"I'm fine."

"I'm fine."

Ye ran and Tang jingnian replied with one voice.

This tacit understanding makes Bai rushong re-examine Tang jingnian,

Tang jingnian looked nervously at Ye ran, "are you really all right? The blood?"

Ye ran raised his hand and wiped his face. Suddenly, he smiled and waved his hand. "The blood is not mine."

At this time, the police also came to the second floor one after another.

"Captain Bai, it's hard."

Liu Jingze, leader of the criminal police team, came up with the people of the criminal police team to clean up the scene.

After a few greetings with him, he went to Tang jingnian and said, "how about Jing Nian? Are you okay?"

Tang jingnian and Liu Jingze were classmates and brothers in high school, so when he found him to express his ideas, he got the strong support of Liu Jingze.

Tang jingnian lightly hooked his lips. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he couldn't hide his pressing and precious Qi.

"It's all right. By the way, where's Lin wanxiong?"

Following Liu Jingze's side of the gentle soft see full of blood stained leaf ran, can not help but jump.

He jumped to her and took her up, down, left and right for a check. He was relieved to see that she was safe.

Although she knew that such a scene was not even an appetizer for her, she was still worried about what she had.

"It's all right. Hey, those two downstairs... You did it."

Wen xiaorou asked Ye ran in a low voice.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw that the two men lying on the ground cut their throats with a knife. The technique was crisp and neat without dragging their feet.

The audience could not help but praise the man's ruthlessness.

Wen xiaorou and you Rongyan secretly rejoiced, but at the same time, she saw it for the first time, and ye ran killed people with weapons other than guns. It seemed... Well, very cruel.

But she likes it.

Ye ran gave a gentle hum. Wen xiaorou looked at Ye ran covered with blood and suddenly felt a burst of sadness.

She is a natural soldier, but

Ye ran automatically ignored Wen xiaorou's regret and said solemnly, "these are sent by an overseas organization, and they must have other people here, otherwise they alone can't rob Lin wanxiong from the police."

Wen xiaorou became serious when she heard the speech. She nodded, "well, we also doubt it. We just haven't got a clue for a while, but with these two living mouths, we should be able to gain something."

As they were talking, they suddenly noticed the gaze of several lines of sight. They couldn't help looking back. Tang jingnian, Liu Jingze and Bai rushong were looking at them with different eyes.

"Ye Dui, I'm all right. I didn't expect you and jingnian to know each other. When we're finished, we must have a drink together."

Seeing ye ran, Liu Jingze stepped forward with a smile, stretched out his hand and exchanged casual greetings.

Ye Ran's eyes flashed, politely stretched out his hand and shook his hand, hooked his lips and smiled, "team Liu is out of sight. Just call me ye ran."

When Liu Jingze thought of something, he sighed, "OK, then I won't be hypocritical. Ye ran, thanks to you, I've kept Jing year safe and sound this time."

The protected person's black eyes narrowed, "Liu Jingze, I remember you seem to be my subordinate..."

Hearing that Tang jingnian was going to explode his black material, Liu Jingze stepped forward to block his mouth and whispered for mercy, "the team members are all here. Save some face for my brothers."

"Ye ran, why don't you know me?"

Suddenly, Bai rushong, who hasn't been talking, stepped forward and complained to Ye ran.

Ye ran looked carefully at the captain of the special police team in front of him.

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