The villain

five to zero!

The end of Xiliang was bleak.

Although winning is very happy, but there are also some people are colorful, as for why? The odds of winning or losing outside has reached 28, but every bet is stupid now.

Rong Changge held Jiaoyue's hand in an incredible way. Her eyes were wide, a little silly, and she asked, "we really We really won? "

Jiaoyue smile, also silk does not conceal their own happiness, she nodded: "yes, we won, ha ha ha!"

The laughter was clear and crisp.

Rong Changge didn't care about her bad relationship with her. To tell the truth, after this competition, she thought Su Jiaoyue was still very powerful. She looked at no one around and pulled her aside: "Hey, you can help me calculate? I've invested all my private money. How much can I earn if you help me calculate the odds of two or eight? "

She's the type of person who can do things in a moment and ignore the results. That's why she invested all her private money because of her anger. Now all of a sudden, it seems that there is such a big surprise. Thinking of this, she is really super happy. Originally winning is a great good thing, but now she suddenly has a large amount of silver, which makes her feel that her whole person is empty.

"Well, have I become a little rich woman?"

Jiao Yue calculated for her and said a number. Rong Changge immediately saw stars in her eyes. "My God, I, I, I, I have so much private money for the first time."

She took Jiao Yue's arm and said, "let's go. After a while, I'll invite you to dinner and let you choose a place. Haha, that's great."

Jiaoyue saw that she was already incoherent and happy. She poured cold water on her kindness: "I think you'd better keep a low profile. If you let more people know that you bet money, it's bad to attribute it to reputation. Moreover, this kind of thing depends on an opportunity. I didn't see it, but it was because there were a lot of people who lost their money."

Rong Changge took a look at her and said, "I'm not a fool. Of course I know it. Isn't this time to boost support? Everyone is not good at Daqi. I'm fighting for face for Daqi. "

If Jiao Yue had a smile, she saw that it was going to be dark, and said, "I'll take another day to eat. It's already evening today. I think I'm tired, so I'll go back and have a rest. What's more, I just saw that the prince and the princess were talking with the Tian family, and I didn't know what they said. I thought I would like to hold a banquet for you in the evening. You go back and change your clothes, but With all due respect, if it's a family dinner, and if there are people from Xiliang, then it's better not to dress up too well, so as not to be liked by people. "

Speaking of this, Rong Changge is more happy. When did she fight such a big face for her parents? All of a sudden, she really felt that the whole person was su Shuang.

"Oh, don't worry. I have a sense of propriety about this. I will never marry those bastards to Xiliang."

And Jiaoyue waved and ran away.

Seeing that Rong Changge ran away, Jiaoyue tilted her head and looked not far away: "brother Zhan has been standing there for a long time, don't you come?"

Rong Zhan smiles: "I knew that xiaotianbao had seen me in the early morning. Why? Have you finished the long song

Jiao Yue turned her lips and said seriously: "brother Zhan, isn't your cousin very good? I don't think you're friendly! As a matter of fact, she is arrogant, but there is nothing wrong with her

Rong Zhan if there seems to be no smile out: "don't pretend with me, xiaojiaoyue is not a meek little sheep."

Let Zhan bright smile, Jiao Yue was stunned.

To tell you the truth, Rong Zhan is really a man with round head and small face. He has a tiger body and a wolf with a good waist. This red robe can show all the advantages of his whole person.

Although with a bit of enchanting air, but eyebrows like sword, eyes like stars, nose like gall, heroic spirit, face like carved jade, noble cold, elegant and elegant.

Jiao Yue looked at him up and down. She looked at him enough and asked slowly, "why does brother Zhan wear so special today?"

She approached Rong Zhan a little bit and waved her hands, as if to smell his body carefully. Then she said earnestly, "brother Zhan also used balm today. The whole person's temperament is like Lanye."

Rong Zhan raised his eyebrows: "I don't think you are good at studying in women's school. I think words like LAN are used to describe women?"

Jiao Yue shook her head, seriously: "but I think it can also describe men, men and women, why distinguish so clearly?"

Rong Zhan pinches Jiao Yue's face son, slightly bends over: "you pour quite understand."

Jiao Yue bares her teeth to bite: "if you pinch my face again, I won't be polite."

Isn't it provocative?

Jiaoyue looks like this, Rong Zhan doesn't care, light way: "then how do you want to be rude? You should know that my kung fu is not weak. You can't even master the Kung Fu of a tripod. If you're not polite, would you just show your teeth and wave your fists and pretend to be

Jiao Yue snorted, she glared at Rong Zhan, then suddenly meaningful smile out, and slowly said: "no, I have a better way to deal with you."Giggle enough smile, Jiaoyue smile: "if you bully me again, I will rub dirty things on your body."

