The two of them were chatting and had unknowingly come to the study.

Mu Zhian pushed open the door of the study and said, "Anyway, the most urgent thing now is to invite Senior Sister Lan to the Mu family to rest for a few days. After all, I tricked her out, so as a host, we must treat her well."

Wei Mengrou nodded silently.

That's right. Lan Murian should not have come down the mountain so early, but she was "tricked" down the mountain by someone's good words. She must be entertained anyway, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

What's more... Now, whether it is the Bai family, the Dawn Chamber of Commerce or even the Gongsun family, they all hope to invite Lan Murian to their house as a guest, so the Mu family naturally cannot be left behind.

"Since you want to find her, why don't you go directly to the inn, but go back to the study instead?" Wei Mengrou asked.

"It's not that interesting to meet and chat, and using paper cranes to send messages may be more effective." Mu Zhian smiled.

When netizens chat offline, they are not as free as they are online. Mu Zhian is naturally aware of this.

He walked into the study and was about to write a letter to Lan Murian to invite her to the Mu family.

At this time, he suddenly noticed a paper crane that was placed on the table.

Mu Zhian's eyes moved slightly, and he took the paper crane and opened it. The content on the letter was the second letter he wrote to Lan Murian the day before yesterday.

At that time, because the first letter to Lan Murian did not receive a reply, Mu Zhian wrote the second letter.

"If I remember correctly, when the paper crane flew to Liangyi Sect, Senior Sister Lan should have gone down the mountain... Why would someone reply to me?"

Mu Zhian muttered in his heart. He turned over the back of the letter and really saw the reply to this letter.

"Could it be that the paper crane automatically flew to Senior Sister Lan, and then she received the paper crane after staying at the inn in Tianxuan City yesterday, and then she wrote back to me?" Mu Zhian made a guess secretly.

After thinking carefully, this is the only possibility. The only person he knows in Liangyi Sect is Lan Murian, and this paper crane should only fly to Lan Murian.

If this letter is not replied by Lan Murian, could it be her master?

Mu Zhian laughed at himself in his heart, pulled out a chair, sat in front of the desk, and looked at the beautiful handwriting on the letter paper, and the words that seemed to be somewhat ambiguous in the letter. Even he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Until he saw the end, even Mu Zhian was a little absent-minded.

I didn't expect Senior Sister Lan to have two completely different faces "online" and "offline".

Online, she is simply a mature, sexy and somewhat teasing big sister, but offline, she is an iceberg beauty.

"It's quite interesting." Mu Zhian looked at the content of the letter and said to himself.

I didn't expect that Lan Murian still had a cold attitude when she met me yesterday, but the letter she wrote to me was full of ambiguity.

But this is exactly the effect he wanted.

Mu Zhian thought for a long time, then waved the brush and wrote the words on the letter paper:

"Sister, when I wrote this letter, I actually had some wonderful feelings. The last time we sent a letter by paper crane, you were in the sect, and I was in the distant Tianxuan City. But after you came to Tianxuan City this time, there are some things I am still embarrassed to say in person, so I can only express it in words.

I wonder if you are still used to the life in Tianxuan City? We met in a hurry yesterday. I wanted to see you after returning to Tianxuan City, but because I was injured and I am not mentally prepared, I hope you don't mind.

By the way, if you are If you don't mind, I hope to visit Mu's Mansion. I have a lot to talk to you offline (crossed out), in real life.

By the way, after seeing you yesterday, I couldn't help but think of a flower called snow lotus, which represents loyalty, purity, arrogance and purity of feelings. It just so happens that our Mu family has cultivated a pool of such snow lotus using the barrier over the years. This flower is given to you, I hope you like it. After you come to Mu's Mansion, I will take you to see the snow lotus. "

Mu Zhian put down his brush, took out the snow lotus from the vase beside him, tied the root of the flower gently to the paper crane, and then threw the paper crane out of the window.

Putting down the brush, he stretched his muscles, glanced at the servant beside him, and said: "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to Yangfeng Inn."

Calculating the time, when the paper crane flew to Lan Murian's hand, he would almost arrive at the inn.


At the same time, on this day, Tianxuan City seemed to have reached an unprecedented level of excitement.

The first reason is that the sect assessment of Liangyi Sect is about to begin, and one of the examiners, Lan Mulian, has already gone down the mountain in advance. Another reason is that the three major families are besieging demon cultivators to eliminate harm for the people, which has also been circulated among the people this morning.

This day, this matter was widely spread in Tianxuan City early in the morning. People were discussing it everywhere in teahouses and inns.

"Have you heard about it? It seems that a fierce battle took place in Longshou Forest yesterday. The three major families and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce's masters of the Refining Realm came out together. Today, the government officials went to the scene and found several huge deep pits."

"The four major forces' masters of the Refining Realm came out together. What kind of enemy did they encounter?"

There was a "know brother" who looked mysterious and whispered: "It is said that it is a demon cultivator."

"Demon cultivator?! How dare the demon cultivators from Beizhou make trouble under the nose of Liangyi Sect?"

This statement immediately caused people to discuss and whisper.

Demon cultivators are the mortal enemy of humans. It is only because of the protection of Liangyi Sect in recent years that the two sides have only had some frictions on the border.

It is natural to be frightened to hear that there are demon cultivators lurking in Tianxuan City.

"By the way, I remember someone said yesterday that the eldest master of the Mu family also went to Longshou Forest... Could it be that he also participated in the battle to encircle and suppress demon cultivators?" Someone suddenly asked.

"Since the masters of the Refining Spirit Realm have been alarmed, it means that the enemy they are facing is at least in the Refining Spirit Realm. How could the eldest master of the Mu family, a cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm, participate in the encirclement and suppression?" Someone immediately refuted.

"But there are also rumors that the eldest master of the Mu family organized this encirclement and suppression..."

While people were still chatting, a carriage stopped at the door of Yangfeng Inn in front of a street.

Mu Zhian opened the curtain and got off the carriage. He looked up at the inn decorated in a rather classical and luxurious style. He couldn't help but tease himself in his heart: "Sister Lan actually knew to stay in this inn. Did she read the travel guide before leaving?"

Originally, Mu Zhian inferred from Lan Murian's personality that she should be the kind of person who doesn't care about worldly things. But now it seems that she knows how to enjoy life.

You know, this inn is the best inn in Tianxuan City. If you are not from the city, you may not know such a small thing.

Is Sister Lan lucky or what, she happened to be in this inn.

While thinking about these trivial matters, Mu Zhian walked into the inn.

There is nothing that the Mu family can't find out in Tianxuan City. Mu Zhian had already found out the private room where Lan Murian lived before leaving, so there was no need to ask the shopkeeper specifically.

He walked up the stairs, thinking about how to take the initiative to speak after entering the private room.

At this time, a tall beauty in a red cheongsam was walking towards them on the stairs.

Her jade feet were stepping on a pair of red embroidered shoes, and her figure was exquisite and beautiful.

Mu Zhian raised his head and took a closer look, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The chief auctioneer of Chenxi Auction House, Feiying.

Why is she also in this inn...?

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