So why me

2 I’m a winner.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014


"You left some underwear on your desk, luckily it's clean. Here I see magazines hanging around on the floor and I don't like it. Goi faster, I can't stand inactivity."

"Yes, I'll hurry up."

Adam would like to stop Jessica from going through her dresser, but captivated by her sexy thighs, he forgets everything else. He has just made a big mistake, because when Jessica unfolds one of his underwear and lifts it up towards him, Adam blushes with shame. He reaches out his hand to get it back, but a slap lands on his fingers.

"So your mother puts labels with your name on all your underwear? Interesting and strange at the same time I think. Tell me, are you afraid of losing them somewhere? I think I understand why they're here. You often take off your underwear when you go out and lose them all, so your mother, who is tired of buying you back them every week, has put a label on it so that the people who find them can take them back to your home. It's an idea like any other, but personally, if I found dirty underwear, I wouldn't bend down to pick it up."

If Jessica is very relaxed despite the fact that this is her first visit here, that she is in a boy's room right now, this is not the case with Adam who just finished cleaning. He remains standing not knowing what to do with his hands and how to behave more generally. This, added to the fact that tonight he feels as if his jeans squeezes him far too tightly just below the waist. Stuck and shameful place, in front of the beautiful girl who still has his underwear in her hand, only one sentence comes his mind.

"It's ok, is my room is clean now."

Jessica walks her sharp eyes through the small room, which is no bigger than her private bathroom. Dissatisfied, she can only sigh at the mediocre result obtained by the shy boy who does not dare to look at her. Perhaps, at least with this boyfriend, she imagines that the other the hormones-boileds morons will leave her a little alone. Besides, this guy seems surprisingly innocent. Good point for him, but if he doesn't even dare to look at it, their appointments will be terribly long. Jessica never does things halfway, so even if they only got to this point after a stupid bet, she'll do her best to be what she thinks she is a good girlfriend for him.

"Not great but I won't be here long so I'll settle for it. I'm going to be clear with you right now, Adam. You must be a virgin given the way you behave in my presence, but don't get the wrong impression that I'm going to jump into your bed. You'll be allowed to hold my hand and sometimes put your lips on mine but no more, okay? I asked if it was okay, so I'll ask you to answer me."

Hold her hand and kissing her lips, what kind of good deed did he do to deserve this. Adam knows that even the most beautiful boys at High School can't get close to Jessica, who, apart from her best friend and a few girls, doesn't mix with anyone else. Adam doesn't ask for more. He who never thought he'd have the chance to talk to her, would bark if she wanted to. Therefore, when these words reach his ears, without noticing it, he smiles stupidly.

"Yes, I'll do whatever you want."

Contrary to what many people think, Jessica has very little experience with boys. She only had two boyfriends and her two relationships ended in failures that hurt her. The first, the son of a friend of her father's, tried everything to get her into is bed. She was only 13 years old at the time, while he was 16. Her strong character helped her to put an end to this story very quickly, which has made her father very unhappy, who wanted to engage her with the man she called the pervert. The second was a young actor. When she surprised him naked in action with her agent, a woman over 30 years old, she was not too surprised and then closed the door, ending her second teenage romance.

Right now she is staring at Adam trying to find traces of vice in his eyes, but apart from embarrassment, she can't see anything. Very satisfied, that he is not a new pervert, she thinks that the less handsome boys may be better and more respectful of girls, then, as usual, she makes a mental memo in this sense.

With her chest out, her chin slightly raised, a semi-flexed knee, one hand on her waist, putting her hair back behind her shoulders with her other hand, Jessica passes her tongue on her lips and after a little laugh, she smiles triumphantly. "I won't have to because I'm very famous, but you're not, so tell me about yourself, your life, your family, your passions, what you want to do later, about yourself in general so that we're no longer two perfect strangers to each other."

