So why me

52 Sister contex

22 November

07h35pm New York time

Arriving in front of his car, Adam hesitates about what to say and what to do when he looks at the blonde girl, who, like him, is the victim of the conspiracy fomented by two elderly people who are probably no longer in their right mind. Very suspicious, even a little antisocial, Adam's circle of friends is relatively small, not to say non-existent and seeing the girl caressing her car with a smile, the only idea that seems plausible to him is that in front of him stands a collabo sent by this mother thief, monitor him. Silent, Adam, who understood, looks at her.

What a beautiful car. She is both classy and sporty. How I wish I could one day be able to buy one of these. How much can it cost? I wonder if it exceeds 125mph? Um, on the other hand, it is not an American model. Like what, even the prettiest car can't have everything, I guess. Oh, it's all leather in there. I'd like to sit in it, but this handsome guy doesn't seem to want to invite me for a ride. Everyone says that these handsome guys are all gay from being around beautiful girls. Is he gay? Silent, Sarah, who is asking herself the question, looks at him.

On this beautiful Saturday in a small square in Cheirfield, on one side and on the other side of a metallic grey Maserati GranTurismo, the sight of a blond girl caressing a car with her eyes pointed at a young man of about her age, who has been watching her for a good minute without saying a word, makes work the overflowing imagination of women addicted to the Soap Opera work.

But still, he's shy, gay, or a little stupid for not understanding what I want. No choice, I'm going to use my mouth to get what I want. "Hey, it's a nice car."

Adam, who did not take his eyes off the blonde girl, felt that she would soon attack and when finally his mouth opens, the right answer comes from herself. "Yes"

A little upset by the brevity of the return to her question, the young girl is nevertheless not discouraged at all. And it is slowly advancing, determined to reach its goal, with her hand brushing the Maserati's paint, whose car door handle she now caresses. The sparkling eyes, a lovely smile on her face, the young girl who has still not taken her eyes off Adam, nevertheless finds the situation a little embarrassing. As she lickes her lips to remove the acidity from a previously consumed lemon juice, which although delicious, dried her out a little, feeling that the guy in front of her is a little special, she decides to take action. "The leather inside looks very comfortable and I'd like to sit in it."

Adam is a very suspicious, somewhat silly person, but above all a man, and this tongue, which slowly slipped on the girl's lips before she asked him to get into her car, caused him an excess saliva, which he almost forgot to swallow. With the accident just avoided, his suit saved, Adam is now less sure of himself by watching this girl bite her lower lip. His male tusks are shattered to pieces, when she looks at him with small sad eyes placing her index finger on her lip, while she leans forward and with a cute little, "Say, can I?" she breaks Adam's will, who for a moment forgets to breathe. "Oh, of course, make yourself at home."

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The walk lasted no more than 10 minutes and to Adam's great satisfaction, the one whose name he had not really listened to, whom he now knows, did not ask to enjoy his car any longer. Currently in a restaurant near the supermarket, which when he saw him, reminded him of a rather special day, Adam whose stomach was screaming, is eating a huge cheeseburger and is vaguely discussing with her new anti-wedding ally.

"You know, we moved in near your mother's house two years ago. Yet from the beginning it was suspicious. My sister and I know that my father, who is a good person, however, he helped her new neighbour a little too much and a day when he spent the night there, supposedly fixing his leaky sink, even I began to suspect that he thought we were idiots. I..."

Listening to Sarah, Adam, who is no longer very hungry, puts down his cheeseburger. In less than 25 minutes, he learned more about his mother's life in the last 2 years than he knew before. What questions has he asked her since he came back? Did he take an interest in her social life or work? While observing the white false ceiling stained by water infiltrations, he sighs. It was again necessary for someone from outside his own family to report to him on the life of the person who gives birth to him. Feeling in conflict with himself, a little angry with his mother and not wanting to hear any more about it, Adam cuts Sarah off.

"Okay, but I don't want to hear about their relationship. Anyway, as my mother said, I'm not invited to the wedding, so none of this concerns me. You've been talking about our parents all the time since earlier, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?"

Sarah opens her eyes? At the pizzeria, this Adam had ignored them, she and her sister. Vaguely greeted, but she felt that he made this gesture to get rid of a chore. In front of the car, he had not put his sunglasses back on and sometimes looked at her as something suspicious, often as annoying, but always with condescension. When he arrived at the restaurant, he invited her out of courtesy, but he didn't look at her once, then carelessly threw the menu in her face and said, "Choose, it's for me." She made fun of his coldness, because as long as he provided him with an alibi to escape this reconstructed family dinner, Sarah endured it silently. However, if he invites him to express himself, it is different. Destabilized after hearing the guy who takes himself seriously, interested by her life, she needs to few seconds to refocus.

"I'm just a simple high school student. I live like everyone else, surrounded by my older sister, my father and my friends, but I doubt that you are interested in the life of a girl like me. You know, whether we like it or not, we'll soon be part of the same family and I think that members of the same family must be honest with each other. So I'm going to tell you frankly and honestly what I thought of you tonight. Adam, you're a rotten, spoiled, little prick, who takes himself so seriously that when he looks at people like me with contempt, he crushes us. Tonight I felt more miserable than ever. Be careful, I don't blame you. I came on my own and therefore I'm at least as guilty as you are. On the other hand, you have to go down a little bit, you're certainly very handsome, but you're not that great and the star it's your girlfriend, not you."

When Sarah's reproaches leave her mouth one by one, Adam feels a wave of depression inside him. These words, although said differently, taht they are spoken crudely and clumsily, remind her of what she often told her. He knows it, he's a coward. He may repress everything, put his words and some of his memories on the back of his head, but it will only take a sentence from a third party to get it back to him. She will never really leave him and tonight, when a tear falls on the table from her low head, he thinks that maybe having him around is not so bad. "Thank you."

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