Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 103 Urgent Urgency (please subscribe and vote monthly)

After confirming Xu Dake's address, Luo Fei and the others rushed to Xingfu Community as quickly as possible.

However, considering that coming directly to the door would probably alarm Xu Dake and make the rescue operation more difficult.

So they discussed and asked the security guard to contact the people at the property, planning to let them come to the house to test the situation.

While waiting for the property management staff, a group of them stood waiting under Xu Dake's building.

Then they also saw the lights in Xu Dake's room on the third floor turn on.

Several people were a little nervous, and while they were guessing what this meant, Luo Fei suddenly frowned, "No, this guy is probably setting a fire!"

It turned out that the window in Xu Dake's bedroom was not closed tightly, so the smell of burnt newspapers easily drifted out through the gap and was smelled by Luo Fei.

Realizing that something was wrong, after he said this, he rushed upstairs quickly, followed by a few people who came back to their senses.

However, their speed could not compare with Luo Fei, who was fused with the cheetah speed gene, so when they arrived at 303, what they saw was the door that had been kicked open.

"I'll go, Luo Fei is really fierce!"

This is the common thought of everyone present at this moment.

At the same time, Luo Fei kicked open the bedroom door that was constantly smoking, and then saw the man and woman cuddling together.

However, the woman's hands and feet were tied, which was obviously not voluntary.

He immediately recognized the woman as Sun Ling, and as for the man, there was no need to guess, it must be Xu Dake.

In the house, Sun Ling, who thought she was certain to die, saw someone rushing in. Her survival instinct made her cry for help, "Help, help, help me..."

Luo Fei quickly covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves and rushed in.

Even if he arrived in time, the fire in the house was not too big at the moment, mainly because there was a lot of smoke.

After kicking away the two obstructing stools, he arrived in front of Sun Ling.

But before he could save him, the angry Xu Dake had already rushed up and stood in front of Sun Ling.

"You can never take away my Sun Ling, she is mine, no one is allowed to take her away!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Luo Fei with a desperate attitude, but with his physique, it would be difficult for ordinary people to defeat him, let alone Luo Fei.

Easily grabbing his fist that was swinging wildly, Luo Fei forcefully swung him toward the door, and Xu Dake staggered toward the door.

At the same time, Luo Fei immediately picked up Sun Ling and ran out of the bedroom quickly.

When passing by the door, Xu Dake, who was knocked unconscious from the fall, wanted to pounce on him, but fortunately, Zhao Donglai and others had already rushed in at this time.

"Luo Fei, is there anyone else in the room?"

Zhao Donglai asked while quickly controlling Xu Dake.

"It's gone in this room, and I don't know about the other rooms."

According to the information they received, Xu Da was renting here with his wife and children.

Worried that these two people were still in the house, Zhao Donglai immediately handed Xu Dake over to Wang Lei, "Luo Fei, Wang Lei, take these two people out first. Yang Su, you and I go to other rooms to take a look!"

"Captain Zhao, then be careful."

Luo Fei warned him, and quickly ran out with Sun Ling in his arms. Wang Lei followed closely behind, holding Xu Dake in his arms.

After running downstairs, Yang Fan and others hurriedly greeted him.

Just after it was determined that Xu Dake was the most suspect, Zhao Donglai asked Yang Fan and others to come over for support.

Seeing Luo Fei bring the person out safely now, everyone felt relieved.

Luo Fei had no time to chat with them. After handing the shocked Sun Ling into their hands, Luo Fei said, "Quickly notify the fire brigade people to come over. Xu Dake set fire to the room."

"In addition, Sun Ling inhaled a lot of thick smoke. Remember to ask 120 to come over and a few more people to go up and notify the residents of this building and organize their evacuation to avoid accidents if the fire cannot be controlled soon."

After arranging all this, he rushed upstairs again.

When he ran to the stairs on the third floor, he saw Zhao Donglai and Yang Su walking down. Zhao Donglai was holding a seven or eight-year-old girl in his arms, while Yang Su was supporting a woman in pajamas with a yellow face. At this moment Her face was pale and she looked very weak.

