Low IQ is not your fault

Then, Tang jingnian's blindfold was removed by a strong force. The long darkness made him unable to adapt to the sudden light for a time. He subconsciously closed his eyes.

After getting used to it, I opened it slowly.

Several LED lights are hung on the surrounding walls to illuminate the whole room.

Tang jingnian looked around the room without trace.

Eight men in black sunglasses, with guns in their hands, surrounded them in the middle. Each of them was strong and strong. At first glance, they were professionally trained.

Ye ran was sitting in the chair opposite him. Her slender body was sitting straight, as if her back had been as straight as a pine and cypress since the day she knew her.

The sportswear wet by the rain has almost dried. Fortunately, she is wearing sportswear today. It is loose and thick. If it is a thin shirt... Those people's eyes don't need to be.

"It's all in my hands, Tang jingnian. What the hell are you pretending to be deep with me?"

Seeing that Tang jingnian didn't bird himself, Lin wanxiong's little temper was ignited. He stretched out his foot and kicked Tang jingnian.

But somehow, his soles slipped, his center of gravity deviated, and his fat body suddenly fell towards Tang jingnian's feet.


Lin wanxiong's fall was so strong that he felt the floor tremble for several times, causing a burst of dust to fly.

Lin wanxiong groaned painfully on the ground and wanted to get up, but the fall just now was so strong that he didn't have the strength to get up.

The man in black immediately came forward and helped Lin wanxiong up.

Lin wanxiong stood up with a disheartened face. Because he was in pain, a pair of radish legs trembled slightly.

"What's wrong with riding on a horse?" Lin wanxiong looked down and saw that there was a half dry piece of mud on the ground.

It should be stuck to whose sole was brought in.

While he was just about to kick Tang jingnian, he was lucky to step on the mud, and then had a close contact with the cold and hard ground.

Lin wanxiong's anger erupted to the top when he saw Tang jingnian's cynical eyes. He was about to swing his big fist into Tang jingnian, but he immediately thought of something and stopped his hand.

At the same time, he looked down at his feet and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no mud.

At the same time, the man in black standing beside him suddenly opened his mouth and reminded him, "brother Xiong, it's important to get down to business first. The boss is still waiting for your news."

Lin wanxiong glanced at the speaker coldly, but it was obvious that the man was not afraid of his deterrence. His eyes behind sunglasses were straight to his cold eyes.

Although this person called him brother Xiong, it was just because of the boss's orders. He and his brothers didn't pay attention to Lin wanxiong.

Although Lin wanxiong was not angry, he could only put aside his personal grievances.

Anyway, Tang jingnian is dead today.

Black handed Lin wanxiong a document bag, then returned to the original position and stood.

Lin wanxiong raised his hand and wiped the ash on his face. He smiled coldly at Tang jingnian and said proudly, "I'll give you a chance to live. Sign this document and I can keep your dog's life temporarily."

Then he handed the document bag to Tang jingnian.

Tang jingnian looked at him contemptuously and said in a sneering voice: "it's not your fault to have a low IQ, but it's your fault to be disgusting. Do I have to untie the rope tied to me first if I want to sign

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