So, They Were the Protagonists All Along

Chapter 88 Mu Zhian's Golden Finger 5.5K (1/2)

Under the leadership of Lan Mulian, a group of selected disciples sat on the clouds wrapped in immortal energy and headed for the final destination, Liangyi Sect.

Mu Zhian lowered his head and glanced at the white clouds at his feet. Standing in front of him was Lan Mulian.

She wore a beautiful white dress with a white background and embroidered clouds. Her long curly hair was simply pulled up with a thin white ribbon, which set off her beautiful and beautiful face.

Although the dress on her body did not reveal much skin, it was not difficult to judge from the plump curve of her chest that she was a woman with a large face.

Lan Mulian seemed to feel something. She glanced sideways at him and said with a smile, "Is something wrong?"

The God Refining Realm is the God Refining Realm, which means it is much sharper than ordinary people... Mu Zhian calmly withdrew Luan Miao's gaze and said: "Senior Sister, can you use this cloud when you reach the God Refining Realm, or is it just you? That’s the kind of magic you can do?”

"The Divine Refining Realm only allows you to fly with a sword, but it cannot allow you to step on clouds. I'm afraid there is no special skill in the world that can achieve this level."

Lan Mulian paused and continued: "This is my magic weapon."

Senior sister, this little rich woman is indeed very rich... Mu Zhian continued to ask: "Are those clouds behind you also the magic weapon of senior sister?"

Behind Mu Zhian, there were nearly ten similar clouds floating at this time, with three or four assessment disciples sitting on each cloud.

"These all come from the same magic weapon." Lan Mulian explained patiently.

Mu Zhian suddenly realized.

"Have you told anyone else about the natural furnace cauldron?" Lan Mulian suddenly asked.

Mu Zhian shook his head: "I only took the initiative to tell my senior sister, I don't trust anyone else."

Hearing this, Lan Mulian nodded with satisfaction and said: "Your physique is extremely dangerous. Even after joining the sect, you must not expose this matter, otherwise it may attract the covetousness of others."

My natural furnace cauldron is only useful to female cultivators. What does senior sister mean by saying that if I expose the matter of the natural furnace cauldron, I might be targeted by female cultivators or even elders in the sect?

Having said that... isn't this a good thing?

Once the natural furnace is exposed, will I start a horde of wives and concubines, living a boring life being taken care of by a rich woman and a royal sister every day?

After thinking about it, Mu Zhian was certainly not a fool. He nodded and said sincerely, "Thank you, senior sister, for waking me up."

He has a special physique. It would be fine if he is only targeted by one or two female cultivators. But if too many people covet him, the situation will be completely different.

Mu Zhian didn't want to work hard anymore. He was hungry and wanted to eat soft food.

But I don’t want to lie in bed holding my waist and lament every day.

It's better for senior sister. Even if she knew that he was a natural furnace, her attitude would be the same as before, completely different from the monsters and monsters outside.

Everyone covets him, except Senior Sister, who is really thinking about him.

If senior sister is interested in the Tiansheng Furnace, there is no harm in sacrificing herself a little in the future...

Lan Mulian's eyes turned to Bai Ruoxi, who was sitting with her legs crossed, and said, "Junior sister Bai, please come with me to the sect to report."

The cold and weak girl said softly "Hmm", raised her head and looked at Lan Mulian, and suddenly asked: "Senior sister, can I participate in the sect's assessment together?"

"If possible, I would also like to take part in the sect's assessment." Wei Mengrou also said.

She was not worried about Mu Zhian participating in the sect examination alone. After all, she had been accompanying Mu Zhian in the past few years. She thought that she would go with Mu Zhian for this sect examination, but she didn't expect that... In the divine realm, even sect examinations are exempted.

"Participating in the sect's assessment in the God Refining Realm is meaningless. Secondly, it is unfair to other assessment disciples in the Qi Refining Realm." Lan Mulian declined politely, "You'd better go directly to the sect with me. Report it.”

Mu Zhian then laughed and said, "Don't worry, go report first. I just want to experience the difficulty of the assessment. If it doesn't work, I will leave early."

Wei Mengrou frowned inadvertently and looked at the young master deeply.

To be honest, she was a little confused as to why Mu Zhian insisted on participating in the sect's assessment, when he could have simply skipped the assessment and reported on it.