Luo Fei estimated that these should be Xu Dake's wife and children.

Seeing Luo Fei leaving and returning, knowing that he was worried, Zhao Donglai took the initiative and said, "Don't worry, there is no one left."

"Okay, then you go down first, I want to go in again."

"Everyone has been rescued, why are you going in?"

"Firefighting, of course!"

When he entered, the fire wasn't too big, only the middle of the bed was burning, but if the fire was allowed to continue to spread, the entire building would be in danger.

Luo Fei ran in such a hurry because he wanted to put out the fire quickly.

When Zhao Donglai heard his plan, he became very angry.

"Nonsense! It's so dangerous inside now. Why are you trying to be a hero? You're not allowed to go! I've already notified the fire brigade and they will be here soon."

"I know what you mean, but there are specialties in the profession. You are a criminal police officer, not a firefighter. You don't even have basic knowledge about fire. What's the difference between going in like this and dying in vain!"

Luo Fei had just been thinking about protecting the people's property safety, so he didn't think about the consequences at all, and rushed forward with enthusiasm. But after being criticized like this by Zhao Donglai, he really calmed down.

Indeed, compared to firefighters, he doesn't have much experience in putting out fires.

And he didn't even have any protective equipment. If he went in rashly, he might not be able to put out the fire, but would get himself in instead.

At this time, a fire truck siren sounded in the community.

Luo Fei finally gave up the idea of ​​putting out the fire, "Captain Zhao, you taught me the right lesson, then I'll notify the residents upstairs and ask them to evacuate immediately."

"That's pretty much it. Go quickly and be careful."

Then Luo Fei, Yang Fan and others who caught up, went from house to house to notify everyone to evacuate.

The firefighters who came outside immediately brought professional equipment and began to put out the fire.

Half an hour later, the fire was finally put out.

Fortunately, the fire brigade arrived in time, so the fire did not cause any greater damage except burning the bedroom beyond recognition.

At three o'clock in the morning, Luo Fei, Yang Fan and others dragged their exhausted bodies back to the police station.

Several people didn't bother to rest, and rushed to Zhao Donglai's office without stopping to briefly report on the fire-fighting situation.

Hearing that the fire did not cause any damage, Zhao Donglai excitedly patted Luo Fei on the shoulder, "Luo Fei, you did a good job this time."

"Not only did we find the kidnappers in a very short period of time and successfully rescued Sun Ling, we also contained a fire in time and saved the people's property. I have just reported this matter to Director Wu, and he said he will definitely help. You asked for credit from the city!"

In addition to excitement, there was also happiness in his voice.

Unlike the previous murder cases, although no one was killed in this case, the situation was much more serious than those previous cases.

In addition to Sun Ling's special status, which involves the honor of the entire Ningjiang County, there is also the fire that Xu Dake set.

It was already midnight and everyone was already asleep.

If they didn't arrive in time, once the fire spread, dozens of residents up and down the floors would be in danger.

By then, not to mention their criminal police team, I'm afraid the entire county will be affected.

It can be seen from this that Luo Fei's contribution this time is huge!

"Thank you, Captain Zhao." After Luo Fei thanked him as usual, he immediately asked, "By the way, how is Sun Ling's current situation? And Xu Dake, has he been arraigned?"

"Sun Ling just inhaled some smoke and dust. It's nothing serious. He has been sent to the hospital. Xu Dake's boss is in a hurry, so Yang Su and I have interrogated him."

"But don't worry, the credit must be yours."

"Captain Zhao, where are you thinking? I just want to ask if Xu Dak can be recruited?"

"He did it. Maybe he felt that the plan was ruined, so we didn't do much interrogation and he confessed everything."

"It's almost as you guessed. His wife Chen Yu disliked him for being incompetent and got entangled with men outside before marriage. Not only was Xu Dake unable to stop him, but he was also laughed at and ridiculed by his friends. The long-term depression caused him to My mind started to get a little abnormal, so I planned this kidnapping case and planned to take Sun Ling with me to die for love."

When Wang Lei arrested Xu Dake just now, the other party shouted from time to time that he wanted to die with Sun Ling.

