So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 501 I want to buy Mu Zhian shares! 4.5K (1/2)

"What conditions?"

Yao Meng was not surprised to hear the princess' request.

Rather, if the princess had no request at all and was willing to take Mu Zhian to Yunzhou to find Yunyanliu for no reason, she would have doubts.

Luo Tan also looked at her bestie calmly, and for a moment she could not understand the thoughts of the Yunzhou princess.

"It is rumored that the Yaochi Holy Land will produce some Nirvana silk every few years. The dresses made of Nirvana silk are thin and not transparent, and have the effect of purifying the mind. I wonder if I have the opportunity to see it?"

The princess' voice was as gentle as usual, and her beautiful eyes stared at Yao Meng from beginning to end, as if she was really interested in Nirvana silk.

"Is Nirvana silk enough for you?"

Yao Meng unconsciously lowered her voice, with a little hesitation in her tone.

When the princess spoke earlier, she thought that the princess might want to take this opportunity to get some benefits, and Yao Meng was also prepared to give the princess these benefits...but she never thought that the other party just wanted Nirvana silk?

Although the output of Nirvana silk is very small, the foundation of Yaochi Holy Land is here, and it has naturally been preserved for so many years.

"Could it be that the Green Emperor is planning to give me something precious?"

The princess teased, but her gentle and beautiful eyes glanced at Mu Zhian inadvertently: "But the precious things that the Green Emperor really values, I'm afraid you won't be willing to exchange them yourself."

This sounds like saying: I want to invest in Mu Zhian, will you let me in?

Yao Meng raised her eyebrows slightly, and smiled as she hugged the young man into her arms, saying softly, "Then we have to see what the precious things the princess wants are."

You can fight if you want, but don't burn the fire with me. I just want to experience the warmth of people's hearts at ease... Mu Zhian's face was buried in Yao Meng's arms, smelling the fragrance of the fairy from the green skirt, and silently complained in his heart.

The princess glanced at the intimate two people without leaving a trace, and frowned slightly.

Although she did not have that kind of feelings for Mu Zhian, the woman Qingdi held Mu Zhian in her arms in front of her at this moment. Could it be that she was provoking her and claiming sovereignty?

"Just now I was just joking. I only need Nirvana silk that can make a dress. Does Qingdi have any objection to this condition?" asked the princess.

"Of course I have no objection. It's better to say that the princess can be so generous, and I will remember this favor in my heart." Yao Meng smiled slightly.

If ordinary people heard this, they would probably be flattered.

Even the powerful people in the Hedao realm would feel that this deal was worthwhile.

After all, it is not so easy to owe favors in the Yuhua realm, and this favor will be of great use in the future.

But when the princess saw Yao Meng take out a jade box from the ring and handed it to her, she just curled her lips and said lightly: "There is no rush for Nirvana silk. It will not be too late to give it to me after I take him to find Yunyan Willow."

"It is rumored that the princess of Yunzhou never makes promises easily, but once she makes a promise, she will definitely fulfill her promise, so I believe that the princess will keep her promise and will not break her promise."

Yao Meng smiled and handed the exquisite jade box to the princess: "These Nirvana silks are part of it. If the princess does not mind, please accept it first."

The princess nodded slowly and took the jade box.

She glanced at Yao Meng and then opened the jade box.

The fiery red glow burst out from the jade box, and in the glow, a phoenix with fire seemed to emerge vaguely, which was amazing.

"Since the deal has been reached, I won't bother you today."

After Yao Meng finished speaking, she smiled and nodded at the two of them, and then left the hall with Mu Zhian.

Luo Tan stared at the two people who walked out of the hall, and unconsciously lowered her voice: "Why are you willing to help him?"

When she said this, her eyes were fixed on her best friend.

The princess looked indifferent, and her veil covered her face, revealing an unfathomable hazy beauty.

"Helping him, isn't it also the same as helping you?"

She slightly turned her eyes and looked at the Yuzhou Empress beside her, and smiled: "Why, do you think I would help a stranger who I don't know for no reason, or a little monk?"

Luo Tan's red lips opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she fell silent in the end.

Although the princess said so much...but Mu Zhian is not an ordinary little monk.

Even if the princess was born with a connection to the Great Dao, it would be impossible for her to ignore the body of the ‘natural furnace’.

I’m afraid even the princess herself doesn’t know that the more she acts as if she doesn’t care, the more she actually cares.

Following Yao Meng back to the guest room, Mu Zhian closed the door.

Yao Meng was sitting on the couch with her legs sideways, with her back to the window. Outside the window was a small courtyard. She could vaguely see the scene of flowers blooming, which also made her beautiful face look a bit cold and fairy-like.

The thin green gauze dress seemed to be translucent in the light of the morning sun, and her chest was proudly propped up, and the size was just right.

