So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 86 Sect Assessment 5.5K (1/2)

Fuck... I have Bai Ruoxi's spiritual energy in my body?

When hearing Lan Murian's friendly question, Mu Zhian was obviously stunned.

As the saying goes, those who are involved are confused, while those who are watching can see clearly.

If Lan Murian hadn't mentioned this, he might not have realized that there was Bai Ruoxi's spiritual energy in his cauldron.

Could it be that during the previous dual cultivation...?

But the characteristic of the natural cauldron is active output rather than passive intake. In other words, it should be my spiritual energy that was given to Bai Ruoxi, not Bai Ruoxi's spiritual energy in my body... Mu Zhian fell into thought.

As the elders and clan leaders of the major families left, Mu Zhian came back to his senses and subconsciously glanced at Lan Murian.

Her pair of cold and bright eyes stared at Mu Zhian, expressing a sincere confusion and puzzlement, and put on a "humbly asking" listening appearance.

But this look like a cold pond made Mu Zhian feel a full sense of oppression.

He pondered for a moment, then transmitted his voice: "To be honest, Senior Sister, my physique is quite special. This time, I spent a little effort to cover up Bai Ruoxi's evil spirit."

Lan Murian raised her eyebrows slightly, smiling: "How do you cover it up?"

"I am a natural furnace tripod." Mu Zhian said.

Natural furnace tripod... Lan Murian repeated it in her mind, and suddenly remembered the books she had seen in the library.

She frowned slightly and said: "If I remember correctly, the effect of the natural furnace tripod is given unilaterally, and it still doesn't make sense why you have Bai Ruoxi's spiritual energy in your body."

"I am also confused about this. If you don't mind, I would like to ask Senior Sister to help me confirm whether there is anything wrong with my natural furnace tripod." Mu Zhian replied, showing the respect of a junior brother to a senior sister.

Lan Murian nodded: "Okay." "

She was indeed a little concerned about Tiansheng Luding's physique.

In this world, there are all kinds of people with special physiques, and most of them are "selfish".

But Mu Zhian's physique is beneficial to others.

He cannot use the spiritual energy in Tiansheng Luding himself, but he can provide corresponding spiritual energy for other opposite sexes... If that person is in a bottleneck period, he may be able to break through the bottleneck directly with the spiritual energy.

It can be said that Mu Zhian does not have a golden finger, but he himself is a golden finger.

Lan Murian collected her thoughts, turned to look at Bai Ruoxi, and said: "After leaving the teahouse, I will prove for you that the matter of demon cultivation is Ye Yu's wrong judgment. As for the follow-up matters,"

She paused, looked at Mu Zhian, and said: "I will leave it to you to deal with it."

She is not good at dealing with these trivial matters of communicating with people, but Mu Zhian is very good at these things.

"Thank you for your help this time, senior sister. "Bai Ruoxi thanked her sincerely.

Lan Murian nodded slightly.

Because of Ye Yu's sudden attack, Lan Murian was not in the mood to stay here and chat. After briefly explaining these things, she left the teahouse.

After Lan Murian left, Bai Ruoxi turned her head to look at Mu Zhian and said in a gentle voice with texture: "Mu Lang, I'm really sorry for causing you a lot of trouble this time."

Mu Zhian shook his head slowly, stared at her, and said: "For you, everything is worth it."

Bai Ruoxi smiled reservedly and said softly: "Mu Lang is here again. You have said this to other girls, right?"

The love lock fell gently on Mu Zhian's wrist without knowing when.

Mu Zhian pretended not to notice, stared at Bai Ruoxi, and said softly: "Ruoxi, at this moment, I only like you. "

The heart lock conveyed Mu Zhian's current mood, and he was indeed not lying... Bai Ruoxi's peach blossom eyes flashed with water, and she stared at Mu Zhian silently, as if she was a little crazy.

Mu Zhian took the opportunity to continue: "Ruoxi, you should go back to the Mu Mansion first."

"I still have to deal with the outside world."

Bai Ruoxi asked puzzledly: "Didn't Senior Sister Lan go out to explain?"

Mu Zhian shook his head and smiled: "Ye Yu's dirty water has been poured out. After this, even if Senior Sister, or even the high-level officials of the major families in Tianxuan City prove that you are not a demon cultivator, people will still gossip, and even suspect whether we have colluded secretly long ago."

... Although they did collude.

Bai Ruoxi frowned slightly and said softly: "They don't believe the major families in Tianxuan City, don't they even believe the people who are assessing the sect?"

