So why me

60 My new sister is a madwoman.

Friday 28 November

03h25pm Cheirfield High School

Sitting on his new Porsche Cayman Model 2016 hood, Adam, who now wears more casual clothes and finds it sexy to display his bust, didn't hesitate to open 4 of the buttons on his shirt. Observing the high school girls coming out of school, Ray Ban obliges, Adam, whose previous anger has subsided a lot, smiles at them.

"Hi, girls, I'll see you tomorrow, I have my driver."

Seeing the pretty blonde girl walking towards him with mischievous eyes, Adam fears the worst. He doesn't know why, but this Sarah is scaring him. When she approaches him, hugs him and kisses him on the cheek under the screams of her friends, Adam, frowned, but kept quiet. He needs her, so he'll put up with her insolence and forget about it this time.

They barely went up into the car, this girl with sharp words fires her first bullet. "Next Friday night, I have to go to a party and you'll be my date. Here, I have a rival and it's time for her to understand who is the Queen of this High School. So, thank you to let me use you, my handsome model. I mean, you can refuse, but..."

The last time they left each other, she pinched his butt and now she wants to use him without hiding from him. Why not, yesterday he and Scarlet rushed to a hotel where they spent the night and therefore missed the evening. "Okay, but asking me this to me, who will be your half-brother tomorrow, is really sad. You're not too ugly, but your life must be a little empty, right?"

Suddenly, Adam forgets to breathe. His body temperature reaches 42° and in front of Sarah's smile, he has a feeling of déjà vu. "You shut up and now go to New York. I want you to buy me some beautiful clothes for this party. Note, I only want clothes from the greatest couturiers, but our time is limited, so go for it, my Prince with a full wallet. Don't worry, little brother, I won't be ungrateful."

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She's a madwoman in the original sense of the word. To attend his mother's wedding, Adam who starts his car and tries to drive as best he can by squeezing his thighs to prevent the invader from coming back to the load. His position is not in a very comfortable and again, he forgets to breathe. "Sarah, please take your hand off, it doesn't amuse me and marriage or not, if you persist in your stupidities, I'll leave you on the side of the road."

04h50pm New York Madison Avenue

Not far from Barneys where Sarah rushed to, into a café, Adam, who left her a credit card with a $12,000 limit, has no doubt that this card will be emptied in a short time. Not wishing to accompany this girl whom he only moderately appreciates, he took refuge here and waits for her by playing a new game that he has just downloaded on his smartphone, to pass the time.

When a hand hits his shoulder, Adam, who hadn't seen anyone coming behind him, drops his smartphone on the floor. After picking it up and seeing that it works, he notices the daughter of the mother thief who reaching out. "More money, wasn't enough."

No, frankly, he doesn't like her at all and Adam who generally respects women, is eager to slap her with a good slap to teach her to respect others. "Take me to the place you told me about where I will report the card I loaned you as stolen. If I didn't need you, I would have had fun making a detour to throw you into the countryside, but that's too bad. As I am useful to you, you are useful to me, so pick up your bags of shit and take me to the church where my mother will get married tomorrow. If you refuse, go home on your own and don't bother trying to call me because I've already blacklisted your number."

Left stupidly on the spot, in front of Adam's back who pushes the door of the coffee shop, Sarah who wished to get revenge on him for having humiliated her during their first meeting, clenches her teeth. After a little smile, as if she had suffered the biggest injustice in the world, she suddenly begins to cry, attracting the sympathetic attention of all the coffee customers. On the other hand, Adam, who feels many pairs of murderous eyes behind his back, feels the sweat running down his forehead. Quickly, he turns around, picks up the few bags of the mentally unstable girl and then takes the same girl under his arm and leaves the café. The looks waiting for him outside are no friendlier and Adam, who carries the packages, moves quickly towards his car. "Adam, put me down on the ground, please. Sorry about today, but I just wanted to show you how cruel it is to be treated in an unpleasant way by someone. Oh and for your ass the other day, I'm sorry too. In front of your pretty butt, how can I say this to you, well, it was under the impulse of the moment."

Adam puts Sarah on the ground and, not reassured by her apologies, he studies her face. Before the really confused and sorry eyes of his older sister, Adam, calm his anger. "So you're not a pain in the ass?"

Gently swinging from right to left as she plays with her fingers, her head down, shyly Sarah raises her eyes slightly. "Of course I do, but not as much as I showed you today. For this afternoon, really sorry, I'll pay you back and drive you to the place where you can observe the wedding ceremony."

Adam is quite satisfied that his masculine attitude has borne fruit and congratulates himself, while in her mind Sarah laughs meanly. [My little Adam, tomorrow morning, you're going to have the worst morning of your life. I'm going to make you understand, that you shouldn't have dragged me lower than the ground by humiliating yourself in turn. Too bad that.... No, nothing is lost.]

Saturday, November 29th


Today in one of the 2 churches in Cheirfield, on both sides of the alley, everyone is smiling. When the bride, her veil still on her face, all dressed in white appears, in unison, all heads turn to her. Adam is not a professional physiognomist, however, this woman looks very small to be his mother. If there was only that, he would think that it must be this dress that makes her a dwarf, however, all these people, who are they? And Sarah, where is Sarah?

Slowly to the sound of the organ, when the bride advances towards her future husband, Adam covers his mouth so as not to scream a thousand vulgarities. Who is this little bald man? It's not the head of the mother thief. The mother thief cannot have changed like that in the space of a week. No, Adam is convinced of that. As the priest gently smiles at the 2 people in front of him, a little boy who until now has sit quietly, stands up and points his finger in Adam's direction. When in front of the guests, accompanied by tears, he shouts: "Dad, I saw vicious eyes in the confessional. The evil eyes looked at auntie's buttocks as she was moving forward and walked to the altar."

[Bitch, she set me up.] Adam doesn't have time to think about anything else that already the curtain is opens and several pairs of hands mercilessly fall on him.

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