“What kind of magic did you cast in my Qinglian Ring? I’m afraid you have already noticed that Dapeng Emperor just put pressure on me secretly today?” Mu Zhian whispered.

Yao Meng was admiring the scenery outside the window. Hearing this, he slightly side-glanced and looked at him with a smile: "Since I gave you the Qinglian Ring that day, the spells I left in the Qinglian Ring have not disappeared."

"After all, you died in front of me once... I don't want to see it again."

Mu Zhian walked to the soft couch and sat down, suspiciously saying: "Since you know that Dapeng Emperor had secretly put pressure on me, then what happened here... you also know it?"

His eyes were a little strange, wondering if Sister Qingdi had awakened some strange fetish...

After all, there is only a fine line between liking to cheat and liking to be cheated.

Maybe, maybe... could it be that she has awakened some hobby or something?

Yao Meng lazily glanced at Mu Zhian and said: "I won't interfere too much with your privacy. I said I didn't peep at you this time, so I won't peep at you naturally... Do you have so little trust in me?"

Mu Zhian was startled: "But I didn't say you peeped."

"I said you don't have any strange hobbies or something like that?" Mu Zhian asked tentatively, his tone full of suspicion.

Yao Meng raised her green jade finger and poked his forehead gently, saying angrily: "Except for some women with special hobbies, who would be willing to give their Taoist partner to other women for enjoyment?"

After a pause, she leaned naturally in Mu Zhian's arms, put one hand on his chest, and whispered: "The Qinglian Ring is a means to protect your safety. I have never secretly peeped... This is the truth."

If I didn't peek, then did I eavesdrop or something like that...Mu Zhian opened his mouth slightly and wanted to ask.

But hugging the plump waist of Sister Qingdi and smelling the faint fragrance emanating from her body, it made people a little intoxicated.

At this time, Yao Meng broke free from Mu Zhian's arms, and then she knelt beside Mu Zhian like a docile cat, and gently leaned her white and flawless face like ice crystals against Mu Zhian's thighs.

It seemed that he could vaguely feel the sweet and warm breath of the woman, and Mu Zhian's heartbeat uncontrollably accelerated at that moment.

The long hair covered her perky buttocks, and was simply tied up with a jade hairpin.

"You won't blame me, will you?" She bent her knees and leaned on Mu Zhian's thighs, raised her head, and gazed at Mu Zhian gently, with a heart-warming wetness in her eyes.

Mu Zhian lowered his head and looked at Yao Meng's almost flawless beautiful profile. Finally, he couldn't help but reach out and gently stroke the long hair of Sister Qingdi that was scattered like a waterfall.

"I believe you. You told me about the ability of the Qinglian Ring before." Mu Zhian said while stroking the woman's soft hair.

His eyes were always staring at her face.

Under Mu Zhian's gentle comfort, Yao Meng's expression softened, and she leaned on the boy's legs, enjoying the warmth.

"By the way, I will go to the North tomorrow and find one of the medicinal materials for the Lianxu Pill that you will need to take later."

After a while, Yao Meng suddenly said softly.

She raised her head and met Mu Zhian's burning eyes.

Yao Meng's eyes flashed with a hint of shyness, and she lowered her head slightly, as if she could see a blush on her pretty face.

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at others?" Yao Meng asked in a low voice.

This shy and gentle voice was so tempting that even an old hand like Mu Zhian, who was used to seeing all kinds of shy postures of women, couldn't help but gently lift her snow-white chin with his fingers.

"Nothing... Get up and sit down to talk."

Yao Meng stood up very "obediently", and the blue-white dress was stained with dust, and her tender white feet seemed to be stained with some dust on the ground.

Mu Zhian stared at her, and she also stared at Mu Zhian. As the two looked at each other, Yao Meng's face moved closer to him little by little, looking docile and obedient.

But hidden deep in her eyes was a playful smile.

She hooked her hands around Mu Zhian's neck, leaned down slightly, and then said in a sweet voice that seemed to melt people's hearts:

"Do you like the feeling of dominating the emperor and making her kneel at your feet obediently? Dear~"


This sentence was like a fuse that completely ignited the explosives, exploding in Mu Zhian's heart.

He lowered his head and stared at Yao Meng's eyes. At this moment, she seemed to have suddenly changed from the well-behaved and docile little girl to the condescending queen, looking down on everyone.

Mu Zhian finally couldn't hold back, lowered his head and occupied the woman's red lips.


The next morning.

When Mu Zhian woke up, he could no longer see Yao Meng.

"It seems that Yao Meng has already gone to the Northland early in the morning... Is she determined to help me comprehend the Tao rhyme and enter the realm of enlightenment this time?"

Mu Zhian looked at the slightly messy scene in the house, yawned lazily, and then gently stroked the green lotus ring on his finger.

Yesterday, Yao Meng only said that she didn't peek, but didn't say whether she eavesdropped...