"Of course." Mu Zhian said as a matter of course: "People only believe what they see with their own eyes. "

"In the final analysis, what they care about is not whether you are a demon cultivator or not, but they just want to add some spice to their boring lives."

"Even if others have proved that I am just a cultivator, there will still be people who suspect that I am a demon cultivator?" Bai Ruoxi frowned.


Mu Zhian nodded, staring at her beautiful profile, and continued: "But it's okay to doubt it."

"Everyone wants spice, so I'll give them some spice."

For the sake of Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian, he didn't intend to make things too difficult for the Ye family.

However, Ye Yu seemed to be a little too idle... so idle that he could cause trouble to him every now and then.

Although it was not a big deal, it would be a bit annoying to be repeatedly harassed by flies.

We have to keep Ye Yu busy in the future.


Ye Mansion.

Ye Yu sat cross-legged quietly at the head of the bed, seemingly calm, but in fact, when he closed his eyes, he would think of the scene in front of the teahouse before.

"Are you dissatisfied?" An old voice sounded slowly in his body, and Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"Teacher, why didn't you let me reveal Bai Ruoxi's true identity at that time?" Ye Yu replied in a low voice.

"Since Senior Sister Lan can use the Qi Watching Technique, if Senior Sister is allowed to use the Qi Watching Technique on Bai Ruoxi on that occasion, no matter how much Mu Zhian quibbles, the matter will be implemented, right?!"

The old man sighed softly: "If the sect examiner is determined to keep Bai Ruoxi alive, even if she sees the demonic energy in Bai Ruoxi's body with her qi-gazing technique... do you think she will answer truthfully?"

Ye Yu fell silent.

"You are too impulsive." The old man continued.

In the past, when Ye Yu's talent returned, he endured it for a long time and practiced hard.

The old man once thought that Ye Yu's character must be good. After all, with such endurance, his future achievements are destined to be high.

However, since meeting Mu Zhian, Ye Yu seems to be becoming more and more impulsive.

Mu Zhian seemed to have become Ye Yu's inner demon. Every time he saw him, Ye Yu would lose his mind.

It’s no wonder, after all, Ye Yu’s several encounters so far have ended in defeat...

He fell from a genius to a waste, then became an admired genius again, and then his psychological defenses were broken down by Mu Zhian again and again... Thanks to Ye Yu's good mentality, a normal person would probably be autistic by now.

"In any case, your goal has been achieved. Only a mature adult can give up when things are good." The old man spoke slowly.

Ye Yu frowned and whispered: "Just now, the elder went outside the teahouse to refute the rumor personally... How have I achieved my goal?"

The old man replied with a smile: "Just refuting the rumors is not enough. From the time you said Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, everything Mu Zhian did after that could not change the final result."

"No matter how hard they try to prove that Bai Ruoxi is not a demon cultivator, there will still be people who doubt her."

After Ye Yu was stunned for a long time, he muttered to himself: "So... I won this time?"

"That's true." The old man replied slowly: "Although the Ye family will pay a high price for this, you did win this time. Mu Zhian is an extremely arrogant person, and he can't even help the girl he likes. Protect it, it will make him very upset."

"So what you have to do next is not to cause trouble for Mu Zhian, but to concentrate on your cultivation."

The underlying meaning of this statement is: Stop causing trouble and focus on your cultivation.

Ye Yu nodded slightly, his eyes that were originally full of anger gradually calmed down, and he felt that his originally depressed mood was much relieved, and he said:

"I will practice hard, and then defeat Mu Zhian openly in the sect examination!"

The old man said "Yeah" lightly, but sighed quietly in his heart.

Because of Mu Zhian's matter, he didn't even dare to sleep peacefully during this period, for fear that Ye Yu would accidentally fall into Mu Zhian's scheme.

If he hadn't spoken in time to stop Ye Yu today, the things he had hidden in Ye Yu's body might have been exposed.

If it gets to that point, I'm afraid many enemies will come looking for him without Mu Zhian taking action.

It seems that we have to speed up the progress and make Ye Yu reach the God Refining Realm as soon as possible at all costs.

In front of the competition stage.

The crowd here had gathered unknowingly. Just now, the elders of the Ye family brought Ye Yu out to explain the matter, which also proved that Bai Ruoxi was not a demon cultivator.

Lan Mulian, who came out later, also spoke to confirm that what the elders of the Ye family said was true.

However, as Mu Zhian guessed, human beings are very fond of eating melons. Many of them still remain skeptical and want to see the person involved speak out in person.

