The troops of the northern Han Dynasty had been stationed at the border early. As soon as min Huai arrived here, he saw the other side standing in line. Although the posture is full of ten, but still do not act, as if waiting for something to take advantage of.

Min Huai was originally a general guarding Xiliang, but now he has been temporarily transferred. From Xiliang to the northern Han Dynasty, the customs of the two countries are quite different. He knows all kinds of things in Xiliang, but he doesn't understand the northern Han Dynasty. When he arranges him to come here to resist the enemy, he is also touched. He is a little confused about the sudden order.

Even the deputy general who had been with him for many years was puzzled and asked, "general, how could the emperor send you to the border suddenly? It doesn't make sense. "

Min Huai was also beating drums in his heart, shaking his head and saying, "I haven't made it clear, but I think there must be something strange in it. It's not just about changing places and guarding."

The deputy general agreed: "my subordinates have the same feeling. I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter. However, I really don't know what the emperor is thinking. He has already sent troops from the capital. Instead of letting them directly resist the enemy, it is strange that we have to transfer our troops from thousands of miles away. "

Min Huai patted the assistant general on the shoulder and said, "Rong Zhan has no experience in leading the army to fight for the first time. How can he directly lead his troops to resist?"

The deputy general didn't agree: "the general has been garrisoning in Xiliang for many years, and the wind and waves have been so calm that the people in Xiliang are terrified. Suddenly, the general is transferred to this place, and there is no doubt what kind of chaos there is. No matter how turbulent the frontier fortress is, it is easier to deal with than those people in Xiliang. "

Min Huai only got the way: "the holy meaning is unpredictable."

The deputy general was still dissatisfied and murmured at the side: "it's better to let a younger generation cut our Hu. If the command is improper, we have to run to the other side to save the field after finishing this fight."

Although min Huai said so, he was also murmuring in his heart. The emperor did not directly arrange rongzhan to deal with the northern Han Dynasty. Instead, he specially transferred him to the relatively stable Xiliang border. What was the reason? Is it just because he cares about Rong Zhan and his safety? If it was just like this, the emperor would not have ordered him to come at the beginning.

It looks like this on the surface, but it's not.

Min Huai looked at his deputy general and said, "maybe there will be an unexpected war soon."

Because the deputy general is an old soldier who has been following him for many years, he seems to be one of his own, so min Huai doesn't worry about his words.

The deputy general could not help but wonder: "general, the situation here is very clear. Our army will beat them to pieces and return triumphantly just a few people on the border."

Min Huai shook his head: "I don't mean our side."

After a moment's deliberation, the deputy general understood: "general, did you say Xiliang? I'll tell you, how can the people of Xiliang pay attention to sending such a little boy there? "

Min Huai shook his head and said, "you don't know. Rong Zhan is a man of both literary and military skills and both intelligence and courage. He should be able to deal with a Xiliang with his personal ability."

Min Huai went on: "you have been in the barracks for a long time. It's no fault if you don't know the secrets of chaotang. In those years, the first Prince and my father were defeated and killed. Rong Zhan hated Xiliang deeply and wanted to get along with it quickly. Now the emperor arranges rongzhan to go there. It can be seen that the Emperor may have wanted to fight Xiliang. "

Min Huai now has a lot of doubts, because the arrangement is too strange, so he doubts whether the emperor really wants to start with Xiliang.

As soon as Rong Zhan arrived in Xiliang, he immediately set up his troops and set up an array to guard against and guard against all the passes. The result is not true.

The Scout trotted straight to the camp tent, and said in a shrill voice, "newspaper."

probe kneeling report: "report, the West cool troops have been secretly mobilized."

Rong Zhan raised his head from the map and nodded: "I know, continue to explore."

"Yes," said the spy

The wolf of Xiliang is ambitious and wants to take advantage of the fire when he is attacked by the enemy and take a share of the chaotic situation.

Not long after, our army found a local spy at the border of Xiliang. As soon as rongzhan got the news, he immediately ordered people to surround him and make sure that he would be captured alive.

At the same time, a secret report came from the capital. The emperor ordered people to pay more attention to the situation of the northern Han Dynasty and report it immediately as soon as there is any news.

In the capital city, the emperor ordered strict defense here, and made an appointment with the state of Qi.

The state of Qi was ordered to go to the Imperial Palace and see the Emperor: "I don't know what the emperor is looking for today. What's the matter?"