Therefore, he couldn't help complaining, "Because his wife cheated on her, he planned to kidnap Sun Ling and commit suicide with him? What kind of logic does he have? Isn't this perverted?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How could he do such a thing without being a pervert?" Xia Zheng rolled his eyes at him.

Luo Fei heard something strange, "Captain Zhao, if it's just because of these reasons, he shouldn't be so crazy. There should be other things involved, right?"

Honest people like Xu Dake have one characteristic, that is, they are very tolerant.

Unless they are forced into a desperate situation, it is impossible for them to choose such an extreme way of doing things.

But since he discovered that his wife was unfaithful before marriage, and he could endure it until the child was as old as he was, he must have gotten used to it, so there must have been other triggers that stimulated him.

Zhao Donglai couldn't help but nodded appreciatively, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. Yes, if it's really just his wife cheating on him, he really won't be like this."

"According to his explanation, the reason that led him to have such an extreme idea was that he suddenly discovered that his daughter was not his biological child half a year ago."

"What, his daughter is not his biological child?"


Zhao Donglai briefly described Xu Dake's confession.

Because of his appearance, Xu Dake had very low self-esteem since he was a child and did not dare to blend in with the crowd. Later, he got lucky and found Chen Yu as his wife.

Although Chen Yu was very carefree before marriage, Xu Dake always felt that as long as she waited until marriage, she would be able to calm down. However, after the two got married, Chen Yu always went his own way.

Xu Dake also thought about divorce, but his conditions were not as good as others in all aspects. The only thing he could offer was a relatively beautiful wife. For the sake of face, he endured the humiliation, even if everyone later knew that he had been cuckolded. , and he still pretended not to know anything.

But what he never expected was that the daughter he had always loved was not his son, but the daughter of his wife and a wild man outside.

The moment he knew the truth, Xu Dake felt like the sky was falling.

In the past six months, he had been angry, resentful, and impulsively wanted to kill his wife to vent his anger, but he did not have the courage, but this also made him hate his own cowardice and incompetence even more.

He stopped working seriously, began to give up on himself, and even had thoughts of having a child.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly heard the news that Sun Ling was coming to the county to hold a concert.

If Xu Dake's relatives and friends only brought him harm, then Sun Ling was the only light in his life.

In his original words, only Sun Ling's songs can make him feel a little warm. These songs accompany him every day and night, just like Sun Ling is by his side.

Although in the eyes of normal people, this kind of statement is completely his own wishful thinking, Xu Dake doesn't think so.

He believed that in this dirty world, Sun Ling was the only confidant who could understand him, so he suddenly had the idea of ​​taking Sun Ling with him to die for love.

After that, he planned everything secretly, and easily grasped Sun Ling's whereabouts through his identity as a hotel staff, and successfully kidnapped Sun Ling in the park outside the concert.

Everyone sighed after hearing this, and Wang Lei even said, "So, he can be considered a pitiful person."

After all, for any man to find out that not only his wife has cheated on her, but the child is not even his, there are really not many people who can accept this kind of blow.

"No, it's a pity that he should never have thought of kidnapping others and planning to set fire to them."

"So, there must be something hateful about poor people."

"By the way, Captain Zhao, were the mother and daughter you and the team leader rescued at that time Chen Yu and her daughter?" Luo Fei asked again.

"It was them. Yang Su and I found this mother and daughter in the closet of the next bedroom. It is said that they were tied up hand and foot by Xu Dake a few days ago. If we go later, these two people She was probably going to die, and when 120 took her away, she was said to be severely dehydrated."

"No wonder they looked so weak at the time."

"So this time it's lucky that you discovered it in time, otherwise things would have ended badly this time."

The few of them chatted for a while, and Zhao Dong looked at his watch and said, "Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back and take a break. We have to get up early to go to work tomorrow."

These words reminded a few people. Wang Lei looked at his phone and saw that it was already half past three. He suddenly looked sad and said, "Captain Zhao, is this still necessary? Wait until you get home to wash up again. It's already dawn."

"Then you just wait here for dawn. I can't bear it anyway, so I have to go back first."

Zhao Dong said, yawned and walked out.

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