in the middle."

Hearing this, the Queen of the Demon Realm immediately retorted: "Since you knew that he was married, how could the leader of the Liangyi Sect be intimate with him before?"

"Don't say that his marriage with the Green Emperor was just a fake marriage in the past, even if it was real, what does it matter? There is no one I can't get." The Queen of the Demon Realm sneered.

This statement has already made it clear: he is a married man, so what, I just want N.T.R.

The ruler of the demon world and the leader of the Liangyi Sect looked at each other from a distance. The former was charming and seductive, while the latter was always calm and mysterious.

Both of them were very pleasing to the eye, especially when Mu Zhian stood beside the demon queen, he could smell the sweet scent of the woman.

However, at this moment, Mu Zhian did not seem to be in the mood to appreciate her at all.

Not good, if they continue to quarrel, the demon queen will definitely vent her anger on me...

Calm down, I am the master of the heaven, can't I suppress just two women...?

There must be a way... Mu Zhian's brain flashed with thoughts as fast as lightning.

However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed the demon queen's playful smile, so he silently gave up thinking.

With the mind reading, he had no room for maneuver.

"Forget it, I'm glad you're okay."

As the atmosphere became increasingly tense, at this moment, accompanied by a light laugh, Concubine Shang Yan walked down the steps from the front of the throne.

Under Mu Zhian's hesitant gaze, she opened her lips slightly and said quietly: "Linglong asked me to confirm it because he was worried about your safety."

"But since the queen of the demon world is protecting you, there must be no problem."

Mu Zhian subconsciously looked back at Concubine Shang Yan's eyes, and for a moment, he was a little confused.

What does the sect leader sister mean to him?

If you say that she likes him, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. She even took the initiative to kiss him before.

But if she really likes him, why is she willing to let the queen of the demon world protect him now?

But no matter what, seeing that Concubine Shang Yan did not continue to argue with the Queen of the Demon Realm, Mu Zhian breathed a sigh of relief and immediately raised his hand and bowed, saying: "Disciple, I respectfully send you off, Master."

She is indeed the most unpredictable shark in my pond... He sighed in his heart.

"Hmph... She is really generous."

Looking at the woman leaving, the Queen of the Demon Realm could not help but sneer.

"The Sect Master is only concerned about the disciples of the Sect. He came here because he is worried about me." Mu Zhian shook his head helplessly.

This was indirectly telling the Queen of the Demon Realm: You think too much about the relationship between me and the Sect Master's sister. I am just a disciple of Liangyi Sect and I don't have any close relationship with the Sect Master's sister.

"Since when did the Sect Master of Liangyi Sect take the initiative to kiss a sect disciple, and it can be called an ordinary relationship?" The Queen of the Demon Realm glanced at Mu Zhian with a smile, dissatisfaction in her tone.

Mu Zhian shrugged and said, "You ridiculed her first, so I guess you angered her."

It's not that he wants to tell the truth, but whatever he thinks in his heart will be read anyway, so it's better to say it directly.

The Queen of the Demon Realm was unexpectedly not annoyed at all, but just glanced at Mu Zhian meaningfully.

So far, she has never seen Shang Yanfei fight with any great power in the true sense, because no one has ever done anything to make her angry.

The last time I took action, it was because Mu Zhian faked his death in the Southern Wilderness and the Western Regions.

And this time... it was also because of Mu Zhian.

A woman with a deep mind, but a very obvious weakness... This is really interesting.

The Queen of the Demon Realm stared into Mu Zhian's eyes with a playful smile on her face.

Mu Zhian hesitated and said, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry? If I really angered her today, it would be my gain, right?" The Queen of the Demon Realm smiled faintly.

"As for the kiss, it was just a light touch of mouth to mouth, there's nothing to be angry about."

The demon world is much more open than I thought... Mu Zhian was shocked.

At this time, the Queen of the Demon Realm changed the subject, glanced at Mu Zhian with her charming eyes, and said softly: "How come you mistook Concubine Shang Yan for me today? Just by looking at her personality, you should have guessed that she was Concubine Shang Yan herself, right?"

Mu Zhian couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this: "Your Majesty, did you expect the Sect Master to come to your cave in this way?"

The Queen of the Demon Realm was speechless for a moment.

"Forget it."

She changed the subject lightly: "When I stepped into the cave just now, I didn't detect Gong Lianyue's breath. Is she not here?"

"Ruoxi left the demon world first and went to the Sword Palace to practice in seclusion." Mu Zhian explained.

The Queen of the Demon Realm said "Oh", and a glimmer of light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The Palace Master is not here, the Green Emperor is not here, and the woman Shang Yanfei is gone too, so...

After a brief silence, the Queen of the Demon Realm slightly bent over, half-knelt in front of Mu Zhian, stretched out her hand and gently stroked his hair, and smiled charmingly: "Follow me to the house first."


Mu Zhian left the hall with the Queen of the Demon Realm. The hall was obviously riddled with holes because of the previous fight between the two, but at this moment, everything here was quietly restored to its original state.

Behind the hall was an extremely luxurious bedroom.

The tall, soft and sexy Queen of the Demon Realm held Mu Zhian's little hand and came to the bedroom. Then she tilted her head to look at the big boy next to her and couldn't help licking her red lips.

Aware of the Queen of the Demon Realm's charming eyes, Mu Zhian's heart was shaken, but he still maintained a trace of calmness and was about to take off the Green Lotus Ring on his finger.

Wearing the ring of the Green Emperor sister and being intimate with others still made him feel a little weird.

However, at this time, the Queen of the Demon Realm reached out and pressed his hand, gently holding it, and chuckled: "Just wear it like this, after all, this is the wedding ring that the Green Emperor gave you."

The problem is that I always feel a little guilty when I wear it like this and get intimate with you... Mu Zhian thought to himself.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know if this Green Lotus Ring will have any strange abilities, and he doesn't want to take this risk.

However, the next moment, the charming and enchanting figure of the Queen of the Demon Realm has disappeared from his sight, and what appeared in Mu Zhian's sight was a holy and flawless fairy.

She was bare-faced with a pair of white jade feet, and the light blue noble dress wrapped her seductive figure. The white rope tied her long hair was untied by her hand, and her long black hair fell to her calves like a waterfall. She was beautiful but not gaudy, and it was unexpected that people could not have the slightest thought of blasphemy.

'Yao Meng' smiled, half-crouched in front of Mu Zhian, and reached out to touch his face. Her temperament was holy and elegant, but her eyes were full of charming and seductive light.

"This is the order from your sister Qingdi?"



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