The emperor shook his head and said, "nothing important. In recent days, I have had a few dreams about what we did when we were reading together. Now when I recall, life at that time was really fun. "

The state of Qi looked at the emperor with a tired look. The whole state of people was actually tired and decadent, and his heart was moved. Think carefully, after so many years, the emperor is actually not easy! It is not easy for each of them. The emperor is the master of the world. In fact, everything may not be all right.Qi Zhizhou said with a smile: "at that time, we were all ignorant and fearless. You were bigger than us and clamored for us to take us to fight for justice and eliminate the tyranny. After class, we were all swayed by this stick behind us, thinking about something important that would give us a place to use, a thorough fire. Now I think we were the most restless at that time

Qi Zhizhou remembers that time, can't say the feeling, said can think of them still have that kind of day.

The emperor laughed and said: "Zhizhou brother, you still remember that you were not, obviously the one who was thin and small, but it was the one who yelled the most vigorously. It is not vague in practice."

Qi said, "it reminds me of Huangzhou."

The two said in a different voice: "chased by the dog." After that, they all laughed heartily.

The emperor said, "at that time, we were wandering in the street after class. You saw a thief who stole a woman's purse. Without saying a word, we rushed over. We couldn't stop shouting and catching up. I don't know how you ran so fast at that time."

Qi Zhizhou also said: "at that time, I didn't know what to be afraid at all. It was strange to say that the man running in front of him must be a big man more than half a head higher than me at a glance. I didn't even think about waiting for you or what to do if I caught up with him. I just tried my best to follow him for fear that he would be thrown away."

The emperor said, "that's right. We were right behind you at that time, but we couldn't catch up with both of you. We didn't know how far we followed. Finally, I watched you turn into someone else's house with the thief. "

The emperor said here, then stopped, seems to think of some interesting scene, a force in the music.

Qi Zhizhou then said: "I didn't think it was that guy who trapped me. I just firmly wanted to catch him. Finally, I was chased by the dog for three or four blocks. Finally, I had no strength to run. I simply jumped into the lake and gave up. "

The emperor finally stopped laughing and said, "who knows that the family where you jump has a rhubarb dog, barking at you. The owner of the house thought you were a little thief. He just let the dog bite you and tore a hole in your pants

Qi Zhizhou said: "it was not easy for me to catch an opportunity at that time. As far as my body is concerned, you all say that I am weak. If you handle it on behalf of me, there is no chance for me to be powerful. I won't let go of my chance to prove myself

The emperor then said, "after that, I'll take you back with me, and I'll teach you a lesson with Mr. Qi."

Qi Zhizhou replied: "you don't patronize me, you are not sneaking around, and finally let the pig arch."

The emperor's old face was flushed with shame, but he didn't care about being robbed. He replied, "I didn't mean to open meat for you?"

Qi Zhizhou chuckled and fell into the memory. He said slowly: "you saw that there was no one in the house, so you wanted to steal a chicken from the family. How could you know that the chicken is so hard to catch? You stomped and swore in the chicken coop."

The emperor said, "where did I catch a chicken? I just looked at other people's appearance and imitated it there. I didn't think it was so difficult."

Qi Zhizhou said: "who would like to be caught by the returning master, so that the pig arched."

The emperor quibbled: "then I didn't know he would come back at that time. Besides, I've only heard of herding cattle and sheep. Where else have you heard of pigs? I really don't know what the family is thinking and what is the need for pigs. If not, where would I be

Qi Zhizhou said with a laugh: "the world is so big that there is no wonder. That's just to say that you deserve it. "

The emperor also laughed: "the past things, now I want to pour is also interesting. I don't know if you still remember Aunt Wang's house at the east end of the village

Qi Zhizhou nodded: "of course. That aunt is really kind-hearted. Seeing our children playing around there every day, she doesn't know to go home for dinner on time. She is worried that we are starving. As long as we appear in front of her door, we are bound to call us to her house, stir fry a plate of hot eggs for us, and sit on the side smiling and watching us gobble

The emperor nodded and said, "I still remember the taste of that egg. That dish is the most delicious food I've ever eaten. Even though there are many choices now, nothing can replace it in my heart. "

Qi Zhizhou nodded: "yes. But later, the aunt didn't know where to go

The emperor did not answer for a long time, and finally sighed: "I am old, and my body is not as strong as before. What I can do is very limited."

Qi State engraved: "the emperor will be able to live a happy life."

The emperor waved his hand: "you and my brothers, you don't have to say those empty ones. My body, I know that this river and mountain is not my own, but the people of the world. I have to witness Rong Zhan's strength and see how capable he is. Then I can rest assured. "After saying so much, the emperor finally said, "if one day, I will not be here. Zhan'er, you must help me a lot. "

The state of Qi was moved by the speech.

He was serious: "I know."

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