So why me

54 Prove to me that you're not an annoying woman.

Wednesday 26 November


"Adam, stop looking at my breasts. Until proven otherwise, I communicate with my mouth."

Following this remark, Adam feels a little hurt. What normally constituted man would not look at the mountains that stand before him? This morning his eyes were absorbed by Scarlet's tight sweater, so what? Who put on that obscene sweater first? His nose buried in his cup of coffee, a little bitter that a waiter has just put on the table, Adam, who still doesn't know the reason for he came here, looks up.

"Are you inviting me on a date? Don't get upset on the first day of our teamwork, I was just kidding. Seriously, why meet in this café? I mean, it's true, the agency is right next door, so meet us there would have been more convenient for you, right?"

Scarlet watches Adam lift his cup between 2 fingers, then bring it to his mouth with extreme delicacy and would like to tap on this too light hand. Her eyes run through, his very elegant costume, his Rolex chic and his classy ring but which does not suit someone of her age at all.

"We could have met at the agency, only given your current popularity there, I thought that saving you from unpleasant looks would not be useless, that's all. Adam, I'm going to be honest with you. When you act on a daily basis, your delicate movements are between those of a gay English Lord and those of a young girl on her first date. The way you express yourself doesn't cause too many problems, except for the fact you press the "m" too much. Yesterday I spent a lot of time watching some of your TV interviews and we have to correct this verbal habit, irritating to the ears. On the other hand, are you a businessman or a model? I see astonishment in your eyes and yet this question is important. You are not yet 18 years old but you dress in the same way, non, in a more chic and professional way, as some young PGDs who meet for lunch in restaurants in the Financial District. Being elegant is a good thing, but exaggerating the line to become a caricature of what you will never be is ridiculous. Yesterday I did a little online survey to find out what people thought of your image, to find out if they agreed with my opinion. As I expected, the term that came up most often was: Pretentious. Now I come to your way of walking, which in addition to being the way of the show-offs of.... Wait, what are you doing?"

Adam's face, who kindly made the journey here, sank with every unflattering word pronounced by this unpleasant young woman. [Gay, delicate, young girl, first date, irritating, caricature and ridiculous, show-off, but fuck, it's my party or what these days.] In the crowded café, Adam, very upset by this series of qualifiers to designate him, gets up from the table. As an elegant and delicate man, without a word, he takes out his wallet, from which he takes out $20, which he throws on the table, before moving away more furious than ever. More embarrassing, he finds himself checking his walking and when he is about to grab the door handle, his hand hesitates for fear of being perceived as a man of exaggerated finesse.

He barely walks through the door, that he feels a weight slowing down his movements. A sighs later as he watches his new agent clinging to his elbow as he looks him straight in the eye, with an expression (I won't let you escape.) Adam suddenly thinks he has selected a bad candidate.

"What do you want? Did you forget to say I'm an idiot?"

"No, I will never waste my time discussing obviousness, already known to all. Adam, wait. If you want to improve your image, you have to rely on me. There is a lot to do, but together we can certainly achieve concrete results faster than you think.

One more sentence, one more slap and Adam, who cannot get rid of this woman, bends over, lifts her off the ground and places her on his shoulder. It is in mode, transport (potato bag), that Adam who now pays attention to each of his steps, who carefully observes his precious costume, wondering if, indeed, it would not reflect a somewhat pretentious image of himself, returns to his car, extremely stressed. Under the eyes of many people attracted by Scarlet's angry screams, who orders Adam to let her down, Adam do not immediately gets in his car. For a moment, his brain woks. Once again operational, Adam's body moves towards the passenger seat, on which the young woman is thrown. Very surprised by the progress of the situation, she finally stops talking and looks at him.

"You're an annoying woman and I don't like to change my habits, but I'll let you prove that you're right. A few years ago, I also found a person very annoying, then later I understood that she was an exceptional person, but that on the other hand, I was stubborn. Now, it is up to you to show me that I am indeed stubborn and that you are less annoying than I think and do not look at me like that, otherwise I will conclude that you are indeed the Queen of annoying women. Well, what do you want to do in the first place?"

Scarlet narrowly retains (you can also say very clever things sometimes.) and in front of Adam's serious eyes, she admits that working with this kid will certainly turn out to be easier than she had thought. "Perfect, you're doing the right thing. So we're going to your place, where I'll check your wardrobe."


A sofa and its gutted armchair, the legs of a coffee table still present but without their glass top, a television in an aquarium and this is only for the living room. Scarlet who walks around the apartment will not ask why all the chair legs are lined up in a corner of the kitchen, why the oven to be exploded, why the glass ceramic hob is split into several pieces, or why all the mirrors are broken, but this apocalyptic view makes her wonder if she is safe with the young boy, who behind her, seems to find all this quite normal. When, in this state of mind, she hears Adam say to her: "The room is this way." Her body shudders. She recovers, adopts a self-confident posture and follows Adam into his room. In the classic bedroom but arranged in a pleasant way, he opens a second door to a dressing room of very correct dimensions.

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"Unsuitable, too professional, makes you look too old, doesn't match your eye colour, do you really wear that?, what this horror..."

Before his eyes, without care, all his clothes, which he considers chic and beautiful, are thrown in a pile, in a corner of the room. He would like to cry, but too shocked, his tears do not reach his eyes. Her wardrobes and shelves are emptying. The pile grew to become a small mountain and facing an Adam who has lost 90% of his love for women, Scarlet stops moving her hands when in the closet, there remains only about 1/20th of the clothes originally present, still hanging. On the ground, Adam picks up a suit that is far too small for him, of which he knows its place by heart. His first suit, more than a suit, this piece of fabric, represents so many things, that right now he no longer thinks of those other clothes lying on the ground or of Scarlet looking at him strangely while he brushes the sleeves of his first Armani suit. Immersed in the past, with his first girlfriend, he smiles at this suit. When he comes out of his reverie, his expression of well-being collapses, when he faces the present again.

"Are you sure all this is necessary? By that I mean that each of these clothes has served me faithfully and I like to wear them. I feel myself when I am in them. We are one, them and me. Do you see what I mean?"

"Adam, these are not armor behind which to protect themselves,, but simple clothing and yes, I am sure of my choices. All this is not good for you. At least, they will not suit the new Adam, whose image we will refresh to make it more accessible, less austere and less pretentious in the eyes of the general public. You might as well do it now, you never know what might happen. Now that the sorting is done, let's go shopping. We will take advantage of this day to refurbish your apartment, which really needs a big sweep and new household appliances. Adam, could you stop brushing that suit and listen to me?

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