So why me

40 You now have the leash to walk him.

Friday, October 24rd

10h25am - Paris time

The Elite lawyer, more interested in the enormous benefits that will result from this happy association between Balmain and his agency, more than in the moods of the young model's agent, passes his arm before the Meg's eyes, who was once again preparing to answer in the negative. "Enough, Miss Barns. In cases like the one we are facing today, our policy has never changed: Always act in the interest of our model. From what I see, Balmain and its new partner are both sincere and generous towards Roy. You cannot refuse this contract, which will be an undeniable professional benefit for him in many areas. As my position allows me to do when I deem it necessary, I will now lead the negotiations by replacing Miss Barns, whose biased logic may lead to the failure of a cooperation that has everything it takes to start on the best possible basis. So, on behalf of our agency, I strongly encourage Mr. April to sign this contract, which will bring him into a whole new category of models."

Meg, speechless, collapses into her chair. Now far from the conversation and less stressed, she remembers some of the things that have stirred the fashion world from time to time over the past forty years. In the 1980s, even if not to this extent, a Saudi man who, after acquiring a haute couture house, had created a real revolution in the French capital, by tripling the average income of his models, thus breaking the balance and the tacit agreement between the houses that readjusted their prices. In the 1990s, a wealthy Texan offered $800,000 to a young female model to spend a night with him. Perhaps she would have accepted if the man had not asked her aloud at a party. In any case, if the well-paid night premium is not so rare, this case served as a precedent for frivolous multimillionaires, who then competed with each other for a long year, at the game of: Who will pay the most to have sex with a model? Sitting in her chair, with her shoulders low, Meg's head revisits the stories of the past without noticing Adam's full of hate look at the lawyer.

Eyes turned to this screwed-up lawyer who just attacked his wife, Adam, completely mocks the contract. His only desire is to smash this guy's head against the desk on which he is now nonchalantly leaning, to speak with a smile to the President of Balmain. "I'll sign if my agent tells me to sign, otherwise I'll leave without regret. One more thing about you, you motherfucker. Talk to my agent again in that tone and I'll make you eat the bitumen."

Following these light words, the atmosphere becomes a little heavy. While the the air in the room then seems suffocating, the laughter shared between the President and the lawyer suddenly stops, while the disgruntled symphony of the discontent of the few executives present in the room begins its first piece.

In the minds of all those who observe each other, thoughts are in total opposition. The senior managers of the various departments they represent are already seeing this young man, for whom they have lost their morning at the express and unexpected request of their president, thrown out by the same president.

The agency's lawyer, who scratches paper more than street fighter, does not dare to point his eyes at the kid who gives him the impression that he wants to kill him on the spot. If it is embarrassing, as a lawyer, the people who want to hit him, he encounters them every day and he therefore manages to maintain a relative calm despite the fact of remaining locked in the same room as the one who just threatened him. Regardless of these small daily threats, this kid can now bring them back them substantial income, but this muscular verbal intervention could ruin everything. This loss is the most frightening thing for the lawyer, left by proclaiming his victory and asking his colleagues to put the champagne in the fridge, hence his no desire to return to the office having suffered a humiliating professional failure.

The last party involved in this sudden brainstrorming, the President, is terrified that the kid will get angry and leave the office without even thinking about the consequences. Consequences that would certainly be for her fashion house, not inferior to the last words of the beautiful Miss Benson before she left this same office yesterday morning. Faced with the heavy atmosphere to which his employees add their disapproving remarks, the President pushes his chair back and stood up.

"I think a 10-minute break would be good for everyone."

"Wait, sir, it's useless. Roy, apologize to our lawyer and sign this contract. I admit I don't understand everything, but he's right, if you don't sign, you'll regret letting this opportunity pass and I can never forgive myself for ever having hurt your career."

Adam, flabbergasted by these words, nevertheless nods in front of the nod of a smiling Meg, who only confirms her previous words.



"Miss, your boyfriend signed the contract, you now have the leash to take him out for a walk."

Hearing the words of Mary who just answered the phone for her, Jessica shakes her head. Mary's comparison is wrong, Adam lacks something fundamental to support this amusing image. Suddenly, as Mary bursts out laughing, her face turned red and the image of the leash finally made sense.

"Mary, you're really an indecent, unethical woman whose misplaced ideas will one day play a bad trick on you."

Mary, who sees the tiny little Miss Benson throwing her cubes to assemble in the face of her father's customers, calms down thinking that time is really women's worst enemy. Smiling at her young miss, Mary puts on her index finger against her lower lip, tilts her head to the side and takes on a cute little interrogator look. "What do you mean, young miss? I just see the evidence, Mr. Adam is now firmly restrained."

Annoying: Mary always has been and she will always be an annoying woman. Sighing of helplessness in front of her, Jessica, who does not want to start a word war with a male woman much more skilled in strong sex than herself, smiled at the idea that although Mary's words are not very delicate, they are not wrong. Yes, from now on, when an opportunity arises, whether her father wants it or not, without crossing the limits he has imposed on her, she will be able to bring her Adam to her, the most legally possible.

"Mary, tomorrow night we're both going out for fun. As soon as we arrive in New York, book us two seats at Le Bernardin, to start."

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