So why me

65 Class of wrecks

Monday 08 December (Jessica Benson's small country house)


"This car doesn't seem reliable at all, so be careful on the road."

"Don't listen to that old woman who probably drives a van, though, she's right, don't drive too fast and look in your rearview mirror and don't forget to turn on your headlights."

"Adam, on campus you'll probably see a lot of beautiful girls but don't go to them. Think that here I look forward to seeing you and you will know that these young women are just decorations that are just good for capturing your eyes for a few moments."

"True, don't look at those student bitches. Think of your sublime fiancée who will spoil you so much tonight that you'll end up on your kneecaps."

"Adam, after I introduce myself to Elite Los Angeles, I'll come to lunch with you. Therefore, try to find a secluded spot so that we can have a nice time just the two of us."

"What? What game are you playing, old lady? Adam, I have a 2-hour break this lunch break during which I usually get bored, but now we'll have lunch together. There's a nice hotel near UCLA, so I'll book a suite for the year just for the two of us. I feel that our meals will be really delicious."

"Adam, don't listen to this little girl with no experience, who only knows how to give you a very limited pleasure. You need a real woman who introduces you to the pleasure of sex and not a virgin who still plays with her fingers."

"Bitch, Adam has a lot of fun with my young, wrinkle-free body, unlike yours which is full of stretch marks and fat in the wrong places."

"With your little breasts? I don't see how Adam could even enjoy anything."

"And you, do you want to talk about your case? Old woman, you're almost thirty years old but you're banging an 18-year-old boy who's already engaged. Do you think it's more glorious or do you just like stealing from other people's men?"

Adam, who watches this verbal game in the form of a ping-pong game, found it amusing at first, but the two women have been fighting for 10 minutes and when he finds himself yawning, he understands that the show is boring and that it is time for him to slip away quietly. Picking up his new plain navy blue bag, Adam opens the door of the hall without the 2 harpies, too busy arguing, even noticing his disappearance. Outside, his eyes directed towards the still dark sky, he is a little apprehensive about this new school year. How long has it been since he last set foot in a classroom? Without even mentioning that, he didn't understand anything in class during the time he spent at school. Sighing and judging that his stupidity has certainly not turned into intelligence, he heads for the driveway where his new car awaits him.

"I heard the engine of his car. Let's hope our little comedy allowed him to think of something other than his old school results."

"You're right, old woman. This time we cooperated. So I invite you to my table for breakfast, but don't take it out of habit."

"Who would take this out of habit, you little fox? The only reason I accept today is because your invitation is spontaneous. If you had offered it to me yesterday, I would have refused for fear that you poisoned my coffee."

"Stupid wife."

"Little calculating girl."


Early arrival, Adam, who came to spot the place yesterday with his wives, smiles in his car. "I'm too strong." Yet, he barely mentioned that a storm is raging and that a torrential rain is suddenly falling on campus.

08:55am Completely lost in that little town that UCLA is, "I'm a trash." Adam's going in circles. Remembering his previous relaxed state, he wants to slap himself. However, that is not the main problem. While outside it's the storm, victim of infernal bloating, now soaked, Adam, who was suffocating inside his car, had no choice but to open his window.

09h35am Refresher and advanced training class.

In what looks more like a small amphitheatre than a simple classroom, a slow and soporific teacher introduces the campus and how it works to unenthusiastic students. Mrs Smith, 57 years old, expelled from the Mathematical Sciences pole for reasons of too frequent sleepiness of her students, landed here, in front of students from all walks of life and from all over the world. Aware that she is addressing a class in which 1/5 of the students do not understand a word she says, it is without conviction that she repeats word for word the student welcome manual.

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In this class of geniuses, where 1/3 of the students are there to get up to speed, 1/3 to obtain American citizenship and 1/3 to pass the time, the majority are women, whose age is between 18 and 40 years old, discreetly observing the men present. 1 or 2 are quite correct, however, on the whole, they can only regret that they are still rather ugly. Sad not to be able to relive a romance like when they were teenagers or cheat on their fat and alcoholic husbands by going back to school, these women who having made themselves beautiful simultaneously push a deep sigh, very understandable.

For their part, the usually unpopular men, feeling the gaze of this mass of women resting on their bodies, can barely contain their overflowing joy and in this class nicknamed by the majority of students, the wreck class, while the women sigh, the men squirm in their chairs.

It is under these particular conditions, in this place rejected by all, that Adam, intending to follow the complete program over 3 years, after knocking, timidly enters his new class. He knew it, the bacon succeeds him moderately and Jessica that served him more than 10 slices is responsible for his deplorable condition. Very tense, Adam clenches his teeth, crying that as time goes by, his stomach becomes more painful. In the corridor, he has already made a pit stop and yet the situation has not improved much. Not wanting to be noticed from the first day, he therefore sits down to the last row without interrupting the teacher who continued her slowmonologue.

When he opens his class bag, his eyes widen as he discovers its contents. On Saturday, Scarlet, who was annoyed by his childish behaviour in the school supplies aisle, randomly threw various things into the shopping bag, but today, in front of the result, Adam who ashamed, wants to cry.

Without look up to at more than 60 girls who are looking at him, Adam, unsure of himself, discreetly pulls out his Hello Kitty kit, his "So glamorous" rule and his pink binder "More cute than me you die". The red face, Adam holding the belly of his right hand, thinks he's suffocating. Fighting courageously against nature, he resists and opens his filing cabinet, but the drama occurs when Mrs. Smith finishes her monologue and while silence reigns, Adam lets his body express itself very noisily.

Suddenly, in the class of wrecks, as the dreamy eyes of the girls lose their glow and now express disgust, a myth that had just been born, suddenly dies.

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