This is how to deal with people who are addicted to cleanliness!

Sure enough, Rong Zhan was stunned. Jiao Yue raised her small face and asked, "are you afraid?"

Rong Zhan's expression was a little tangled. Jiaoyue spat out her tongue and laughed. She was really tangled. She said in a good heart: "but for the sake of helping your sister, I won't see you all the same. Brother Zhan is so kind to me and helps me at the critical moment. Of course, I won't find fault easily. I'm not a mallet. "

Rong Zhan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? help? What did I do for you? "

They all look like they don't know anything.

Jiaoyue hehe: "I don't believe that bees are so stupid that they can't tell whether the flowers they painted are real flowers. Have you done something about it

Rong Zhan said earnestly: "you can't talk nonsense. I haven't been close to your sister at all, let alone the inkstone and paintings. Then tell me how I did it? Can I summon bees? If this is the case, I will call the bees to sting the Xiliang mission and let them all go. "

Rong Zhan's eyes are deep, dark and bright, and you can't tell whether what you said is true or not. If you are someone else, you will really believe Rong Zhan's words. But the more so, the more Jiaoyue doesn't believe it. She knows brother Zhan well, Rong Zhan It's not very good.

"I just know."

Jiao Yue is determined and serious.

See Jiaoyue so, Rong Zhan suddenly laughed out, he gently soft Jiaoyue's head, close to her ear, "your sister knows what I did."

Sure enough.

Jiao Yue Du mouth son: "I am so stupid, did not see."

The little girl was a little annoyed, but if you look at it carefully, you can see that she doesn't think so. Instead, she's a little girl, with a lot of childishness.

Although zhan'er smelled the fragrance of cham'er, she didn't seem to have a pleasant smell every time.

But when I thought that Mrs. Su was a master at making incense, I took it for granted.

Maybe she has used something for a long time since she was a child, and it will naturally have such a fragrance. It is also possible.

He gently stroked a trace of her hair hanging down, wrapped in the tip of her finger, the little girl's hair was black and bright, but the silver was busy all day, and it looked like some dust.

He said in a low voice, "go back at night and wash it carefully. It's windy in the paddock today. Your hair may be dirty."

Jiaoyue duzui: "you are not the same as yourself, but also say me! But why do you dress like a peacock today? That villain has been watching you! Terrible

Rong Zhan chuckled and said slowly, "villain? You are a wonderful adjective

Jiao Yue hummed: "I think people can't be wrong. He is the kind of guy who looks like a good philanthropist, but doesn't actually have a lot of bad water. He can't be wrong."

Rong Zhan whispered: "well, will you protect brother Zhan?"

Jiao Yue ha ha ha, if this person needs protection, the sky will fall down, but seeing this abnormal person occasionally still has a small vulnerability, Jiao Yue's heroic spirit: "no problem."

Rong Zhan with a bit of strange smile.

Jiaoyue looks at him like this, is really more and more puzzled, she wondered: "what are you laughing at?"

Rong Zhan raised his sight and looked not far away. He said, "I laugh at the nine princes of Xiliang. He wants to be a eavesdropper."

Jiao Yue is startled for a moment, and then turns back. As expected, Murong Jiu walks out of the flowers and meows a cat. These people are so easy to eavesdrop. Jiaoyue feels that she is really puzzled that there is no safe place. These people are not chaste at all.

Eavesdrop if you can!

Oh, yes, this bastard used to say that she was mentally retarded. Isn't that a fault?

Why is she mentally retarded?

Hostile small eyes in Murong nine flying around, she would like their white eyes into a root of sharp arrows, whizzing at him.

Murong nine does not look at Jiaoyue, only Rong Zhan, he takes a little smile, gentle: "now Zhan son still has a dog?"

Jiaoyue is so angry that she runs to the top of her head. She is a young girl, and she needs talent and looks in the capital. This bastard came up and called her a dog. Can she bear it?

Jiao Yue stares at Murong nine and says coldly: "who do you say?"

Murong Jiu glanced at her indifferently and whispered: "darling, go to play by yourself, don't bark here. Or throw you a bone? "

Jiao Yue just wants to rush up and hit people.

Rong Zhan's hand gently pressed on Jiaoyue's shoulder, his tone was cold: "what is he, what do you look at others?"

His fingers slipped on Jiaoyue's face and patted her pink face: "xiaotianbao, go back to the house and have a rest. You don't have to worry about things here. Some people are dogs themselves, so they want to say that they are all people."Just now, you want to protect your eyes

Murong Jiu laughed, full of irony.

Rong Zhan slowly: "it's OK. This is Daqi. What can he do?"

Jiaoyue more and more worried, I do not know why, she saw Murong nine brain will send out a red alarm, terrible!


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