Why spend so much effort?

Just to tease Ye Yu, Gong Suncheng and others?

Not likely.

Mu Zhian is a person who puts interests first and will not go to any trouble just to tease others.

Bai Ruoxi was also hesitant to speak, but finally fell silent and chose to respect Mu Zhian's decision.

"Senior sister, let me ask one more question, should there be monitors for this sect assessment trial?" Mu Zhian asked.

Lan Mulian nodded slightly: "There are elders responsible for surveillance in each area."

"Then I'll be relieved." Mu Zhian smiled.

Lan Mulian couldn't help but look at him twice and said via voice message: "What do you want to do?"

"I have too many enemies. I'm worried that they will beat me to death during the sect's assessment, so I want to confirm if there will be someone responsible for monitoring the assessment." Mu Zhian replied via voice message.

"Senior sister, will you be responsible for monitoring my area then? Can you help me if I encounter danger?"

Lan Mulian glanced at him sideways and said calmly: "If you give up the assessment, someone will naturally take action to send you away from the assessment site."

When she said this, she continued with a somewhat teaching tone: "The Mu family is invincible in Tianxuan City, but in Liangyi Sect, the identity of the Mu family can't help you. Don't make too many enemies. The head of the sect will not ask about some small frictions between disciples on weekdays."

"Making friends with some Taoist friends appropriately will be of great help to your future life in Liangyi Sect."

That being said, why do I feel that you are a lone ranger... Mu Zhian nodded obediently and said, "Thank you for your teachings, I will keep it in mind."

"You participated in the sect assessment, really just to experience the difficulty of the assessment?" Lan Murian hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked.

Mu Zhian thought for a moment and answered ambiguously: "Almost."

This guy really has other plans... Lan Murian's lips under the gauze opened slightly, and she couldn't help but want to ask him what his plan was.

But in the end, she was embarrassed to ask Mu Zhian what the purpose of participating in the assessment was.

Anyway, once the sect assessment begins, the answer will surely be revealed soon.


Liangyi Sect.

Canghai Peak.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge shadow that blocks the sun and flaps its wings from high in the sky.

Mu Zhian was successfully airdropped by Lan Mulian and thrown into the Trial Forest of Canghai Peak from midair.

This senior sister is definitely taking revenge on me... Mu Zhian rubbed his sore waist and sighed helplessly.

But there is no way. After all, he has been defeated one after another during this period. In addition, he just deliberately hooked the senior sister's appetite and refused to explain the reason for participating in the sect assessment, which naturally made Lan Mulian want to take revenge.

Although he looks cold and aloof at ordinary times, Lan Mulian is still a little girl's heart... Mu Zhian looked at the lush and green forests around him and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

According to Lan Mulian's explanation when he came here just now, Liangyi Sect has a total of nine peaks... to be precise, ten, but the tenth peak is where the leader of Liangyi Sect lives. On weekdays, few disciples pass by, so few people count the tenth peak.

Mu Zhian looked up at the sky.

Under the sky, there were disciples who were taking the test falling from the air one after another, which looked quite spectacular.

This scene looked a bit like the fairy version of "Chicken Eating".

It was just that the scene was changed to the fairy holy land surrounded by clouds and mist.

All nine peaks were trial sites this time. After passing one of the trial sites, the test was considered over.

In these nine peaks, there were many disciples who took the test at the foot of each mountain, and the requirements of the test were also very simple

- just pass through the trial forest and reach the top of the mountain.

It doesn't sound difficult, but you have to know that the cultivators in the Qi training realm can't fly with swords at all. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to climb to the top of the mountain with their own spiritual energy.

Of course, it's impossible for ordinary people, but it doesn't mean that those with extraordinary talents can't either.

This simple requirement has actually screened a large number of disciples who took the test this time.

"There will be more test disciples nearby later, I have to leave here before that..."

Looking at the cultivators who entered the trial forest one after another in the air, Mu Zhian retracted his gaze and walked towards the depths of the forest.

Although he could leave this place as long as he asked to give up the assessment, Mu Zhian didn't want to leave before the assessment began.

After all, he had to help Ye Qian and Ye Lingxuan get through this assessment safely.

The sun shone through the lush green branches and leaves, the wind moved the leaves, and the colorful light and shadows moved on the ground.

The view in front was a little hazy under the cover of clouds and mist.