But even if Mu Zhian or even Bai Ruoxi personally proves it, it's useless. The moment the dirty water is spilled, it can no longer be taken back.

"What are Master Mu and Miss Bai doing in the teahouse? The assessor and the senior officials of the major families have already left one after another. Why are they still in there and not coming out?" Someone suddenly couldn't help but ask.

"Could it be that you are cleaning up the clues at the scene and hiding some truth...?"

"It shouldn't be the case... If those families in Tianxuan City can't be trusted, can't they even trust the sect examiner?"

"No matter how powerful the Mu family is, can they still bribe that fairy?"

"That's not certain..." The man immediately closed his mouth when he said this.

It is very dangerous to question the disciples of the Liang Yi Sect in public.

Ye Lingxuan frowned inadvertently as she listened to these talking voices.

"These people are so annoying. They have already confirmed that Sister Ruoxi is not a demon cultivator, and yet they are still discussing it." Ye Qian muttered softly.

"Ye Yu's dirty water has been poured out. No matter what he does, there will always be people discussing it. There is nothing we can do about it." Ye Lingxuan said softly.

"But don't worry, they can only talk gossip at most."

"In two days when the sect's assessment begins, this matter will be revealed."

This time it seemed that Mu Zhian won, but if Bai Ruoxi was added to the mix, Mu Zhian did not win.

Of course, Ye Yu didn't win either.

But the current situation is probably what Ye Yu wants to see.

After all, although it was not confirmed that Bai Ruoxi was a demon cultivator, people would still discuss Bai Ruoxi's affairs.

During this period of time, the most discussed topic in Tianxuan City is probably whether Miss Bai is a "demon cultivator".

Previously, Bai Ruoxi was praised to the top by most people, but now, as long as there is a little negative news about her, people will belittle her to the point of being completely destroyed.

No matter what era, there are many such people.

"Master Mu is coming out!"

Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone looked up. The tall and handsome young man had already walked out of the teahouse.

As for Bai Ruoxi... she had just stepped on the flying sword and left.

Realizing that everyone's eyes were looking at him, Mu Zhian arched his hands and said, "Today, I have made you laugh. Master Ye has always had some grievances with Miss Ruoxi. This time, I think he is holding a grudge, so he slandered her."

"So the fact that Miss Bai is a demon cultivator is just something Ye Yu made up?" Someone in the crowd asked with a somewhat suspicious tone.

Mu Zhian shook his head and said, "Bai Ruoxi is not a demon cultivator, but I don't know whether demon cultivators exist or not."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the crowd.

What this means is that there are indeed demon cultivators in Tianxuan City...

Most people believe this, because there was a demon cultivator in Tianxuan City before, and it was finally destroyed by several major forces.

No one would be surprised if a second demon cultivator appeared now.

Mu Zhian glanced at the crowd and said, "Just now, when Senior Sister Lan was about to use the Qi-seeking technique, she was stopped by Ye Yu. After that, he admitted that he had slandered Miss Bai as a demon cultivator."

"As for the reason, I don't know."

As these words fell, the crowd suddenly quieted down, and everyone was thinking about what Mu Zhian had just said.

If I remember correctly, the Qi-seeing technique of Liangyi Sect can see the aura of others, and even tell whether a person is lying...

Why did Ye Yu admit that he slandered Bai Ruoxi when Lan Murian was about to use the Qi-seeing technique?

Just throwing out a sentence, but it caused people to imagine it wildly.

Mu Zhian retracted his gaze, bowed to them, and walked off the stage.

He knew that these people would not believe his one-sided words.

But after this, people would not focus entirely on Bai Ruoxi.

Because the person who just said this was Mu Zhian, the eldest son of the Mu family in Tianxuan City.

What Mu Zhian said, whether true or false, would cause heated discussions.

Let Ye Yu help Bai Ruoxi share people's attention, that's enough.

If it were in modern times, the title of this time would probably be like this: Reversal, Ye Yu who reported Bai Ruoxi as a demon cultivator, but he himself is suspected of being a demon cultivator? !

It was on the hot search in minutes.

Mu Zhian came to the Ye sisters.

Huang Manting, who was beside the two, had long disappeared. I think she went back with Mr. Huang before.

After all, such a thing happened, Huang Manting naturally wanted to know what happened in the teahouse at that time.

"Are you okay, Brother Mu?" Ye Qian looked up at Mu Zhian, her eyes full of concern.

"Thanks to you, everything is fine." Mu Zhian smiled.

