"Bah, it's shameless. Who wants to compete with you? Why don't you go to the God list master." Lu Xue retorted after listening to the man's words.

"Little girl, you want to die!"

The man was angry at what Lu Xue said. He was immediately black, turned into a black shadow and rushed straight to Lu Xue.

Although the man is only a Dharma protector of the beast emperor sect, his cultivation has reached the state of cave emptiness. Lu Xue is the peak cultivation of concentration. This punch can kill Lu Xue.

"Stop!" Bai Ze, as Lu Xue's master, naturally can't sit idly by. He whispered and flashed in front of Lu Xue.

But the black figure continued to hit Baize without slowing down.

Seeing this, Baize spread a strong momentum, clenched his fist with one hand and tried to smash the black figure.

However, Bai Ze is an expert ranking 13 in the tianbang. His cultivation has reached the peak of cave emptiness.

"Bang!" the black figure collided with Baize's fist.

The dark figure suddenly gave a meal, then backed out for more than 20 meters, and the man's body appeared.

"Good fight, master!" Lu Xue shouted behind her.

Everyone in the martial arts field also showed a smile. This was the first fight between the beast emperor sect and the practitioners. It seemed that the beast emperor sect was not so strong.

However, Qingyi Shengjun and Nancheng lady did not relax at all, because this man is only a small role, while Bai Ze is the only two top tianbang masters in addition to the two Shenbang masters.

"Waste, thrown into the face of the beast emperor cult!" cried Mei Xingjiao, the left envoy in white.

The man gave Bai Ze a fierce look and obediently stepped aside.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being a place where Chinese practitioners gather. It's not easy to beat back my Dharma protector with one blow!" Ba Hong laughed at Bai Ze.

Bai Ze did not dare to be careless. Just now he fought with the dark shadow. Although he repulsed his opponent, he wasted a lot of strength.

It seems that the people of the beast emperor cult in front of us are not only strong in cultivation, but also very strong in physical quality.

"Who are you?" Bai Ze asked Ba Hong in a deep voice.

Just listen to the right envoy Mei Yue wearing black on Ba Hong's right side: "with your strength, you're not qualified to ask questions. Ask the God list master to answer!"

Facing a woman's provocation, Bai Ze frowned. If he didn't say anything at this time, he would lose face.

"Arrogance!" Bai Ze shouted, and a long sword with a cold flash appeared in his hand.

With the long sword in hand, Bai Ze's momentum soared and spread continuously.

Lu Xue and Liu Hua behind them were not fools. They jumped out of the challenge arena quickly. This kind of battle may kill them as long as they stick to it.

"The master of tianbang 13 is going to do it." many people shouted excitedly.

Mei Yue, who was wearing black light clothes, showed a trace of disdain on her face, "this strength is still the 13th of the tianbang. It seems that this ranking is really not very good!"

With that, Mei Yue's hand was black, and a machete appeared in her hand.

This machete is very characteristic, as if it were a crescent moon, but it is dark and black, which complements the light black clothes.

With the appearance of the black machete, the momentum of Na Meiyue also changed dramatically.

Bai Ze's momentum is strong enough, but it is nothing compared with Mei Yue's momentum.

Everyone was surprised by Mei Yue's powerful momentum, especially the two experts of Shenbang. They rushed to the challenge arena.

The other tianbang masters saw this and followed behind the two Shenbang masters.

"Drink!" Mei Yuejiao drank. The machete shrouded in black gas in her hand suddenly cut out a Lingdao, and the gas split into Baize's body.

The Dao Qi was just waved by Mei Yue, but the width of the Dao Qi was more than 15 meters.

Qin Yun under the challenge arena was surprised when he saw this Dao Qi. It can be regarded as the strongest Dao Qi he had ever seen.

I saw the sword Qi carrying a strong vigorous wind, attacking Baize, just like the towering waves in the sea rolled into a leaf boat in the sea.

"Not good!" Bai Ze felt the power of Dao Qi and was shocked. The long sword in his hand flashed.

"Yingxue cut!" Bai zeju roared, and the long sword in his hand immediately crossed a beautiful arc in the air.

Then a light blue round chop of 123 meters left the sword and met the sweeping knife Qi.

On the whole challenge arena, one black and one blue slash hit each other fiercely, and people all stared. Most of them have never seen this level of battle.

"Yiyiyiyiyi..." the vigorous winds carried by the chopper rubbed against each other, and then there was a loud noise of "boom!" and the whole ground trembled.

After a second of stalemate between the black and blue choppers, they offset each other and disappeared in an instant.

A huge pit with a diameter of nearly 20 meters was left on the challenge arena. Mei Yue and Bai Ze stood at the edge of the pit respectively.

Mei Yue, dressed in black, holds a black machete with ease on her face. She looks at the huge pit in front of her and laughs, "yes, it can offset my knife Qi. I don't know what will happen next."

Bai Ze has almost tried his best, staring at the woman in black in front of him,.

"Brush... Brush..." Qingyi Shengjun and Nancheng lady, the bodies of the two strong gods appeared beside Bai Ze.

The remaining six tianbang strongmen followed behind one after another. They looked at the huge pit and showed a dignified look on their faces.

"These two must be the strong ones in the list of gods." Mei Xing, dressed in white, smiled at the emperor in green and Mrs. Nancheng.

Mei Xing and Mei Yue are basically the same in appearance and strength.

The emperor in blue looked calm and said, "I don't know what the purpose of the beast emperor cult is this time?"

"We Orc emperor sect naturally came to attend the practitioners' meeting," said Mei Xing in white with a smile.

"It seems that the beast emperor religion is not among the various sects in China." Mrs. Nancheng said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, you've got the point. It's precisely because we are not among the various sects in China that we want to compete for a seat!" Mei Yue looked at the black machete in her hand and said coldly.

"I'm sorry! You are cruel and bloodthirsty beasts. Chinese practitioners will never recognize the beast emperor religion!" the Qingyi Saint shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, we can't keep company with fierce beasts!" Zhong Yifei was the first to stand up and continue after hearing the words of the holy emperor in Qingyi.

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