So why me

46 The angel of the East River

Wednesday, November 9th


"Mrs. Clifford, you know Jessica Benson, I believe? Do you think she'd be better for Adam than me? I mean, she's younger, more beautiful and..."

In New York, on the Upper East Side, in the kitchen of Adam's new apartment, Meg, who failed to regain control of herself after the phone conversation with Jessica, decided to ask the question that has haunted her mind for too long to Mrs. Clifford, who frowns and immediately interrupted the young woman who she knows it, has not been well at all since her return from Paris. However, although aware of Meg's current state, Ms. Clifford thinks that her state does not excuse everything, however today she had decided to listen to her, but the question asked disappointed her enormously. Mrs. Clifford no longer recognizes this very beautiful young woman by looking at the current Meg who no longer has that radiant smile who had charmed her so much when she came to her house, her appetite and bad and worse, she keeps pushing back her son, who is trying to comfort her, by showing kindness, by being patient and understanding and by small gestures and gifts in everyday life that she also refuses. Annoyed by this question about the bitch. Faced with all this, Mrs. Clifford this time can't hold her anger against Meg who, according to her, a fighter, has been depressed for far too long. Her hand has been itching for some time, she slaps this fragile little girl, who indulges in sadness before lecturing her.

"Is it okay now? Are you done complaining or do I still have to listen to your whining? Are you going to continue your drama until Adam gets back? Speaking of this kid; My little boy is not the smartest of all men. No, I correct myself, Adam is a real idiot and he always has been. Sometimes you have to repeat the same thing 50 times, but even so, he does the opposite of what you ask him. He has always been a fool and one might even think that he takes some pleasure in putting himself in the worst situations. However stupid my boy may be, as soon as you signed your contract, he understood that the bitch was behind all this, which you don't have or don't want to consider. He also knows many other things, but he never told you about them so he wouldn't hurt you. However, although she helped him enormously, he never thanked her. Do you think he even gave her a simple phone call or sent her an email? No, and yet he could have done it. It's only for you that he ignores all of the bitch's intentions. Look at you in the face, Meg. Every day, my boy does everything to get closer to you, but your recent selfishness due to your little depression makes you push him away without a shred of guilt. Now, in the current situation and in view of the recent facts I have witnessed, if you ask me if my boy would be better off with the person I hate most in this world but who, unlike you, has done so much for him lately, then I will answer you that I no longer know. Satisfied with this answer? If you answer me no, I can argue for a long time, but I'm afraid you're having a hard time with the hard words I have to say to you."

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Silent in front of the words of Mrs. Clifford who left her in a second state, Meg no longer knows how to act, how to think, if what she has accomplished so far was due to her abilities or if Jessica was behind every achievement of Adam. Faced with the return of her old demons whispering in her ear again, Meg places her hands on her temples and shakes her head. Terrified by a rising guilt mixed with a growing sense of failure, which she believes is due to her own inability to manage her life and the careers of others, in her brain now invaded by an ever denser smog, her heart heavy, as if inanimate, she leaves the kitchen, takes her car keys and leaves Adam's apartment.

Thursday, November 10th


When Adam, who is already not in a good mood, enters the offices of the Elite agency in New York, the multiple heads that bend down on his way in, annoy him even more. When last night, after working with a very demanding photographer for a gruelling photo shoot, he went back to his apartment, he was surprised to find that Meg who is currently always locked in her room was absent.

Happy that she finally came out of her long torpor, he placed the flowers he had bought for her in a vase, then placed them on her bedside table, before taking a well-deserved shower. When at 08:00pm, when it was time to eat, Adam, a little worried that Meg was still not coming home, tried to contact her on her smartphone. As soon as the first ring, following a sound from Meg's room, he hung up and understood that it was useless to insist. Sitting on the couch watching a report which he did not appreciate for a second, 11:00pm quickly rang from an unidentified carillon near his apartment. Anxiety grew from hour to hour and Adam passed his night waiting in front of poor quality television programs that at least had the merit of lighting the room.

When after one all-night at 08:00am his smartphone rang, between an awake and sleepy state, trembling hands, he picked up without checking the name of his correspondent, persuaded to talk to Meg, his disappointment was huge when he heard the deputy director of Elite asking him, curiously very politely to pass quickly in his office.

Not very interested in this interview but convinced that if he didn't go Meg would have one more reason to be angry with him, he washed himself coarsely and without even changing his clothes, took his new car and in a hurry to come home to wait for Meg, at 93 Miles an hour he confused the road with a circuit.

In the offices of the Elite agency, the sad looks remind Adam that the small incident in Paris probably had to go back to the management, but for the moment, he is completely disinterested by this secondary case, but having given his consent, he faces the secretary of the deputy director of the agency.


Facing Adam, a man in a black suit and a red tie with hair combed backwards, about to talk, opens his mouth and then closes it. Meg and Adam's relationship is no secret to anyone here and although everyone plays blind, none of them are. The man looks with compassion at the young man, who is obviously very anxious and sighs deeply. He gently taps on his desk, thinks about how to say this and it was with a small tremor in his voice that his words flow slowly.

"Adam, my boy, you're gonna have to hold on. This morning at the first hour, the police contacted us to inform us that Meg's dead body had been found in the East River. I'm sorry, I know how close you were."

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