Mu Zhian walked deeper into the forest along the path.

At this time, the benefits of being selected by the sect examiner were reflected.

They entered the forest earlier than others, so they had more time to familiarize themselves with the terrain characteristics of the forest in advance.

Although it was unfair, there was no fairness in this world.

Moreover, the disciples who were selected by the sect examiner must be extremely talented geniuses, and they could naturally get more resources.

"It's really better to be a cultivator in the Refining Spirit Realm. After being able to fly with a sword, time efficiency has been greatly improved."

After walking for nearly half an hour, Mu Zhian finally couldn't help but complain in his heart.

This forest is ridiculously large. He has been walking for so long, but still hasn't seen the exit. He even feels that the scenery around him is unchanged.

The forest at the foot of Canghai Peak alone is so large. How large an area does the Liangyi Sect occupy...?

While thinking about this in his heart, Mu Zhian continued to walk deeper into the forest.

"Strange... Is that a formation in front?"

After nearly half an hour, Mu Zhian's eyes suddenly fell on a certain direction not far ahead.

The ground was filled with white mist, and at the end of the mist, there was a towering tree, and under the tree, it seemed that a formation exuding a deep breath could be vaguely seen.

"Senior Sister Lan said before that the ten main peaks of Liangyi Sect all have formations set up by their leaders. It is a life-killing formation used to prevent foreign enemies... It seems that this formation should be the most superficial formation in this trial forest?"

Mu Zhian approached the formation and unknowingly came to the formation.

The surface of the formation exuded a faint purple light, but because it was blocked by a layer of mist, the faint purple light could not be seen clearly.

According to the books I had read in the past, this formation should be the ‘formation center’ of the Trial Forest.

After observing for a while, Mu Zhian suddenly said to himself: “Something is wrong… This formation doesn’t seem to reject me?”

It stands to reason that the formation center of a formation is difficult for ordinary people to get close to, but he not only found it easily, but even easily got close to it.

Mu Zhian took a half step and tried to get close to the “formation center”.

Still not stopped.

Not only was there no stop, but the moment he stepped into the formation, he felt a wave of information like a tide pouring into his mind.

He could clearly see the structure of this formation, and even feel the mystery in it!

In this formation, Mu Zhian also sensed a familiar cold breath.

It was a palpitation as if being stared at by a giant python.

“The queen of the demon world…?” Mu Zhian took a breath of cold air, contributing to the warming of the climate in the fairy world.

After defeating the black-robed man, the Queen of the Demon Realm had appeared before. At that time, she asked Mu Zhian to be a traitor, and then left after saying a few words.

Since then, Mu Zhian has always wondered if she was not afraid of his betrayal.

Now it seems that she must have left some special mark on him a long time ago.

And the aura in this mark is similar to the aura emitted by this formation at this time.

But even so, it cannot explain why he can pass through the formation so easily.


This formation was drawn by the traitor hidden in the Liangyi Sect.

Originally, I thought that I would try it slowly after entering the Liangyi Sect to see who the traitor of the Liangyi Sect is... I didn't expect to meet him in this way.

Mu Zhian quickly woke up, shook his head gently, and slightly restrained his thoughts.

These things are not important for the time being. The important thing is... He found the eye of this formation and can even step into it.

If this formation can be disassembled for his use, then this assessment at Canghai Peak... is there any meaning in the competition?

"Sister Lingxuan, if you come with us for this sect assessment, I think we will be able to overcome the difficulties soon. Believe me, with my strength, I will definitely be able to protect you and sister Qian'er."

Ye Lingxuan walked on the path in the forest, holding Ye Qian's hand, listening to the words of the young man beside her with a smile, but in fact, she was a little impatient in her heart.

At this moment, behind the Ye sisters, there were about six or seven cultivators. The leader was wearing a golden four-clawed python robe, with a jade-like face and a tall posture, but the deep and dark eye circles marked that this person should be a master of time management.

He is the third prince of the Dongzhou Dagan Dynasty. Just now, Ye Lingxuan brought Ye Qian into this trial forest together, and was spotted by the third prince not long after.

These two girls, one is wearing a purple skirt with an elegant temperament and beautiful skin like jade, and the other is wearing a green skirt, belonging to the simple and cute type.

