Deep palace garden.

The heavy snow and cotton wadding kept falling, and the haze of the sky above the imperial city was low. Gold cage sparrow for, glazed cornice, more and more lining around the gray.

The emperor was reading by candlelight. The eunuch beside him filled him a cup of tea. The emperor did not move, but frowned, not very happy.

He finally put down the brush in his hand and said, "Xuanqi Shangshu entered the palace."

In the middle of the night, it was surprising, but the eunuch was calm and did not dare to say a word, and immediately went out.

The emperor's sight fell on a not far away, not far away a delicate box, the box is not transparent, but the emperor seems to be able to penetrate the box itself, see the objects in it. This is a jade pendant.

His smile was a little indifferent, but soon he heard someone at the door saying, "Qi Shangshu has arrived."

On a snowy night, after curfew, the Ministry of punishment was declared into the palace.

There is no need for tomorrow. Those who know it tonight will not be able to sit still. When the Minister of punishment enters the palace all night, who knows who is going to have bad luck again.

Qi Zhizhou knelt down to greet him. The emperor waved his hand and motioned him to get up. The state of Qi seriously said, "Your Majesty summoned Wei Chen all night, but what's the matter..."

Before he finished, the emperor said, "look at this."

It's a secret letter.

The state of Qi took a step forward and then read it carefully. After a while, he looked up and said, "the queen Xiliang really has something to do with the Regent of the northern Han Dynasty."

The emperor smiles and whispers, "yes, it really matters. So women really can't believe it. "

Qi state did not say anything, just stood there quietly.

The emperor looked at him with a smile and asked, "I forgot to congratulate you on having a little daughter these days."

Qi State mouth Yang Yang, visible a bit of joy, but still calm way: "thank you very much."

The emperor looked at the state of Qi in this way, until he could not help but say, "what does your majesty mean?"

The emperor slipped his finger over the teacup beside him and said, "this was sent to me by you 20 years ago. I've been using this day all the time. I'm really predestined to come to you and me. "

This kind of words let a king of a country say, and still for a man, it is a bit strange. But the state of Qi didn't say much. He still stood there quietly, as if the person talking to the emperor was not him.

"I mean, your little daughter, I wonder if she can marry my grandson."

Qi Zhizhou chuckled and said slowly, "Your Majesty has forgotten that the crown princess is my niece and daughter. So, it's not the same generation? We can't let the little bit of the prince marry his aunt. It's embarrassing. "

When the emperor thought about it, he thought that there were no other suitable ones. All of them were related to the state of Qi. In fact, it's not close. If it's settled down, it's nothing.

But it's always bad.

For a while, it was a little stuffy.

Qi Zhizhou seriously: "Your Majesty, the late night xuanchen enters the palace, isn't it just for such a little thing?"

He didn't believe it was.

Sure enough, if the emperor seemed to have no smile, he looked at him like that. After half a ring, he said, "Uncle Su of the Duke of Suzhou City, you must know it?"

Of course, Qi Zhizhou knows that since he was captured by the Xiliang people and betrayed Daqi, he disappeared, as if he could never be found in the world. Nevertheless, Qi Zhizhou does know that this man must have been arranged by his majesty to do something. It was for this reason that he did not ask much.

If he had not been arranged to do important things, his eldest son, Su Jian'an, would not have been in the present position. Although he was devoted to learning and was not outstanding in the court, according to the way of Uncle Su's death, he, as a son, would still be able to rise steadily and quietly step by step. The result is obvious.

Moreover, according to Su Jian'an's knowledge, the position of the imperial examination at the beginning was more meaningful.

Others only think that Rong Zhan is protecting the Duke's house of Sucheng. Su Sanlang and his majesty are brothers, but a king is always a king. What he can see is the best interests, the most favorable situation for himself, not friendship.

"I arranged him to be a eunuch in the Xiliang palace."

The corner of Qi's mouth twitched for a moment, and then he did not speak.

It's really good. A young master of other people arranged for them to be eunuchs.

The emperor did not change his face and continued: "there is no more suitable person than him. Besides, Rong Zhen will help him. "

Qi State down head, no words.

The emperor stood up and came to the state of Qi with a pamphlet in his hand. Holding his hand, he put the book into his hand and calmly said, "these people, if they are not clean, will go to prison directly."

He didn't let go of his hand.

Qi Zhizhou took out his hand and said, "yes."The emperor smiles: "those who have drawn a cross will be sent to prison directly without investigation."

Qi state is impossible to violate the emperor's will, he returned a voice, and then turned to leave.

The emperor looked at his back, and when he was about to touch the door, he said, "Zhizhou, it's hard for you."

