Lin Xuan can still recall when he was in school. Whenever it came to the Champions League match day, he felt like a holiday.

That whole day, he will be full of anticipation, and then go to bed early and set the alarm.

At 2:40, Lin Xuan would get up early and turn on the computer, squint his eyes to resist the glare of the light, and find the link to the game.

After entering the live broadcast, at this moment, the exciting melody of the theme song of the UEFA Champions League could just be heard.

“They are the best team.”

“They are the ultimate team.”

“The most important event.”

“Master of Victory!”

“Teacher of the King!”


Later, this lyric was ignored by sand sculpture netizens and turned into the lyrics of Black Arsenal.

“Play Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​Bayern Munich, our factory has collapsed!”

Arsenal in those few years was really miserable. The so-called “three years for Barcelona and five years for Bayern”, “Battle to defend the earth” every year, stopped in the top 16 of the Champions League.

In short, I woke up at 2:45 to watch the Champions League and witnessed countless classic battles. Those days were really the happiest.

Entering the society after graduation, becoming a social animal, it is impossible to get up and watch the Champions League again.

Football is also gradually drifting away from him…

Suddenly, the UEFA Champions League theme song finished playing, and Lin Xuan was startled slightly by the deafening cheers.

He looked around and realized that he was not in front of the screen, but in the Champions League!

The teammates next to them are already gearing up and ready to go!

Lin Xuan shook his fist.

From a spectator to a contestant, my battle has begun!

“Dear viewers and friends of Xinlang Sports! The referee blew the game whistle.”

“2009-10 UEFA Champions League Group B, the second round of the group stage has begun!”

“The Red Devils and Manchester United sit at Old Trafford to face last season’s Bundesliga champion, Hoffenheim!”

“This game will be guided by Zhan Jun’s partner Zhang Luzhang to comment on the game for you.”

“There are two main points to watch in this game. Manchester United was the champion of the Premier League last season, while Hoffenheim was the champion of the Bundesliga.”

“This can be seen as the pinnacle matchup between the Premier League and the Bundesliga.”

“Another most important thing to watch is that the core player of Manchester United, the 17-year-old Chinese teenager Lin Xuan, was in Hoffenheim last season!”

“He is a meritorious player for Hoffenheim to win the Bundesliga championship.”

“He returned to Manchester United after his loan period expired this season. Facing his teammates who have fought side by side, his performance deserves our attention.”

“That’s right.”

Director Zhang Luzhang also took up the conversation at this time: “The effect of a player like Lin Xuan on a team is obvious.”

“He can organize with the ball, break through, and the key is to score stably on his own. That’s why Hoffenheim managed to win the championship when the team was not in good shape.”

“Now that Lin Xuan has arrived at Manchester United, Manchester United’s offensive routines have suddenly been enriched.”

“Conversely, Hoffenheim is behind Lin Xuan, and can only make up for Lin Xuan’s vacancy by running as a whole, pressing quickly, and counterattacking quickly.”

“Langnick’s early training this summer is to allow the team to reserve physical strength to cope with this high-pressure style of play.”

Zhan Jun took advantage of the situation and said: “Director Zhang is right. We can clearly see that Hoffenheim adopted a high-position press tactic from the very beginning of the game.”

“They have a very high formation, and they started to press crazily in the backcourt of Manchester United.”

“…Ferdinand, face up to Demba Ba, pass to Vidic, then to Lin Xuan, beautiful!”

“Before Lin Xuan caught the ball, he observed the uphill Gustavo. He didn’t stop the ball, but missed it directly, and then started to accelerate to get rid of the defense!”

Director Zhang couldn’t help admiring: “Hehehe… It can be seen that Lin Xuan is more and more confident in handling the ball, and he lifts the weight as if it were light.”

“Another point is that Lin Xuan is quite familiar with this Hoffenheim team. He is very aware of the tricks of his teammates before.”

Indeed, Lin Xuan and these teammates have been together for two seasons. Lin Xuan can guess with his eyes closed how they move.

Therefore, although Lannick defended Lin Xuan heavily, he was used by Lin Xuan in turn, frequently attracting defenses, and then passing threatening balls.

“Lin Xuan moved to the space on the wing! Nani made a cross! Oh, it’s a pity that Berbatov’s shot missed a little bit.”

“It’s Manchester United’s attack again. Lin Xuan cleverly got rid of Gustavo and Weiss’ pincer attack and hit the goal directly!”