In the past, when he was in the Dagan Dynasty, the Third Prince had never seen such beautiful sisters. When he saw the Ye sisters, he was so excited that he couldn't help but come up to chat with them.

In the past, the Third Prince had won the hearts of many girls with his noble status and handsome face.

But the sisters were very wary and ignored him.

Excellent hunters are often very patient, but the Third Prince is obviously not an excellent hunter.

His identity destined him not to be an excellent hunter.

The Third Prince followed the two for nearly half an hour, and his patience was almost exhausted.

"Sister Lingxuan, I really want to help you pass the test. Do you really want to refuse me so firmly?" The Third Prince's tone was already a bit more threatening.

This kind of words, threatening some ignorant little girls is no problem, but it naturally has little effect on Ye Lingxuan.

"Qian'er and I just want to pass the sect test alone this time." Ye Lingxuan spoke again and refused tactfully.

The third prince narrowed his eyes slightly.

The more reserved Ye Lingxuan behaved, the more he looked forward to the scene after he took her down.

However, just as the third prince was about to continue speaking, a clear voice suddenly came from not far away:

"Qian'er, Lingxuan, you are here?"

"Come with me, I will take you out of this assessment."

Several people looked up at the person who spoke not far away in front of them.

The man was wearing a black robe, with a handsome appearance, a gentle smile on his face, and a thin figure. Although he was not very handsome, he seemed to be a little handsome after looking at him for a long time.

"He is Ye Yu, the assessment disciple personally selected by the sect assessor this time." The accompanying disciple whispered.

They are the attendants of the third prince, and they are also carefully selected assessment disciples. Their ages meet the requirements of the sect assessment, and their purpose is purely to escort the third prince through the sect assessment.

Ye Yu, the same surname as the sisters... So, should he be related to the sisters?

The third prince's eyes narrowed slightly, and his sight fell on Ye Yu, and he asked, "Who are you?"

"Ye Yu."

After saying that, Ye Yu looked up at the third prince and said lightly, "Sorry, Qian'er Lingxuan and I have already made an appointment for this sect assessment. The third prince should look for someone else."

As soon as these words came out, the third prince's eyes immediately became sharp, and he said in a deep voice, "So, you want to block my way, Master Ye?"

Ye Yu shrugged and smiled faintly: "If you stop here and let me take them away, I won't stand in your way."

For a moment, there was a sense of tension between the two sides.

If it were the past, this should be the scene where Ye Yu defeated the third prince and saved the beauty.

However, at this moment...Ye Lingxuan looked at the confrontation between the two sides in silence, her eyebrows inadvertently frowned.

What do these people want to do?

To be honest, she has no interest in either the third prince or Ye Yu.

After all, when did she make an appointment with Ye Yu to pass the sect assessment together?

Or think of a way to get rid of these people...When Ye Lingxuan thought of this, her eyes swept around.

She suddenly seemed to notice something, slightly tilted her head, and the corner of her eyes fell on a certain direction not far from her side.


Ye Lingxuan made a sound of surprise.

"What's wrong, sister?" Ye Qian asked in a low voice.

"There seems to be someone there." Ye Lingxuan frowned slightly, and her clear and bright eyes stared at a certain direction not far ahead.

She has a special physique, and she is born with a strange perception of plants and even various medicinal materials.

Just now, through the nearby plants, Ye Lingxuan sensed that there was a familiar aura nearby.

It's an acquaintance!

"Come with me."

Without saying a word, Ye Lingxuan took Ye Qian's hand and trotted in that direction.

The third prince and Ye Yu, who were in a confrontation, both reacted. They looked at each other, and tacitly retracted their sights and followed behind Ye Lingxuan.

They would confront here because of Ye Lingxuan and Ye Qian. If they lost them because of a fight here, it would be a loss.

Ye Yu followed closely behind Ye Lingxuan, looking at the slender backs of his two sisters, and staring at the third prince with hatred, and anger surged in his heart.

This should have been a great opportunity to repair his relationship with his two sisters, but now it has turned out like this.

What did Lingxuan and the others find out, and why did they suddenly run in this direction?

When Ye Yu thought of this, Ye Lingxuan had already stopped. She stood still and looked up at the boy sitting cross-legged under the tree in front of her.

It was him...

Ye Yu looked up, and when he saw the man clearly, his eyes suddenly became much sharper.

...Mu Zhian!

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