Adam is not bothered by the way the abrupt and pretentious question is asked. What bothers him a little is the answers he can provide. His life is flat, monotonous, without fantasy and does not deserve that someone like Jessica is so interested, but seeing the girl waiting for the answer, he can't back down.

"I've been living alone with my mother since my father abandoned us six years ago. I like to read everything about superheroes, otherwise I don't really have any other passions. I also don't know what I want to do with my life and given my academic performance, going to university seems to me to be impossible. There's nothing very exciting about me, so I think that's about it."

Jessica wants to slap a pair of slaps on this pessimistic boy who always seems to be on the verge of crying. It is true that she already knew this annoying point of his personality, since at the High School when she saw him, he seemed to hide from everyone by shaving the walls with his head down and his shoulders bent. [Ah, he annoys me.]

"Look up and straighten your shoulders to begin. My boyfriend doesn't look like a beaten dog but a proud, confident person. You have no passion so well we will test your skills, in order to find out what you are good at and you will dedicate yourself to that. Look at me when I'm talking to you, Adam Clifford. All right, now look up and shout: I'm a winner."

Bewildered mouth Adam, don't believe his ears, it's worse than an extreme makeover he's about to undergo. He is not ready for that and even ignores whether there is really something for which he will have a minimum of talent. Just in front of his 5.3ft, looking up, a tall girl over 5.8ft frownes at him.

"Adam, look up and shout, I'm a winner."

Surprised and afraid of their closeness, Adam screams across the house: "I am a winner." In the kitchen, surprised by the scream, her mother drops her leg of lamb on the floor, wondering if it is the fact of being in the company of a beautiful girl that makes her son so stupid.

Jessica satisfied agrees sincerely. She looks down. No, she's looking at Adam, who has lowered his head again. She sighs once again, thinking that the work to be done on this boy will be enormous.

"Adam, look at me. All right, tomorrow morning, be ready for 08:00am. I'll pick you up at your place. I want you to have your hair done, dressed and perfumed, but not too much. Be warned, tomorrow we won't go to class but I'll help you improve your image by introducing you to one of the best hairdressers in New York and together we'll see your wardrobe again who is horrible., but that's not all. For the rest, it's a surprise."

Adam has a sore neck by dint of raising his head. He had always seen Jessica from afar and had no idea how big the difference in size between them was. Seeing her near him now, reminds him how small and insignificant he is. Before worrying about it, he thinks about the hairdresser she just mentioned and the clothes she wants that he buys and he is taken by a quite understandable nervous spasm. Jessica is well known for wearing a different outfit every day. They say she will only wear a garment once before throwing it away. But that's not the most terrifying thing about her. It is common knowledge that she wear on her a few dozen thousand dollars transformed into fabrics. Adam who panics, speaks in a trembling voice.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have enough money for all this."

Jessica shakes her head wondering if Adam is deliberately playing dumb. She is a little worried when she thinks that if not, then this boy is really not smart.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I am aware of the average financial resources of the people of this country. Do you think I'd be cruel enough to ask you to get into debt? Listen to me carefully and don't interrupt me. My boyfriend must be presentable. He should not embarrass me, but on the contrary, it should make me proud or at least not damage my image. So tomorrow, I'll buy you everything. Tell yourself that I do it for me, so your male pride won't suffer. Now I have to go home, but I'll be there at 08:00am sharp and I want to find you here. Kiss my lips, but if you put your tongue in it, you'll get a slap in the face that you won't soon forget."

Adam puts himself on tiptoe but his vision becomes more and more blurry. The blood flows much too quickly into his heart and he is no longer too aware of his actions at the moment. While her lips are about to touch Jessica's sensual lips, her nose starts to bleed and Jessica who notices it quickly moves back. She takes a deep breath to calm down and then after slamming the door to Adam's room, she leaves the house after greeting Mrs. Clifford.

In his room, still on tiptoe, with an iron taste in his mouth, Adam stretches his lips. He knows that Jessica has been gone for some time, but as soon as he leaves this position, everything will become real and he will want to hang himself.

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