“Oh! Hildebrand was very cautious and hit the ball with both fists! Seeing his pain, the power of football is quite great!”

All of a sudden, Hoffenheim’s defenses were in turmoil, and Lin Xuan turned the world upside down.

“Carrick, passed consecutive passes with Lin Xuan, and the ball reached Lin Xuan’s feet… Another kick? A fake move, his ankle flicked, and it went straight behind him!”

“Berbatov! Don’t stop the ball and shoot directly! There is a kick ball! 1 to 0!”

Manchester United scored the first goal!

Leading Hoffenheim 1:0!

Lin Xuan once again staged an exquisite assist!

Lannick stood on the sidelines, sighed, and shook his head.

He had seen this scene countless times in the Bundesliga. Lin Xuan’s wonderful pass alwaysCan be inspiring!

But now, the background board is his own team.

This is very disturbing.

Out of familiarity with Lin Xuan, Lannick made full tactical deployments for him.

First of all, the three forwards formed the first line of defense, and started pressing and pressing in the frontcourt to prevent the Manchester United defenders from giving the ball to Lin Xuan.

If Lin Xuan runs to catch the ball, Gustavo will rush up immediately, intercept the pass to Lin Xuan in advance, or stick it to prevent Lin Xuan from turning around.

Weiss responded nearby, forming a second line of defense.

At the same time, keep a suitable distance between the three lines. In whichever direction Lin Xuan moves, someone must step up to defend and separate Lin Xuan from the others.. 0

In the Bundesliga, this set of high-post defense made German teams very uncomfortable.

Even though Hoffenheim lost Lin Xuan, they still achieved a good record. This season, they even have a chance to enter the European theater.

However, this set of defense is based on Lin Xuan’s original strength.

Lannick suddenly discovered that Lin Xuan was stronger than last season!

Before, Lin Xuan would try his best to avoid body collisions, and when the opportunity was not good, he would choose to cross and pass back.

Now, he is obviously much bolder.

Even in the face of siege by three or four people, Lin Xuan dared to break through with the ball!

In addition, Manchester United has Carrick assisting Lin Xuan.

Two people can get rid of each other’s encirclement by connecting with each other.

It was only then that Lannick realized that he had a wrong perception of Lin Xuan’s strength!

Lin Xuan’s growth exceeded his imagination!

He also underestimated other Manchester United players.

After Manchester United took the lead, they did not push up, but safely recovered and played a defensive counterattack.

Hoffenheim did not dare to attack rashly, and the two teams maintained the current score.

In the second half, Hoffenheim couldn’t bear the pressure. As a result, Lin Xuan made a long pass from the backcourt. The football crossed half of the pitch and accurately found Berbatov.

Brother Xiao Sa’s ball-stopping technique is almost perfect. He easily unloaded the ball in the air and made an arc at the front of the penalty area.


In the end, Manchester United easily defeated Hoffenheim with two goals in the Theater of Dreams.

The trident of Ibisevic, Demba Ba, and Obasi basically did not get a good chance.

Hoffenheim was basically exhausted in the press, and their physical strength declined rapidly, but they did not receive good results.

And the key to Manchester United’s control of the ball is Lin Xuan!

After this battle, Manchester United won all two games and accumulated 6 points, ranking first in the group.

Both Hoffenheim and the Moscow Center Soldier have one win and one 2.6 losses. Due to the goal difference, Hoffenheim temporarily ranks second in the group.

Below are the non-commissioned troops of the Moscow Center and Besiktas.

After the game, the German media expressed their understanding of Hoffenheim’s defeat.

After all, they met the mighty Manchester United, and there was Lin Xuan in the Manchester United team.

“Hoffenheim now understands the feelings of other Bundesliga teams facing Lin Xuan.”

“Langnick and the others can fight for the second place in the group.”

“Even though he is far away in England, Lin still maintains his unbeaten record against Bundesliga teams.”

Hoffenheim left Manchester with regret. Before leaving, Ibisevic left a message to Lin Xuan again.

“We’re waiting for you at home. Don’t think it will be so easy then.”

Lin Xuan replied quickly, but Ibisevic collapsed instantly.

“Hoffenheim is also my home field/Insidious”

There’s nothing wrong with it. Ibisevic can already imagine that when Lin Xuan returns to the Rhein-Neckar Stadium, all the fans will call his name.


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