So why me

25 Hi Mom

Monday, October 20th

03h25pm High School exit in Cheirfield

"You think we can go ask him for an autograph."

"He's too beautiful, even more so than in the magazines."

The current Roy watches with a smile all these 12th Grade girls who cannot take their eyes off him and hesitate to approach him. He knows the majority of them and the majority of that majority has at least once mocked the Adam of the past. Behind his radiant smile hides a deep contempt for all those people who face him, but he wanted to come back at least once to see this place again with those students who made every day of his life a real hell. He grew up late, his face became thinner when he was 16 years old and it was only by realizing that everything is just a pile of shit that Adam came out of his eternal torpor, radically changing his point of view on the world. Thereafter, this hard and uncompromising vision softened, but he was no longer the Adam too kind, always ready to help others, who is thanked with punches or mockery.

"Let's go Meg, let's take a walk around the lake and then I will introduce you to my mother as my girlfriend. Because I don't forget that you're the one who's been helping me and staying close to me since the beginning."

After this sentence that makes her shudder, Meg hugs Adam. For a year and a half she had been waiting for him to tell her this kind of thing and she had given up the very idea of hearing it one day. At first, she was very upset that she fell in love with a child 11 years younger than her. As time went by, she forgot this age difference, what the audience might think about it and her own inner voices blaming her for her immoral actions, to focus on her little protégé for whom she has very deep feelings.

To say that she no longer feels guilty would be wrong, because today, knowing that she will meet Adam's mother and knowing that she is a woman and not a young girl, her anguish is at its height. Yet even if Adam's mother were to reject her, she would not leave her son. She now knows Adam and his too many demons very well, his acute paranoia and the fact that apart from her, he trusts no one and suspects everyone of plotting against him behind his back.

When Adam was 16, she was appointed to be her agent. At the time, she was working for an obscure agency and met Adam through them. She was always surprised that the kid was waiting for her outside in the rain and that she had to sign contracts in cafés. Very worried for him, she watched Adam discreetly, until he drove her into a more than dilapidated building.

A forgotten alley in Harlem, 1st floor, door B. The hall looked like a garbage dump, a stinking smell was floating in the corridors. She climbed the stairs, knocked on the door, Adam opened it and was very surprised. No wallpaper, no water, no electricity, Adam was staying in a squat and had provided a false address to the agency. Not only that. He was out of school, his identity card was fake and he lived on little schemes, which without being serious, had nothing legal.

Everything Meg didn't want to see, everything she rejected out of fear, at that moment disappeared when she hugged Adam, she took his hand and took him home for a short time, which turned into a real couple's life over the months. Wiping the tear that beads in the corner of her eye, a year and a half later, she grabs Adam's hand again who smiles her by shaking his head.

"I'm really happy that you finally see me as something other than a transient in your life. I've been waiting for this for so long that I can't yet fully realize it."

As every afternoon around 5:00 p.m, Mrs. Clifford's parks her car in her driveway. If the garden in front of the house is still green and clean, everyone in the neighbourhood has noticed that it is no longer as well maintained as in the past. The bad tongues laugh when they whisper that this woman does not know how to hold her men, while the children of a new church, more or less legal, see in her a perfect new disciple to recruit.

As always, people are talking, time is passing, but Mrs. Clifford, less willing than in the past, who is now pushing the door of her house, has not forgotten her little boy whose current location is unknown to anyone.

However, recently Mrs. Clifford is doing much better. The one she hated above all has regained some of her esteem by giving her valuable information. That evening, when Mrs. Clifford hung up her phone, she threw herself on her laptop and opened Gogle to type Roy April.

(ring ring ring) Walkers, boring members of this damn church or Mrs. Johnson who lost her cat again? The 3 are particularly embarrassing but the worst is the old Mrs Johnson whose cat died more than a year ago now but who every 10 days forgets this detail which according to all the neighbours is nevertheless important.

After slightly fixing her hair, Ms. Clifford heades for the front door. Before opening it, she removes the rolled napkin ball at the bottom of the door, supposed to contain the external freshness, of this particularly rigorous October this year. His left hand turns the key, while his right hand is already grabbing the door handle, which slowly opens to reveal two people.

To her right, a very beautiful young woman of medium height who is a little embarrassed holds firmly the arm of the one who makes her eyes overflow with tears. This unworthy son, who left his mother more than 2 years ago, is facing her, but she can't find anything to say to him. When he left, he was very small, today he has to measure 6.1ft. The last time she saw him, a gust of wind could send him to the roof, but today his build is imposing and he is so beautiful. His eyes smile at her as he approaches her, then he hugs her with a laugh:

"I was thinking that we hadn't seen each other for a while and that stopping by to say hello wouldn't be a waste of time. Hi, Mom, I missed you so much. Mom, I'm sorry I left like that, because I guess I must have hurt you a lot."

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