The human emperor in the Yuhua realm has means that can reach the sky and the earth. If he really wants to eavesdrop, it would be too easy.

But forget it, anyway, this time it was done with her knowledge.

At most, Yao Meng didn't know about the princess...

Mu Zhian changed his robes, adjusted his manners in front of the bronze mirror, and successfully turned back to the weak and handsome boy in the past.

Looking at the bronze mirror in front of him, he seemed to remember the scene of Yao Meng sticking to the bronze mirror yesterday, and couldn't help but sighed: "Hey, how come Sister Qingdi understands me more and more, where did she learn it from?"

He rarely exposed his hobbies in front of Qingdi before, for fear that he would be despised by the other party...

However, every once in a while, Yao Meng always managed to grasp one of Mu Zhian's hobbies, and even teased him...

If Mu Zhian is compared to a map for land reclamation, then Yao Meng seems to have almost completed the land reclamation.

After leaving the guest room, Mu Zhian turned into a rainbow and appeared in Chenxi Palace where the princess lived.

The mature and plump princess was admiring flowers in the small courtyard, with her back to Mu Zhian, leaving only a beautiful back view.

Before Mu Zhian could speak, the princess's gentle and generous voice sounded in the courtyard: "You're here so early? Are you so impatient to go to Yunzhou?"

She looked sideways at the young man behind her, doubtful at first, and after staring at Mu Zhian for a few times, her eyebrows furrowed inadvertently.

"That's not entirely true. I'm just curious about something, so I came to ask the princess for advice this morning." Mu Zhian said with a smile.

"I know what you mean."

The princess admired the plump peonies in front of her and spoke softly: "If I had taken you to Yunzhou yesterday without raising any conditions, with the character of Emperor Qing, I am afraid that I would have suspected whether I was plotting something against you."

"Nirvana silk is indeed rare. Even in Yaochi, I am afraid there are not many left, but it is not enough to make my heart move. I just want to give Qingdi a reason to prevent her from worrying too much."

Mu Zhian was slightly understanding.

The princess's request yesterday was similar to his guess.

But apart from that, he also had something unknown.

"Why are you willing to take me to Yunzhou? If Emperor Dapeng sees it, he will probably misunderstand you and me even more?" Mu Zhian asked worriedly.

The princess said calmly: "You are the one chosen by Luo Tan. Since Luo Tan considers you in every aspect and is even willing to wait until he refines the Nine Cauldron Void Refining Pill before enjoying you... then I will naturally help you."

She paused, as if she realized what shameless words she had said, and immediately changed the subject in an understatement: "In short, on the one hand, it is because of Luo Tan, and on the other hand... Emperor Dapeng came to you twice before. The trouble, although it is directed at you, is caused by me."

"Take you to find the Yunyan Willow. This can be regarded as an apology on behalf of Yunzhou."

When Mu Zhian heard this, he couldn't help but smile warmly, looking at the charming figure of the mature wife, without saying anything.

"Why are you laughing?" The princess frowned slightly.

"It's nothing." Mu Zhian shook his head and smiled, "If it was to apologize, then Her Royal Highness the Princess had already apologized yesterday... and even went beyond the apology level."

The princess was stunned for a moment, and then immediately recalled what Mu Zhian did to her yesterday without telling Emperor Dapeng. She felt a little more ashamed, bit her lips lightly, and said: "Is it more than just holding hands? Is Mr. Mu just a little boy who has never touched a woman?"

Mu Zhian smiled and said: "If it's just to apologize, the weight of what happened yesterday in Mu's heart is indeed far beyond that."

The corner of the princess's mouth curled up unconsciously, but she quickly said with a straight face: "Since Mr. Mu is talking about this, does it mean that it doesn't matter if I don't take you to Yunzhou?"

Mu Zhian showed a gentle smile: "If Her Royal Highness the Princess took Mu to Yunzhou to apologize, then what happened yesterday is enough in Mu's heart. If she cannot get Yunyanliu because of this, Mu has no regrets. ”

When he finished speaking, his eyes looked tenderly into the princess's eyes.

A trace of panic flashed in the princess' eyes, and soon after, she realized her gaffe. She took a shallow breath, exhaled it slowly, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't go back on my promise. Since I agreed, I will definitely take you to Yunzhou.”

Mu Zhian raised his hands and bowed respectfully: "Then thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

"By the way, I wonder what you plan to do with the Nirvana silk you got yesterday?" Mu Zhian suddenly asked an irrelevant topic.

A trace of doubt flashed in the princess's eyes.

Yesterday, she just wanted to find an excuse to prevent Qingdi from suspecting some messy things, but she had not yet thought about the specific use of Nirvana Silk.

"Since Her Royal Highness the Princess hasn't figured out the correct use of Nirvana Silk yet, why not let Mu Mou give you an idea?"

Muzhi settled down, put on a mysterious smile, and said: "It is a usage that can make women's charm soar."

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