After leaving the primeval forest in Northeast China, Qin Yun came to Songjiang, the big city closest to the primeval forest.

Now, although the Shenbang conference is about to be held, Qin Yun has to go to the East Island first, because the cancer on the East Island is not eliminated, which always threatens China and the Qin family.

"Shengjun, let's go to the east island with you." Yexin and Hu Ji told Qin yundao.

Qin Yun shook his head, smiled at them and said, "now I have other things for you to do."

"Saint, please tell me to die forever." the two said to Qin Yun in unison.

"This matter is to find the scattered fierce animals. I believe you have your own way to find them." Qin Yun smiled at them.

"Yes!" they replied in a deep voice.

Later, Qin Yun gave the badge of the Dragon organization to Yexin and Hu Ji and said, "take it with you. If you meet a practitioner, take it out. I believe no one will trouble you."

Night heart hurried past the badge and nodded.

"If there is any difficulty, take it to the Qin family in Zhongyang, where someone will take you in." Qin Yun continued.

Yexin and Hu Ji are very excited. Now Qin Yun is willing to provide them with shelter, which is the greatest kindness to them.

"Don't worry, the task you gave us will be completed!"

After finishing the story, the three separated in Songjiang city.

It was early in the morning. There were very few vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Only cleaners were cleaning the streets and some people came out for morning exercise.

Qin Yun looked around and made a phone call. More than 20 minutes later, a BMW stopped in front of Qin Yun.

"My Lord, your ticket has been booked. Here is your car key for the 10 o'clock plane." a man in a suit said to Qin Yun and handed the key to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun started the car and drove it straight to the airport.

Just as Qin Yun passed a roadside stall, a red BMW stopped at the roadside. A beautiful woman in a capable cowboy dress was eating wonton on the roadside.

Qin Yun fixed his eyes and saw that this beautiful woman was Lu Xue, the younger martial sister of changbaizong.

With a "squeak", Qin Yun slammed the brake, stopped the car, opened the door and went down.

"I didn't enjoy the good things of changbaizong. I went here to eat wonton early in the morning. It really opened my eyes." Qin Yun said with a smile.

Lu Xue was obviously stunned when she heard Qin Yun's voice. She turned her head and saw Qin Yun looking at herself with a smile.

With her eyes red, she flew into Qin Yun's arms and held Qin Yun tightly.

"Well, well, haven't you seen him in a few months? As for hugging so tightly?" Qin Yun stroked Lu Xue's back.

"Hum, don't tell me when you have news. Come to changbaizong to see me." Lu Xue pursed her lips and said to Qin Yun.

"Didn't I come to see you? By the way, this is Songjiang. Why are you here?" Qin Yun asked.

"It's not that there are monsters around here. I was ordered by my master to stay outside the city all night. It was really boring, so I came here to eat." Lu Xue replied.

"What about you?" asked Lu Xue.

"I just came here after the Dragon awakened, but the matter has been done." Qin Yun said honestly.

While they were talking, a smell of monsters came from about three kilometers north, followed by the smell of the strong in several days.

"Coming!" Qin Yun looked at the north.

"What, I have to hurry." Lu Xue patted the money on the table. When she was about to leave, Qin Yun said with a smile: "do I still use you?"

With that, Qin Yun immediately turned into a golden light and disappeared in place.

"Wait for me!" Lu Xue stamped her feet angrily. Her cultivation was limited and she couldn't fly at all. When she was about to get on the bus, a powerful spiritual force wrapped it and disappeared in place.

Lu Xue felt the wind blowing in her ears. The surrounding scenery kept retreating, and a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

She turned her head and looked at the man's side face in front of her. A happy smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. She hoped that time would stop at this moment.

But with a "brush!" sound, their bodies fell on the ground and pulled Lu Xue back from her fantasy.

In front of them is a wide river. This river is called Songjiang River, which is one of the famous rivers in China.

Now on the surface of the Songjiang River, a huge Jiao with a length of nearly 167 meters is constantly fighting with three people.

The giant Jiao was covered with dark scales. Two horns grew faintly on its head, and a small bag swelled up in its abdomen. It looked like it was about to become a dragon.

It was now covered with wounds and was retreating.

Fighting with it were Bai Ze, the leader of Changbai sect, Shi Zheng, the great God sect, and a man in blue. The man in blue held a blue long sword, but his strength was above Bai Ze.

He is the fifth expert Ge Zhen in the list. He is also the main force to attack the python.

"Brush!" the long sword in Ge Zhen's hand left a taste wound on the Python's abdomen.

"Roar..." the giant Jiao roared angrily. If it was in its heyday, the three people were not afraid at all.

However, when it just left the gate of the wilderness, it was wounded by the strong man of the divine list, and then it was seriously injured when it fled. It ran away with its monster companions. It was chased and killed by practitioners all day, and there was no chance to breathe.

"No, I can't fight. I can't escape!" the giant Jiao looked at more and more practitioners on the bank and rushed towards the river.

"Want to escape! Ask me about the battle axe in my hand!" Shi zhengju roared, his spiritual power exploded, and the huge battle axe in his hand fiercely cleaved in the direction of Ju Jiao's escape.

Seeing this, the giant Jiao immediately gave up his original route. If he was hit by Shi Zheng's axe, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

The giant Jiao's body suddenly turned over, and the huge body suddenly patted Shi Zheng's body.

"Not good!" Shi Zheng didn't expect that the giant Jiao's reaction was so fast. He hurriedly urged the spiritual defense and condensed into a light shield in front of him.

"Bang!" the giant Jiao's body lined up on the light shield and made a dull noise.

The light shield broke in an instant, but most of its strength was removed and Shi Zheng flew out.

"Yingxue cut!" Bai Ze, the leader of Changbai clan, shouted.

The long sword in his hand immediately crossed a beautiful arc in the air, and then a light blue circular cut of 123 meters left the sword and cut directly to the giant Jiao's body.

Ju Jiao knew the power of this move was very strong, so he dodged sideways very flexibly.

Bai Ze's sword split into the air, and Ge Zhen's long sword came one after another. "Poof", the long sword disappeared into Ju Jiao's body in an instant.

"Roar!" but the giant Jiao roared. Regardless of the pain of his body, he opened his mouth and rushed to Shi Zheng, who also asked to stabilize his body.

It knows in its heart that if it kills one now, its pressure will be reduced and its chances of escape will be greatly increased.

Shi Zheng is now rapidly regressing. He can only watch Ju Jiao's mouth get closer and closer to himself.

With a "whoosh", a golden light flashed, and a figure appeared on the side of Shi Zheng.

"Long Ming Quan!" the man roared violently, and one punch deflected the giant Jiao's huge head.

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