Qi State smile: "these are micro minister's duties, not to mention what hard or not."

The emperor raised the corners of his mouth and said, "yes, it's all part of the business. But there is another thing you should pay attention to. I don't want zhan'er to know more. After all, it was his mother. "

Qi Zhizhou nodded: "I understand."

He left immediately.

The emperor looked at the figure of the state of Qi and hung his head in silence.

The state of Qi

He slightly drooped his eyes and explained: "I will not rest tonight, reading in my study."

On that night, the state of Qi didn't go back to shangshufu, but went to the Ministry of punishment. In the early hours of the morning, he began to arrest several ministers. It's always not that simple about collusion. However, if there is no evidence, there will not be such a big publicity.

When the new year is coming, I feel nervous all of a sudden. Many people have a bad year.

Qi Zhizhou returned to his residence the next night. Ji Chengshu was still in his month. When he heard that qizhizhou was back, he didn't care much. He only photographed his little daughter.

Qi State dust laden into the door, see a few boxes in the room, asked: "today Jiaoyue came?"

Ji Chengshu smiles: "you know it again."

Qi Zhizhou smiles: "only she and Qi'an can make these small things, and they are keen on making these small things. She's the only one. "

Ji Chengshu looked at the small toys on the table, laughed, nodded his head and said, "what you said is right."

Ji Chengshu is indifferent to others, but his younger brother Rong Zhan is not good for others. But since I just met Su Jiaoyue, she has been very fond of her, and now it is still the case, which makes qizhizhou a little surprised.

But also think, also don't feel surprised, Jiao Yue is so lovely, where can someone not like her!

"How do you feel?"

Qi Zhizhou sat by the bed and brushed Ji Chengshu's long hair. His tone softened a little: "it's cold, but we need to burn more dragons. Don't make your own decisions about everything."

Ji Chengshu sneered and asked, "do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Qi Zhizhou sent people out and pinched Ji Chengshu's face: "don't you just grow up? It's childlike. "

Ji Chengshu sneered again. The world will say that she is a child, and only qizhizhou is alone. I don't know what's in this person's brain, and firmly believe that he is still small.

She said, "have you been busy all day? It stinks. I don't want to change my clothes and take a bath. "

Qi State refused, he held Ji Chengshu's hand and sighed: "you won't dislike me."

With a lot of determination.

Ji chengshubai gave him a look, then he looked at it carefully, thought about it, and asked, "what happened?"

In the end, they also know the state of Qi.

Qi Zhizhou shakes his head and smiles. After thinking about it, he says, "it has nothing to do with you. You don't need to worry too much."

Ji Chengshu directly gave him a backhand and said, "you and I are still pretending? Although we are not so harmonious, but there is not a word of truth, right? "

She looked at the state of Qi and always felt that he was a little tired today. In the past, the people who saw him in the past were merciless and merciless. But Ji Chengshu married him and became a husband and wife. Only then did he find that qizhizhou was just an ordinary person with his own emotions.

"What's the matter with you? But it's not going well this time? "

Qi Zhizhou shook his head. He simply took off his shoes and leaned against the head of the bed. He said, "I'm just a little tired. For so many years, I didn't care about anything in the past. Now it's different. I want to guard you."

Ji Chengshu bit his lips and never heard him say such kind words. Even when it was that time, he was able to toss her, but he refused to say some gentle words.

"What happened to the emperor?"

In this way, the state of Qi looked at Ji Chengshu in surprise, slowed down and said, "Your Majesty's health is not very good."

Ji Chengshu was stunned.

Qi state holding Ji Chengshu's little hand, the couple leaned together and said, "if it wasn't for your Majesty's bad health, he would definitely not want to deal with those people. If he was so quick, he could only say that he was not in good health."

Ji Chengshu raised eyebrows: "can you think too much?"

Qi Zhizhou shook his head: "didn't you find out? He never invited you to sit down in the palace. It is reasonable to say that many large banquets should be attended by you, Mrs. Shangshu. But he didn't let you into the palace

Ji Chengshu knew this. She thought that the emperor hated her.

After all Although no one knows, Ji Chengshu really feels it.Your majesty looked at the original Prince Princess friendship is very shallow, but in fact it is not for others to see. Or, to deceive yourself.

The real reason, no one knows, no one knows!

As an emperor, he could not be tainted, so he never showed it, even like ordinary people, for fear that others would know everything.

Ji Chengshu thinks that even the heavenly family has its own disappointments.

She droops her eyes, sire. She's a broken sleeve! The man he adores is the state of Qi!

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