Just about to rush forward, Tang jingnian suddenly realized his gaffe and stopped.

Ignoring the strange flash at the bottom of my heart, I looked at the woman who didn't even blink.

Does she really not know the pain? Even a big man couldn't see him when the cloth just stuck to the wound was torn vigorously.

But she didn't even frown. She still had that faint expression.

Unless you are used to pain or often get hurt, you will be so indifferent to such injury and immune to such pain.

What the hell did she do before? The more you get in touch with her, the more curious you are about her past.

Rao is a surgeon used to the bloody scene. He was surprised by Ye Ran's just move.

But after all, it was the doctor who first reacted to this scene.

The male doctor hurried to the disposal room with Ye ran, ready to treat her wound.

It can be seen that the wound has a tendency to become inflamed because it has not been properly treated.

"I need to clean up the pus in the wound, and then sew the wound, so I need to take anesthetics. Sir, please go to the pharmacy to prescribe some anesthetics..."


Ye ran suddenly interrupted the doctor.

After listening to her words, the doctor couldn't help looking at her strangely and kindly reminded her: "it hurts not to take anesthetic. You move around at that time, I can't help..."

"I'm allergic to anesthetics."

Ye ran didn't say more about the rest. I believe the doctor has understood it.

"Do you know which anesthetic is allergic?" the doctor asked patiently.

People who are allergic to anesthetics are not absent, but very rare.

After all, there are many kinds of local anesthetics. As long as you remember which kind of anesthetics you are allergic to, you can avoid all kinds of dangers caused by allergy.

Ye ran grinned at the doctor, showing his dazzling white teeth. He said very calmly, "I don't know. I've tried many kinds and I'm allergic, so handsome, can we not waste time?"

Then he raised his arm, indicating that he could start at any time.

Male doctors are still very young. At first glance, they have just graduated. They may be very professional, but they obviously lack experience.

The hand holding the medical instrument trembled because ye ran was allergic to anesthetics and couldn't use anesthetics. He didn't know where to start for a long time.

Tang jingnian looked at Ye Ran's delicate and beautiful side face with deep eyes. At this time, she looked so calm, without any tension or fear.

Anesthetic allergy, so you have to endure the pain of suturing the wound without any anesthesia?

So that's why she would rather treat the wound at home than come to the hospital?

"Doctor, if you don't do it again, I'll doubt your professionalism."

Being questioned about one's profession is a great humiliation for a professional doctor.

The male doctor was unhappy. In order to prove himself, he resolutely began to deal with the injury on Ye Ran's arm.

What surprised him was not his professional skills, but the composure of the woman in front of him.

He opened the wound and scraped away the pus inside. It was not an ordinary pain, but the patient named Ye ran didn't even breathe disorderly.

He wondered if he was dealing with a fake knife wound.

What a cold-blooded woman. She is so cruel to herself.

Standing near Ye ran, Tang jingnian silently watched the doctor treat her wound.

The pretty eyebrow frowned slightly, and the handsome face was dignified.

Although she has always maintained her initial calm and calm, when she saw her slightly white face, somehow, there was a trace of unknown pain in his heart

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