So why me

44 Manipulated media and censorship

Friday, October 25

06:35pm Paris time

Faced with tears mixed with Meg's anger, who doesn't seem to want to calm down, Adam feels terribly helpless and now regrets his past behaviour. Locked in their hotel room, Meg, who refuses any contact with him, has been yelling at him for almost 20 minutes and Adam is silent and accepts silently her accusations, knowing full well that 90% of them are legitimate.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Raise your head and look me in the eye, Adam. A huge opportunity has been offered to you, I'm fighting to get you as many interviews and TV appearances as possible and what do you find to do? You're having such a good time. You humiliate people who are fighting for their dreams in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators. You make us look like fools and at the same time, you will further reinforce the opinion that many people have of Americans. Namely that they are pretentious and self-centered. Do you want to break up your budding career so badly? Don't touch me, don't touch me. I'm far too angry with you to support your hands on my body without slapping you. What will the agency think of your miserable performance? What will your mother say when she hears all the media in the country laughing at her son, who didn't think for a moment that by showing up on French television like that, the whole world would know his escapades five minutes later? You never think about your actions, Adam, or how they might affect your loved ones and those who love you. Shit, you have to grow up and fast, for you, for them, or this environment will crush you in less than a month. You have to think about what you do, the image you convey, the behaviour to adopt depending on where you find it. For all this, I can help you but you have to trust me and listen to me and not act like an idiot who has just found a new toy and is having fun with it. This afternoon, in addition to embarrassing yourself, you burned yourself on all the serious TV channels. Oh, some of them will absolutely want to have you. Some TV programs are always looking for jesters, public entertainers whose audiences like to laugh. You know, sometimes I get tired of you, Adam. When you behave like a child, as you did today, it hurts me and I question myself everything. Come and see, let's light the laptop and measure your popularity today due to your thoughtless behavior."

Meg is surprised, she has to type several different keywords to find only a few articles about Adam in this TV show and the pages she finds, leaves her speechless. She keeps searching, opens page after page but the redirections drive her crazy.

(Error:Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found - automatic redirection : Roy April fan club)

(Error:Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found - automatic redirection : Roy April and Jessica Benson in love during the photo campaign for kenzo)

(Error:Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found - automatic redirection : stolen photos - Roy April this summer in swimming shorts)


Meg clicks, clicks and clicks frantically to break the keyboard of her professional laptop, but after a while, she has to face the facts: Someone manipulates the information, deletes every article about Adam that bothers him and even censors the general content of some sites. Who has the power and technological means, the team capable of achieving such a result in such a short time and the support to achieve it. When she asks herself this question, an error message comes to mind. The Benson family, this gang of thugs, who feed politicians with hundreds of millions of dollars and together claim to hold the world in their hands.

"Adam, do you still have Jessica Benson's phone number?"

Adam who didn't follow Meg is sitting on the bed, meditating on all his mistakes, his stupid actions that as Meg says don't just hurt his little person. Having not seen the error messages and redirections, he is very surprised by this question Meg asks him. Stunned but knowing that he is already at fault, he opens his smartphone and scrolled through his list of contacts. Luckily, too lazy to update it, Jessica's issue still appears in the friends category. When he hands Meg his smatphone, with a raging expression on her face, she literally rips it out of his hands, before moving very quickly to the bathroom. Remembering a detail that is important, Adam intervenes.

"Meg, this issue is over two years old. So I doubt it's still valid."

After a look that means "shut up," Adam makes himself very small and doesn't say another word when Meg slams the bathroom door. Sitting on the big bathtub in which last night together, they had sex, Meg who feels guilty for her attitude, sighs. This is not a good time to do this and she does her best to chase away her thoughts of guilt when she presses the call. One ring, two rings, three rings and Meg is already sweating. Four rings, Meg who knows Jessica Benson's reputation swallows her saliva. Five rings: "This is Jessica Benson, who am I speaking to?"

Meg straightens up and although this pretentious little lady is not in front of her, this simple sentence makes her understand who she is dealing with. Meg, who knows she's superior on one thing, comes out her chest triumphantly, inspires and now feels ready to fight this 17-year-old monster. "Hello Miss Benson, I introduce myself; Meg Barns I am..."

On the other side of the Atlantic, Jessica, whom Mary does her hair, smiles brightly when she hears the name of her interlocutor. Nevertheless, how did this woman with the big chest get her personal number? Not many people have access to this privilege. Jessica, who still doesn't look at the name of the caller who appears on her smartphone, only sees a plausible answer: Adam. Not wanting to let the woman with the big chest continue her presentation, because having already investigated this person in depth, Jessica interrupts her."

"No need to say more, Miss Barns, because I'm not interested in hearing your presentation. Meg Barns, born in New York to a low-income family. Electrician father arrested twice in a state of intoxication for fighting in bars, suicidal nanny mother, dreamed of becoming a model but her dwarf size prevented her from doing so. This inaccessible dream, she tried to become a fashion designer, but again, she failed. Schooling without stories, average student, too poor to choose a school in the United States, she left for a third-rate sub-school in France and graduated after catching up. First job, failure, the rest is no more glorious, then she met my boyfriend and finally her career took off. Miss Barns, you are the very example of the failure that clings like a tic-tac-toe and fails all the time. Like the tic-tac-toe, you are a pathetic being who is too mediocre to succeed on your own and must therefore live on the backs of others to feed yourself. Thank you Mary. Well Miss Barns, if you wanted to ask me something, do it quickly because unlike you, I only rely on myself to earn a living and just now, I'm going soon to Los Angeles to participate in a movie shoot."

This disgusted and disinterested tone, these cruel and contemptuous words, this comparison, which put her down to earth, just broke Meg's heart and courage she thought she had before making that phone call to the little American star. The smartphone falls from her trembling hand, she bursts into tears when on the other side, Jessica who hears enough, laughs and hangs up before leaving her room with Mary, who shakes her head with a smile.

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