Ye Qian lowered her head in shame and whispered: "Sorry, I didn't help much, and my cousin caused you so much trouble..."

This girl is really kind-hearted. She still feels guilty even though it was Ye Yu who did it... Mu Zhian shook his head and said: "It is because I know that you are standing behind me that I have the courage to confront Ye Yu."

He paused and said with some regret: "But I'm afraid I can't take you to Chaohai Inn today."

Ye Qian nodded in understanding: "After all, there is nothing we can do about this kind of thing."

Now that they go to Chaohai Inn, people's attention will be focused on them.

The young master of the Ye family has just offended Bai Ruoxi and Mu Zhian. At this critical juncture, the Ye sisters are still having dinner with the eldest young master of the Mu Mansion, which will always cause some gossip.

Mu Zhian looked at Ye Lingxuan again and said, "Sister Lingxuan, I'll go back first."

Ye Lingxuan nodded modestly, looking at Mu Zhian who was about to leave, and the "exhaustion" on his face. She hesitated for a long time, opened her mouth slightly, and wanted to say something to comfort him.

But in the end, she was still hindered by the arrogance and reserve of the little girl, and resisted the impulse in her heart.

You must not be fooled... Mu Zhian is not a good person.

This can be seen from the behaviors that Mu Zhian had done to Ye Qian before that made people feel good.

I have to keep an eye on Qian'er and not let her be fooled by Mu Zhian... Ye Lingxuan looked at the back of the boy leaving and slowly calmed down.


After returning to the Mu Mansion, Mu Zhian walked straight into the study and opened his personal interface.

The word "supporting role" on the interface has been filled with a pink heart frame for the most part, and the two words "supporting role" also look quite vague.

"This pink love frame, maybe it is linked to my luck?"

Mu Zhian made such a guess.

He had been wondering about one thing before - what exactly is the pink love frame wrapped around the word "supporting role"?

And today, after a test on the test monument, when he saw the pink luck emanating from the test monument, Mu Zhian had such a bold guess in his heart.

Because of his operation today, Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian's favorability should have increased a lot, so this pink love frame has become more colorful.

"If the word "supporting role" in the future is completely filled with this color, I am afraid I will no longer be a supporting role... But what does this pink luck mean?"

I have never heard of it before.

In short, the matter of pink luck may only be investigated slowly after joining the sect.

As for the past two days, it is better to practice at home honestly and improve your strength.

He felt that he was about to practice Qi at the fifth level. If he practiced all night in Bai Ruoxi's room in the past two days, he should be able to practice Qi at the fifth level soon.

Mu Zhian thought of this and turned around to leave the study.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a paper crane flying outside the window.

Mu Zhian got up and opened the window completely, and saw the paper crane landing by the window.

"This should not be the paper crane of my senior sister..." Mu Zhian said in his heart.

Since he visited Lan Mulian that day, he knew that he was actually communicating with two people through paper cranes. One was Lan Mulian, and the other one, he didn't know who it was yet.

However, judging from the other party's tone and even the handwriting, it is obviously a woman.

And the believer who wrote to him is likely to be in Liangyi Sect!

Mu Zhian did not open the paper crane, but put it directly into the ring.

After entering Liangyi Sect in two days, he will reply to the other party. At that time, just follow the paper crane and see where it flies to know the other party's identity.

Mu Zhian left the study and knocked on Bai Ruoxi's room.

The tall, cold and weak beauty sat on the chair, with strands of black hair hanging on her beautiful face, her slender neck looming, snow-white and crystal, and her graceful and protruding figure was completely hidden in this somewhat conservative white palace skirt.

This palace skirt adds a bit of high and cold temperament to it, but at the same time it also makes Mu Zhian more eager to explore the mysterious unknown.

Seeing Mu Zhian, Bai Ruoxi stood up, his autumn eyes flashing with worry, and said: "How is it outside now?"

Mu Zhian walked to Bai Ruoxi's side, gently hugged the curvy beauty in his arms, and said: "It's okay now."

He lowered his head to the girl's earlobe and said softly: "The sect assessment will begin in two days. Let's practice at home for the next two days, Ruoxi."

Bai Ruoxi secretly glanced at Mu Zhian, and noticed that he was staring at her with burning eyes. She understood what he meant, and she was even more shy. She couldn't help but lower her eyes and whispered: "... Yeah."

Mu Zhian held Bai Ruoxi's soft body horizontally and went to bed.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, two days had passed.

And on this day, a grand sect assessment finally came.

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